Mois : janvier 2011
“Türkan dizisine neler oluyor? ” – Sol
“Türkan Saylan’ın hayatını konu alan Türkan adlı dizinin başına gelmeyen kalmadı. İki kez günü değiştirilen diziye şimdi de reklam boykotu yapıldığı söyleniyor.
Ergenekon operasyonu kapsamında ölümünden kısa bir süre önce, ileri derecede kanser hastası olmasına rağmen gözaltına alınan Türkan Saylan, ömrünün son günlerinde gerici medya ve hükümet tarafından sürekli hedef gösterildi. Saylan’ın vefatının ardından hayatını konu alan bir dizi çekilmesi gündeme geldiğinde gericiler yine iş başındaydı.
Saylan’ın hayatını anlatan Türkan dizisi yayınlanmaya başladığında oldukça insanlık dışı protestolara maruz kaldı. AKP hükümeti ve gerici medya hala diziye türlü şekillerde müdahale ediyor.” […]
Source : Sol
“En Turquie, on ne refait pas l’histoire” –
“Une série télé qui décrit l’empereur ottoman Souleyman le magnifique comme un homme appréciant l’alcool et les femmes est menacée de censure.
On déplore souvent la faible culture historique de nos sociétés, qui ne cessent pourtant d’invoquer le «devoir de mémoire» pour conjurer dans le présent les erreurs du passé. Depuis plus d’un mois, c’est une véritable fièvre historique qui s’est emparée de la Turquie. Avec la diffusion d’extraits d’une série consacrée à l’empereur ottoman Souleyman le Magnifique, Le siècle magnifique, puis son lancement le 5 janvier 2011, plus de 80.000 plaintes ont été adressées au Haut conseil de l’audiovisuel turc (RTÜK) depuis cette date. (…)”
Source :
“RTÜK başkanı “dizi fişlemesini” inkar etti” – Sol
“RTÜK Başkanı Davut Dursun, Üst Kurul’un dizileri fişlediği iddiasıyla ilgili, “Böyle bir şey söz konusu değil. Habere konu olan çalışma dizi filmlerin temalarıyla ilgili bir profil çalışmasıdır ve aralık ayındaki toplantıda yayıncılarla paylaşılmış, kendilerine sunulmuştur” dedi.
Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) Başkanı Prof. Dr. Davut Dursun, bugün bir gazetede, “RTÜK’ün dizileri fişlediğine” yönelik iddiaların yer aldığını, bu iddiaların gerçeği yansıtmadığını söyledi. Habere konu olan çalışmanın varlığını inkar edemeyen Dursun şunları söyledi:
“Habere konu olan çalışma dizi filmlerin temalarıyla ilgili bir profil çalışmasıdır. 27 Aralıkta düzenlenen toplantıda yayıncılarla paylaşılmış ve kendilerine sunulmuştur. Aynı çalışma, 13 Ocakta Devlet Bakanı Sayın Selma Aliye Kavaf’ın yayıncılarla yaptığı toplantı için güncellenmiştir.
Bu tamamen bir profil çalışması olup, herhangi bir gizliliği söz konusu değildir, aleniyet kazanmıştır. Toplantıda bu çalışmanın hem sunumu yapılmış hem de bilgiler kanal yöneticilerine takdim edilmiştir. RTÜK’te programlarla ilgili çok daha detaylı analiz çalışmaları bulunmaktadır.”
RTÜK’ün, 27 Aralıkta yayıncılarla yaptığı toplantıda, dizi filmler ve izdivaç programlarıyla ilgili sorunlar masaya yatırılmış, bu toplantıda dizi filmlerin temaları ve dizi süreleri de değerlendirilmişti.
“Diziler fişlendi” iddiası
RTÜK başkanının inkar ettiği fişleme haberlerinde ise diziler hakkında tek tek kayıtlar tutulduğu yer alıyordu. RTÜK İletişim Merkezi’ne gelen şikâyetlerden de yola çıkılarak hazırlanan raporun ayrıntıları şöyle:KÜÇÜK SIRLAR: Gençler lise çağında olmalarına rağmen cüretkâr hayatları ve sınıf ayrılıklarına yapılan vurgu dikkat çekiyor. Lise öğrencilerinin okula lüks araçlarıyla; genç kızların abartılı makyajlarıyla gitmeleri, okul dolaplarında içki şişeleri bulundurmaları, okulda sevgilileri ile öpüşebilmeleri dikkat çekiyor. Varlıklı aile çocuklarının aynı koleje burslu olarak devameden başka bir öğrenciyi, “varoşcan” diye aşağılamaları da dikkat çekici.
ÖYLE BİR GEÇER ZAMAN Kİ: Ali, eşinden ayrı bir ilişkisi olması ve karısı hapisteyken sevgilisini çocuklarının olduğu eve getirmesi, çocuklarını dövmesi gibi nedenlerle örnek baba profili çizmemektedir. Aylin’in babası yaşında bir erkekle duygusal ilişki yaşaması uygun bir davranış olmamıştır.Mete’nin de babasına, “Geberteceğimlan seni” demesi, çocuklara ve gençlere kötü örnek oluşturabilecek niteliktedir.
FATMAGÜL’ÜN SUÇU NE?: Daha birinci bölümünde sansasyonel bir şekilde dakikalarca adeta görsel bir duruma sokulan tecavüz sahnesi yaşanıyor. Bu sahne kullanılarak reyting planlaması yapılmakta, toplumsal bir yara amacından saptırılarak tamamen tecimsel bir amaca tahvil edilmektedir. Bu tür yapımlar değer yargılarını zaafa uğratmakla birlikte, yaşanan olayları ajite ederek yayıncılığa alet etmektedir.
KURTLAR VADİSİ: Dizi sadece yoğun izlenme oranıyla değil, aynı zamanda şiddet kültürünü ve derin devleti meşrulaştıran içeriğiyle gündeme geldi. Böylesi bir temanın bu kadar geniş bir izleyici kitlesine ulaşması diziyi sosyolojik bir olguya dönüştürmüştür.
HANIMIN ÇİFTLİĞİ: Türk toplununun aile yapısına ve manevi değerlerine uygun olmayan aile içi gönül ilişkilerinin yaşandığı dizide, “Senin Allah’ın kitabını, ulan Allahsız, ulan kitapsız” gibi kutsal değerlerimize hakaret içeren konuşmaların yer aldığı dikkat çekmektedir.
BEHZAT Ç: Her bölümde cinayet ya da ölümyaşanıyor. Belden aşağı espriler yapılıyor olsa da bunlar “bip”lenmekte, bunun dışında da sıkça “lan, lun” şeklinde konuşmalar geçmektedir.
AŞK-I MEMNU: Gayrimeşru ilişkilerin yaşandığı diğer dizilerde de sıklıkla karşılaşılan kürtajmeselesi anne karnındaki bebekten bağımsız olarak ele alınmakta ve canının istemesine göre doğurulmakta ya da aldırılmaktadır.
KILIÇ GÜNÜ: Bekâretin önemsizliği, iki erkek arasındaki homoseksüel ilişkiyi ima eden yatak odası görüntüleri gibi genel ahlak anlayışının dışına çıkılmaktadır.
ADANALI: İşkence görüntülerinin canlandırıldığı dramatik sahneler, gereğinden fazla uzatmalarla ve tekrarlarla ekrana yansıtılmaktadır.
TÜRK MALI: Espriler ağırlıklı olarak; kelime, atasözü, deyim, özel isim, unvan, yer ismi ve dilimize yabancı dillerden giren sözcüklerin yanlış kullanımı ile argo ve cinsellik üzerine kurulmaktadır.
MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL: İzleyiciler; Türk tarihini çarpıtan, milli manevi değerlere saldıran, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’ı zevk ve sefa düşkünü bir padişah olarak gösteren dizinin yayına konulmamasını talep etmişlerdir. Dizinin yayınlanmasıyla birlikte izleyici şikâyetleri de artarak devam etmiştir. Dizide Harem’e seçilen kızlar hamamda detaylı bir vücut kontrolünden geçirilirler ve bekâret kontrolleri yapılır. Diziye, ilk bölümü yayınlandıktan sonra 60 bin den fazla şikâyet gelmiştir.
‘Olumlu’ diziler
Raporda, olumlu olarak değerlendirilen ve RTÜK Yasası’na aykırılık tespit edilemeyen diziler ve programlar da yer aldı. “Şüphe, Kirli Beyaz, Deli Saraylı, Karadağlar” bu diziler arasında sayılırken; kadın programlarıyla ilgili bir değerlendirme olmaması dikkat çekti”
Source : Sol
“Cultural Battle in Turkey ” – Qantara
“Emotions are running high in Turkey due to a new television series that supposedly paints an embarrassing picture of the private life of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I, thus tarnishing the image of the Ottoman Empire. Jürgen Gottschlich in Istanbul has the details
They came equipped with drums and dressed as Janissaries. Hundreds of demonstrators, mobilised by the Saadet Party, gathered outside the gates of the private television network Show TV and loudly demanded that a newly launched television series be taken off air. Muhtesem Yüzyil (in English “The Magnificent Century”) is currently the most hotly debated series on Turkish television.
It tells of Suleiman the Magnificent and his harem. For Islamists, the right wing and those nostalgic for the days of the Ottoman Empire, the show represents a base betrayal of the country’s great past. After all, the 40-year reign of Suleiman Kanuni (known in Turkey not as “Suleiman the Magnificent”, but as “Suleiman the Lawgiver”) was the heyday of the Ottoman Empire.
In no other era was the empire as powerful, never was it larger than in the sixteenth century, when Suleiman’s troops first conquered Budapest and then laid siege to Vienna. This heritage is nothing to laugh about. Its critics are calling the series “inappropriate”, “disrespectful”, “impertinent”, “stupid” and, to make matters worse, “historically incorrect”, saying that it consequently has no business being broadcast on Turkish television.
This is the opinion not only of conservative demonstrators on the street, but also of Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arinc, who publicly announced that he would wield his authority to try to stop the broadcasting of the harem soap opera. The state-run Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) was convened without delay. […]”
Source : Qantara
“Turks protest TV drama showing boozing sultan” – Sabah
“Turkish protestors angry over the depiction of an Ottoman sultan drinking alcohol and wooing women in a new television series threw eggs and chanted “God is Great” outside of the broadcaster’s studio on Sunday.
A group of about 100 protestors, accompanied by a band playing Ottoman military music, marched to the offices of the entertainment channel Show TV, which broadcasts “The Magnificent Century”, in Istanbul’s financial district of Levent.
The historical drama shows Sultan Suleiman I, also called Suleiman the Magnificent who ruled from 1494 to 1566, with his wives and concubines in his harem.
It also shows him drinking alcohol, which is proscribed by Islam. Ottoman sultans were also caliphs, or Islamic leader, until the theocracy was toppled and the secular Turkish Republic that succeeded it abolished the caliphate in 1924.
Demonstrators ripped down posters advertising “The Magnificent Century” near Show TV’s offices and threw eggs at the channel’s windows.
“Sultan Suleiman was just and moral throughout his lifetime,” said Abdullah Demir, 55, who was among the protestors. “To show him as a man who had a predilection for alcohol and women makes us very uncomfortable.
“This is a provocation to make people think it is OK to have sex and to drink,” Demir said.
Historians consider Suleiman’s reign the height of Ottoman military, political and economic power.
The Radio and Television Supreme Council, Turkey’s broadcasting watchdog, has received a record 75,000 complaints since the “The Magnificent Century” aired its first show on Jan 5, CNN Turk reported.
The watchdog regularly bans or suspends TV programmes it deems unsuitable on moral or political grounds, but no ruling has yet been made on the new programme, the channel said.
Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said last week the government would take measures regarding the series, which had caused him “concern and sadness”, but did not elaborate further.
The ruling AK Party is a conservative grouping that calls itself secular but traces its roots to political Islam.
European Union candidate Turkey’s population of 73 million is 99.9 percent Muslim but its constitution is secular and the consumption of alchohol is legal.”
Source : Sabah
“The naked city” – by Sharon Zukin
Renowned sociologist Sharon Zukin will discuss her latest book, The Naked City: the death and life of authentic urban places, which explores the gentrification of cities.
Sharon Zukin is Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College and City University Graduate Center and the author of Naked City : The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places (2010).
“Turkish soap operas total $50 million in exports” – Hürriyet
” Turkish television series exports were worth more than $50 million last year, with more than 70 programs watched in more than 20 countries, particularly in the Middle East, Balkans and Turkic language-speaking countries.
Exported productions include extremely domestically popular series such as “Aşk-ı Memnu,” “Ihlamurlar Altında,” “Ezel,” “Gümüş,” and “Yaprak Dökümü,” and set new export records for Turkish television programs last year.
The share of Turkish television series in the foreign programs category in the Middle East is around 60 percent, according to Fırat Gülgen, board chairman of Calinos Holding. “There are more than 300 television channels and they show a great interest and demand from Turkish series’,” Gülgen told Anatolia news agency.
Calinos Holding’s distribution of content such as films and television series to domestic and international markets represents 80 percent of the country’s total television exports.
The export price of an episode of the more popular Turkish shows used to vary between $30 and $50, Gülgen said. “The price of an episode of a series is now varying between $500 and $20,000. Turkish soap opera Ezel is now the most expensive.”
“Deli Yürek” (Wild Heart) was the first Turkish television series Calinos exported, in 2001, Gülgen said. “We exported Deli Yürek first to Kazakhstan. However, Binbir Gece, or Thousand and One Nights, another soap opera focusing on a Turkish love story, have beaten ratings records in many countries and generated growth in the market.”
Some countries such as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan that share similarities with Turkish culture were the first countries to import Turkish series. “Sales to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are still ongoing,” Gülgen said.
“After markets in the Middle East, we have opened to the Balkan countries,” Gülgen said. “Some 30 series are currently being exported to different Balkan countries. After Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania, we entered the Greek market last year and plan to enter the Ukrainian market in April this year.”
“In a sense, we export culture,” Gülgen said. “One of the most important factors in Turkish series’ popularity is Turkish culture. More than 300,000 tourists have visited the waterside house where the soap opera ‘Gümüş’ is shot, according to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. These series have huge potential.”
Calinos is also currently working with a Qatari company on a project about the conquest of Istanbul, Gülgen said. “We will make a 30-episode series and have allocated $25 million for the project.”
Source : Hürriyet Daily News
” ‘Their entire lifestyle is under our guarantee’ ” – Sabah
“Erdoğan spoke harshly about recent events currently occupying the agenda, spanning from new alcohol regulations to the debate surrounding the release of Hezbollah members, and asserts that they are part of a campaign directed at the AK Party.
During an address to AK Party District Chairman, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, qualified the recent debate which has surfaced regarding the monument in Kars, new alcohol regulations, the Magnificent Century series and Television and Radio Supreme Council (RTÜK) regulations and the recent release of suspected Hezbollah members as being a smear campaign directed towards the AK Party. “People drink themselves sick and we don’t interfere. Have we torn down a single statue in the past eight years?” Erdoğan emphasizes, “The issue is something else.” Describing recent events as a smear campaign due to the approaching elections, Erdoğan went on to deliver the following messages during a meeting of Justice and Development Party District Chairmen.
• (Magnificent Century) Confidentiality is very significant to us. The moral values of historical figures are extremely important for us. We are a deeply rooted society and state. We are people who have built a civilization and are the very description of civilization. […]
• The CHP Chairman is using the Television and Radio Supreme Council (RTÜK) regulations to lash out at us in the harshest manner. Wouldn’t someone check before they go ahead and accuse of something? The regulation in question was put in place while CHP was in power and it grants the authority, if necessary, for ministers or the Prime Minister to halt a broadcast. The present CHP Chairman is unaware of this. And obviously no one informed him. Now, he goes and holds us responsible for regulations his own party established. He blushes from decency, however unfortunately, we are face to face with an opposition that blushes and then places decency on the shelf. […]”
Source : Sabah
“Ottoman series rules TV ratings in Turkey” – Hürriyet Daily News
“Despite drawing massive reaction from conservative circles and a warning from Turkish media watchdog, ‘Muhteşem Yüzyıl,’ a soap opera based on events that occurred during the reign of Süleyman I, continues to be the most-watched television series” (…)
Source :
“RTÜK Draft Bill Opposes Constitution” – Bianet
“Communications lawyer İlkiz criticized the RTÜK draft bill: “The government cannot intervene against radio and television broadcasts. The provision should be lifted. It will cause illegal applications”.
Communications lawyer Fikret İlkiz declared that the “Draft Law on Radio and Television Enterprises and Broadcasting Services” was contrary to the law and the public’s right to information because it preserves the Prime Minister’s authority to interrupt broadcasts under “extraordinary circumstances”.
İlkiz pointed out that Article 25 on the “Suspension of Broadcasts” of Law No. 3984 on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and Their Broadcasts was preserved in the new draft bill. In an interview with bianet, the lawyer argued that the situation became even more complicated. (…)”
Source : Bianet
“Show TV to apologize over controversial show” – Today’s Zaman
“A television series set in the time of Ottoman Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent has received a formal reprimand from state broadcasting watchdog Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK).
The broadcaster, Show TV, is poised to issue a formal apology for the first episode of the show, which was aired two weeks ago.
The series, titled “The Magnificent Century,” violates the broadcasting principle that says television cannot air content that “goes against the national and spiritual values of the people and the Turkish family structure.” The only RTÜK member who voted against the decision to issue a reprimand was Hülya Alp of the Republican People’s Party (CHP). RTÜK members are elected from among members of the ruling and opposition parties.
Show TV is now obliged to publicly announce RTÜK’s ruling and apologize formally.(…)”
Source : Today’s Zaman
“RTÜK: “Magnificent Century” Series Clashes with “Moral Values”.” – Bianet
“RTÜK issued a warning to Show TV on the grounds of the series “Magnificent Century”. The series about the life of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent went on air on 6 January. It is alleged to be “contrary to the national and moral values of the society”, RTÜK said.
The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) issued a warning to the Turkish television station Show TV on the grounds of the series “Magnificent Century” (‘Muhteşem Yüzyıl’). The series about the life of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent was criticized by Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç and members of the Prosperity Party (SP).
Feelings ran high already after promotional material had been broadcasted from 11 December onwards and billboards to advertise for the series were posted. Some people demanded to cancel the series even before the first episode had been broadcasted. On 5 January, a group of protestors gathered in front of the television station in Levent/Istanbul to express their disapproval.(…)”
Source : Bianet
“Turkey watchdog slams channel for sultan portrayal” – Sabah
“Turkey’s state broadcasting board has ordered a television channel to issue an apology over a controversial series featuring an Ottoman sultan for invading his privacy with scenes from his harem.
The Radio and Television Supreme Board says Show TV was warned Wednesday for not showing the necessary sensitivity toward the privacy of historical figures. It says the board has received tens of thousands of complaints, requesting a ban on the “Magnificent Century,” a drama that portrays Suleyman the Magnificent.
The board warns that the airing of the series can be stopped up to 12 times if the channel does not comply. The next episode will be aired Wednesday night.
The watchdog has no power to ban or intervene in programs before they are aired.”
Source : Sabah
“Record number of complaints filed against TV show” – Today’s Zaman
“A new TV series has drawn over 90 percent of the complaints Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) received since its trailers began to be aired.
RTÜK received 64,000 complaints in nine months last year while viewers filed 75,000 complaints in 25 days against the controversial TV show “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (A Magnificent Century), the Anatolia news agency reported.
The series about the famous Ottoman Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent, also known as Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Süleiman the Lawmaker), continues to draw criticism for the way the series depicts the empire and the life of the sultan. The repeated scenes of the sultan with women in the harem and historical inaccuracies have resulted in many people calling on RTÜK to ban the series. Trailers for the series, broadcast by Show TV, began to be aired on Dec. 11. From that date until Jan. 6, 93 percent of all complaints filed with the RTÜK concerned “Muhteşem Yüzyıl.” A total of 80,681 complaints were submitted to the council during these 25 days. Among the sum of the complaints, 38,096 of them were submitted after the show was aired on Jan. 5.(…)”
Source : Today’s Zaman