“Turkey’s hit TV series ‘Çocuklar Duymasın’ (Children Shall Not Hear) has caused tension between its Turkish producer and Azerbaijani producers. MinT Production, which holds the copyrights of the series, is preparing to sue the Azerbaijani Xazer TV channel. The owner of the production company, producer and screenwriter Birol Güven, says: ‘The problem of copyrights is common in all around the world. There should be a certain standard’
One of Turkey’s most popular TV series, “Çocuklar Duymasın” (Children Shall Not Hear), has caused tension between its Turkish production company and Azerbaijan. MinT (Made in Turkey), which holds the copyrights to the TV series, is set to sue the Azerbaijani TV channel Xazer for copyright infringement. (…)”
Read the rest of the article : Hürriyet Daily News
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Julien Paris (16 mars 2011). “TV series cause tension between Turkish and Azerbaijan producers” – Hürriyet. « Devam edecek... ». Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/njf0