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“Turkey’s advertising sector sees 20% growth” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“Turkey’s Association of Advertising Agencies has announced advertising investment figures for 2011 compiled with data from member media agencies.

Advertising spending increased by 20% last year, compared to the year prior, reaching a total of four billion, 320 million liras. This means that the Association of Advertising Agencies’ announcement released to the press at the start of 2011, in which they stated they were expecting to see 20 percent growth in the year, has in effect been realized.

Parallel with the activity in the markets, the 2010 figure of three billion, 613 million TL in total advertisement saw a 20 percent increase in 2011 with totals reaching four billion, 320 million TL. The distribution of investments is as follows: 56.66% in television, 24.25% in the press, 7.97% on the internet, 7.09 % outdoors, 2.80 percent in radio and 1.23 percent consisted of movie theater ads. Economic developments in 2011, the high growth speed and the liveliness in the markets has positively affected the advertising sector. After already experiencing 31 percent growth in 2010, the advertisement sector continues to follow an upward trend with 20 percent growth seen in 2011. The driving forces in the sector’s growth were the areas of communication, food, cosmetics and personal care items as well as home cleaning products.

Turkey’s Association of Advertising Agencies has high hopes for 2012. According to the announcement, expectations of advertisement sales for 2012 are at the 15 percentile range.”

Source : Sabah

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Julien Paris (8 mars 2012). “Turkey’s advertising sector sees 20% growth” – Sabah. « Devam edecek... ». Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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