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Quelques perles du cinéma turc des années 50′-70’…

Erol Amaç est M. Spak (à ne pas confondre avec M.Spock, qui lui porte un sous-pull bleu). Source : Monster movie music

Voici quelques extraits – pour rire mais aussi pour déplacer un peu le regard qu’on porte habituellement sur le cinéma – d’adaptations turques de franchises américaines des années 70 et 80…

Celles qui m’intéressent le plus directement sont avant tout les adaptations de séries de cette époque telles que Star Trek “alla turca” ou “Betmen”, mais on ne peut s’empêcher se savourer d’autres adaptations locales pour le cinéma : “Supermen”, “Badi” (la version turque de E.T.), le magicien d’Oz turc, “Frankeştayn”, Drakula à Istanbul, le Zorro turc… et bien sûr l’inénarrable “Turkish Star Wars”, connu également sous son nom original de “Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam” (l’homme qui a sauvé le monde). “Nanarland“, qu’on peut saluer pour ses leçons de cinéma et son érudition particulière dans le genre “série Z” a d’ailleurs consacré une émission à ce film. Une attention particulière est à porter aux bandes sons, on peut reconnaître des emprunts parfois étranges, voire hors propos.

Voir aussi quelques pages et groupes où assouvir sa nostalgie ou sa curiosité de bizarreries datées :

Groupe Facebook “Eski Yerli Diziler ve Filmler” :

Emission “Escale à Nanarland” :

Le site de Nanarland, “le site des mauvais films sympathiques” :


Les acteurs de “Turist Ömer Uzay Yolu’nda” sur la place Taksim. Source : Facebook (Rauf Kösemen)

Source : Nanarland

“Network” (1976) by Sydney Lumet

Un extrait de ce film d’un cynisme caustique sur la télévision des années 70 aux US : le “tube”. Une satire qui fait toujours réfléchir sur l’état des médias aujourd’hui.
Voir sa fiche sur IMDB :

[…] Howard Beale: So, you listen to me. Listen to me: Television is not the truth! Television is a God-damned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side-show freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business! So if you want the truth… Go to God! Go to your gurus! Go to yourselves! Because that’s the only place you’re ever going to find any real truth.

But, man, you’re never going to get any truth from us. We’ll tell you anything you want to hear; we lie like hell. We’ll tell you that, uh, Kojak always gets the killer, or that nobody ever gets cancer at Archie Bunker’s house, and no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don’t worry, just look at your watch; at the end of the hour he’s going to win. We’ll tell you any shit you want to hear. We deal in *illusions*, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds… We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even *think* like the tube!

This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God’s name, you people are the real thing! *WE* are the illusion! So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now. Turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of the sentence I’m speaking to you now! TURN THEM OFF… […]

Documentary : “Creativity and the capitalist city. A struggle for affordable space in Amsterdam” a film by Tino Buchholz

Text from the official webpage of the documentary :  

“Creativity is fancy, glamorous and desirable. Who can be against creativity? At the same time it is used selectively for economic purposes and consists of precarious and hard work.

In this film, the search for creativity is linked to existential struggles for affordable housing and working space in Amsterdam, such as temporary accommodation, squatting, anti-squatting and some institutional synthesis: “breeding places” Amsterdam.

This film is more than a local documentary on Amsterdam. It explores the latest urban re-/development pattern in advanced Western capitalist cities. The hype around the creative city began already a decade ago, it is global in scope and about to reach its peak. After Richard Florida’s influential book “The Rise of the Creative Class” (2002) creativity has advanced to be the role model of urban regeneration:The New American Dream.

 The whole film is watchable here :!prettyPhoto

“Turquie – Série TV : l’empire contre-attaque” – émission Faut Pas Rêver

Extrait d’un reportage de Sandrine Léonardelli et Patrick Méheut (production France Télévisions / Faut pas rêver)

“Depuis une dizaine d’années, les séries télé « made in Turquie » règnent en maîtres sur le petit écran. Avec un marché de 70 millions de téléspectateurs, leur production est devenue une véritable industrie dont Istanbul est la capitale. Exit les feuilletons brésiliens ou mexicains, les séries turques parlent aussi d’amour, de crimes ou de trahison. Leurs héros sont beaux, souvent riches et puissants et ils sont turcs ! Et c’est ça qui fait la différence ! Leader absolu de l’audience depuis un an, « Le siècle magnifique » raconte la vie de Soliman, le plus grand sultan de l’Empire ottoman, y compris sa vie privée… Un pari osé en Turquie ! “

Lien sur le site officiel de l’émission Faut Pas Rêver :

“En fait-on trop avec les séries télé?” – France Culture / Du grain à moudre

Ecouter l’émission en cliquant sur ce lien

Invité(s) :

Benoit Lagane, producteur à France Culture
François Jost, spécialiste des médias Directeur de la revue Télévision
Thibaut de Saint-Maurice, philosophe

Source: France Culture

Documentary : “Ekümenopolis : city without limits”, by Imre Azem

source :

Projection at the IFEA : May 25th 2011, 6pm


“The neoliberal transformation that swept through the world economy during the 1980’s, and along with it the globalization process that picked up speed, brought with it a deep transformation in cities all over the world. For this new finance-centered economic structure, urban land became a tool for capital accumulation, which had deep effects on major cities of developing countries. In Istanbul, which already lacked a tradition of principled  planning, the administrators of the city blindly adopted the neoliberal approach that put financial gain ahead of people’s needs; everyone fought to get a piece of the loot; and the result is a megashantytown of 15 million struggling with mesh of life-threatening problems.

Especially in the past 10 years, as the World Bank foresaw in its reports, Istanbul has been changing from an industrial city to a finance and service-centered city, competing with other world cities for investment. Making Istanbul attractive for investors requires not only the abolishment of legal controls that look out for the public good, but also a parallel transformation of the users of the city. This means that the working class who actually built the city as an industrial center no longer have a place in the new consumption-centered finance and service city. So what is planned for these people?

This is where the “urban renewal” projects come into play. Armed with new powers never before imagined, TOKI (State Housing Administration), together with the municipalities and private investors, are trying to reshape the urban landscape in this new vision. With international capital behind them, land plans in their hands, square meters and building coefficients in their minds, they are demolishing neighborhoods, and instead building skyscrapers, highways and shopping malls. But who do these new spaces serve?

The huge gap between the rich and the poor in Istanbul is reflected more and more in the urban landscape, and at the same time feeds on the spatial segregation. While the rich isolate themselves in gated communities, residences and plazas; new poverty cycles born in social housing communities on the prifery of the city designed as human depots continue to push millions to desperation and hopelessness. So who is responsible for this social legacy that we are leaving for future generations?

While billions of dollars are wasted on new road tunnels, junctions, and viaducts with a complete disregard for the scientific fact that all new roads eventually create their own traffic, Istanbul in 2010 has to contend with a single-line eight-station metro “system”. Due to insufficient budget allocations for mass public transportation, rail and other alternative transport systems, millions of people are tormented in traffic, and billions of dollars worth of time go out the exhaust pipe. What do our administrators do? You guessed right: more roads!

Everything changes so fast in this city of 15 million that it is impossible to even take a snap-shot for planning. Plans are outdated even as they are being made. A chronic case of planlessness. Meanwhile, the population keeps increasing and the city expands uncontrollably pushing up against Tekirdağ in the east and Kocaeli in the west. But does Istanbul really have a plan?

In 1980 the first plan for Istanbul on a metropolitan scale was produced. In that plan report, it is noted that the topography and the geographic nature of the city would only support a maximum population of 5 million. At the time, Istanbul had 3.5 million people living in it. Now we are 15 million, and in 15 years we will be 23 million. Almost 5 times the sustainable size. Today we bring water to Istanbul from as far away as Bolu, and suck-up the entire water in Thrace, destroying the natural environment there. The northern forest areas disappear at a rapid pace, and the project for a 3rd bridge over the Bosphorous is threatening the remaining forests and water reservoirs giving life to Istanbul. The bridges that connect the two continents are segregating our society through the urban land speculation that they trigger. So what are we, the people of Istanbul, doing against this pillage? If cities are a reflection of the society, what can we say about ourselves by looking at Istanbul? What kind of city are we leaving behind for future generations?

Ecological limits have been surpassed. Economic limits have been surpassed. Population limits have been surpassed. Social cohesion has been lost. Here is the picture of neoliberal urbanism: Ecumenopolis.

Ecumenopolis aims for a holistic approach to Istanbul, questioning not only the transformation, but the dynamics behind it as well. From demolished shantytowns to the tops of skyscrapers, from the depths of Marmaray to the alternative routes of the 3rd bridge, from real estate investors to urban opposition, the film will take us on a long journey in this city without limits. We will speak with experts, academics, writers, investors, city-dwellers, and community leaders; and we will take a look at the city on a macro level through animated maps and graphics. Perhaps you will rediscover the city that you live in and we hope that you will not sit back and watch this transformation but question it. In the end this is what democracy requires of us.”

Source : official website

Facebook page of the film:ümenopolis/141253259238073

Rencontre avec Vince Gilligan, créateur de “Breaking Bad” – Forum des images

“Scénariste et producteur exécutif de la série X-Files entre 1993 et 2002, Vince Gilligan est également co-scénariste du film Hancock avec Will Smith et depuis 2008 le créateur de Breaking Bad dont les trois premières saisons, ont remporté un succès critique exceptionnel et trois Emmy Awards consécutifs pour son acteur principal Bryan Cranston. Vince Gilligan revient sur sa carrière et sur les coulisses de fabrication de cette série unique par son alliage de noirceur et d’humour et sa réalisation hautement cinématographique.

Breaking Bad est diffusée aux Etats-Unis par AMC et en France par Orange cinéma séries puis par Arte.

Rencontre animée par Pierre Langlais”

Commentaire de Julien Paris : une interview (en anglais) passionnante pour connaître le parcours d’un scénariste de série aux Etats-Unis, lequel est passé à la fois par les grosses productions télé (X-files), ciné (le blockbuster Hancok) pour arriver aujourd’hui à produire Breaking Bad, une série parfois considérée par la critique comme très ambitieuse dans l’esthétique et surtout dans l’écriture.

Rencontre avec Vince Gilligan, créateur de… forumdesimages

“Prêt à jeter – L’obsolescence programmée” – Théma ARTE

Dans les pays occidentaux, on peste contre des produits bas de gamme qu’il faut remplacer sans arrêt. Tandis qu’au Ghana, on s’exaspère de ces déchets informatiques qui arrivent par conteneurs. Ce modèle de croissance aberrant qui pousse à produire et à jeter toujours plus ne date pas d’hier.

Dès les années 1920, un concept redoutable a été mis au point : l’obsolescence programmée. “Un produit qui ne s’use pas est une tragédie pour les affaires”, lisait-on en 1928 dans une revue spécialisée. Peu à peu, on contraint les ingénieurs à créer des produits qui s’usent plus vite pour accroître la demande des consommateurs.

Source : ARTE

“The naked city” – by Sharon Zukin

Renowned sociologist Sharon Zukin will discuss her latest book, The Naked City: the death and life of authentic urban places, which explores the gentrification of cities.

Sharon Zukin is Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College and City University Graduate Center and the author of Naked City : The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places (2010).

“The Geography of Financial Crisis, an interview with David Harvey” – Métropolitiques

“David Harvey is a leading figure of the marxist critique of neoliberalism. During his last stay in France, in October 2010, he answered a few quick questions on his relationship to Paris, on the geography of the financial crisis and on utopia and social movements.”

by David HarveyNadine RoudilStéphane Tonnelat

Source : Métropolitiques

David Harvey: the geography of financial crisis Metropolitiques

David Harvey: the geography of financial crisis Metropolitiques

David Harvey: the geography of financial crisis Metropolitiques

“The crises of capitalism” par David Harvey – RSA Animate

Une des vidéos de la série “RSA Animate”, illustrant des conférences tenues à la Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). Ces vidéos d’animation sont des petits chef-d’oeuvres à la fois d’intelligence et de vulgarisation scientifique.

La plupart des conférences données à la RSA sont disponibles en vidéo ou audio (toujours en anglais), soit directement sur le site de la RSA, soit en différé par podcast (ici, ou dans ITunes).

Cette vidéo a été postée le 26 juin 2010 sur le site de la RSA et illustre le propos de l’urbaniste et économiste marxiste David Harvey sur le capitalisme.

Source :

“Inside job”, a documentary by Charles Ferguson

source : IMDB

Synopsis :

“‘Inside Job’ provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.”

source :

“Arab world is transfixed by Turkish soap operas” – WorldFocus

“For more than six centuries, the Ottoman Empire controlled Arab lands, leaving its imprint on art, language and food.

Today, Turkey is wielding influence once again in the Arab world — not militarily, but through its soap operas. More than a dozen Turkish soaps have aired on Arab television, offering an escape from the hard daily realities of life.”

Source : World Focus Online

“The story of stuff” – Annie Leonard

Here comes a couple of videos from the “Story of stuff project” I found interesting – putting aside the moralizing tone of the speaker – for its pedagogical and critical lecture of the processes of industrial production. You’ll make your own opinion watching.


From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view.

The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.”

Source :