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“Media and the city workshop” – ECREA

Organisers’ description:

The MEDIA & THE CITY Temporary Working Group is happy to announce the organization of its first Workshop. The Workshop will take place on FEBRUARY 10, 2012, at the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of MILAN, ITALY.


Workshop overview

The first TWG Workshop will feature parallel sessions and a final plenary. During the parallel sessions, members will be able to share and discuss their research. The final plenary session will discuss the organizational aspects of the Group and delineate future activities. Parallel sessions will be open to all interested scholars, while the plenary will be open only for TWG members.


Selected papers (see website for full details):

Giorgia Aiello – The urban built environment as global(ist) communication: Concepts, methods, critique

Clemens Apprich – Rise and fall of the city metaphor to describe digital networks in the 1990s

Girogio Bacchiega – Peripheral views on Milan

Giovanni Caruso, Riccardo Fassone, Gabriele Ferri and Mauro Salvador – Check-in everywhere: Places, people, narrations, games

Mariana Ciancia and Walter Mattana – Imagine Milan: An audiovisual design thinking approach to the image of the city

Andrea Cuman – Hardcopy vs digital mobile travel guidebooks: A preliminary comparison on mediated spatial interactino and a case study

Amedeo Damato – Cities of blood and longing. The protagonist’s architectural projection in Hollywood cinema

Miriam De Rosa – Cinematic architectures IN SITU. Notes on the participatory construction of a visual urban imagery

Manuela Farinosi – New media and the city in an “out of ordinary” context: Exploring the motivations behind the citizen journalism production after a natural disaster

Gabriele Ferri and Patrick Coppock – Serious urban games. From play in the city to play for the city

Katalin Feher – Digital urban identities

Cezary Hunkiewicz – City as a medium: The space and street art activities

Angelo Imperiale – Avoiding urban marginality: How to build social sustainability?

Sami Kolamo – Branding urban spaces through football media spectacles

Peter Maroldt – New media and the Asian city

Gonca Noyan – Old bridge as a symbol of multiculturalism: Global discourse and local narratives in Mostar

Christian Oggolder – Losing centrality – urban spaces and the network society

Seja Ridell – The cybercity as a medium. Public living and agency in the digitally shaped urban space

Gabriella Sandstig – There is a light that never goes out – cultivation effects on the freedom of movement in urban and suburban public places

Barbara Scifo – The sense of place from mobile communicatino to locative media

Katia Segers, Joost Vaesen and Rudi Janssens – Opportunities and dangers of Brussels media for its Dutch-speaking minority. Research on audience use, expectations and appreciation

Satomi Sugyiama – The muted mobile in Tokyo

Moira Sweeney – Space and the geographical imagination on the Dublin Docklands

Robert Szwed – Researching media representations of the city. Preliminary remarks on how to measure representations of Lublin, Poland

Matteo Tarantino and Simone Tosoni – Convergent media and social production of space: An approach through controversies

Federica Timeto – In the middle of urban space: The case of critical city

Ferenc Zsélyi – Concrete dreamworks

Ferenc Zsélyi, István András and Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár – Global staging in a postindustrial city: Dunaújváros, the media platform of intercultural networking

Weiming Ye – Phoenix man and woman: Discussions on urban and rural gap in Chinese BBS forums

Protégé : Looking for the territories of a “creative city” in Istanbul. Inputs from industrial geography into cultural industries studies.

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Seminar “Studying the Arts in Society. New Developments in Research and Training”

Presentation :

“This workshop investigates the consequences of these developments and the opportunities they provide. It has three main aims: (1) to explore a variety of approaches, in research and teaching, of the functioning of the arts in society today; (2) to provide a platform for cross-pollination between the department of Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Groningen and participating departments of Istanbul universities regarding both research and education and (3) thus, to explore the basis for structural cooperation between our universities in research, education, staff exchange and student exchange.

The presentations will deal with the development of new and promising approaches within distinct fields of interest, namely (1) Art policy and management, (2) Art education, among others from a cognitive perspective, and (3) Ethical and ideological issues in both artworks and art criticism.
Murat Belge (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Selen Ansen (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Deniz Bayrakdar (Kadir Has University)
Melis Behlil (Kadir Has University)
Barend van Heusden (University of Groningen)
Quirijn van den Hoogen (University of Groningen)
Aylin Kalem (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Liesbeth Korthals Altes (University of Groningen)
Levent Soysal (Kadir Has University)
Deniz Ünsal (Istanbul Bilgi University)

Source :
Location: Netherlands Institute in Turkey
Tel: 0212 293 9283

Conference “Space and Culture” / Univ. Kadir Has / September 8-10th 2011

The Sixth International Cultural Studies Conference, Space and Culture 2011, will take place on the 8th to the 11th of September 2011 in İstanbul.

The 6th Cultural Studies Conference on “Space and Culture” jointly organized by Turkish Cultural Studies Association and Kadir Has University will be held on 8-10 September 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. The purpose of the conference is to question existing paradigms in topics that bring together the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘space,’ to present critical and analytical studies in these themes, and to explore new theoretical and methodological approaches in cultural studies with inter- and multi- disciplinary perspectives. The international cultural studies conferences that are organized every two years by this association have made significant contributions to cultural studies and brought together scholars who work in this area. Since the first meeting in Kemer, Antalya (2001), the Conferences have been organized, jointly, with 100. Yıl University in Van (2003), with Koç University in İstanbul (2005), with Işık University in Şile (2007), and with Karaelmas University in Zonguldak (2009).

Abstracts are invited on the following sub-themes related to Turkish cultures, cultures of Turkey, and cultures of Turks, whether they are located in or outside Turkey. The conference is open to a variety of approaches and themes as long as they deal with culture and space, and are pertinent to the central focus of the conference.

See the program here :

Carte Google des holdings à Istanbul