“TURKEY— AGB Nielsen and Turkey’s TV audience measurement body, TÍAK, have launched a legal investigation after some members of Nielsen’s TV panel reported being offered money to change their viewing habits.
TNS will establish a 3,500 household panel, with each home fitted with the 5000 Series Modular PeopleMeter. The panel will begin reporting data from 2011 and TNS’s InfoSys software will be used for analysis.
In a statement, AGB Nielsen’s Turkey MD Craig Johnson said the firm was “naturally disappointed” to lose the contract, but vowed to “continue to work hard to deliver high quality data and service” until the hand-over date.(…)”
Source : Research-live.com
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Julien Paris (16 octobre 2009). “TNS trumps AGB Nielsen in race for Turkish TV ratings contract” – Resarch-live. « Devam edecek... ». Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/njf4