“Turkey’s economy minister met Bollywood producers and directors in Mumbai, India on Tuesday. In the meeting, Zafer Caglayan said Turkey and India could cooperate in TV series and film industries, and Turkish TV series were exported to 39 countries and 300 million foreigners were watching them.
Caglayan said Turkey wanted to market TV series to more countries, and called on Bollywood filmmakers to come and shoot films in Turkey.
“We think of implementing tax exemptions and incentives,” Caglayan said.
Turkey’s film and TV series exports reached almost 100 million USD in 2010.”
Source : Cumhuriyet
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Julien Paris (16 novembre 2011). “Turkey’s economy minister meets Bollywood filmmakers” – Cumhuriyet. « Devam edecek... ». Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/njhe