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” “Organized” Intolerance against “Magnificent Century” Series” – Bianet

After a statement of Deputy PM Arınç against the series “Magnificent Century”, members of the Felicity Party protested in front of the Show TV building. MHP members demanded to cancel the series. The history advisor and scriptwriter do not agree with the reactions.

The new TV series “Magnificent Century” set in the reign of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent in the 16th century created quite a stir in the Turkish media and public. The series was launched on Show TV in the beginning of January. It was criticized by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), the Anatolian Agency, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) and the responsible Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç. The series furthermore took flak from nationalist and Islamic parties.

Members of the Prosperity Party (SP) and the Anatolian Youth Association were accompanied by janissary musicians when they walked to the building of Show TV to express their protest against the series. Demonstrators destroyed advertisements of the series. Saying ‘Allah is great’, they also shouted slogans such as “Don’t sleep, government; take care of our history” and “Break the hands of the ones who touch the Ottomans”(…)

Source : Bianet

“Magnificent century?” – Today’s Zaman

“General elections are approaching, some inmates have been released from prison after a law came into effect recently, university students are unhappy and the outsourcing of the workforce is increasing rapidly; but nowadays, Turkish society has another hot topic to discuss — a new TV series, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century).

This series is about Suleiman the Magnificent, one of the most renowned Ottoman sultans. While the first episode was only broadcast on TV this week, heated discussions about it cannot be described as magnificent, but amazing.

Complaints started up well before its premiere was aired. The TV channel broadcast teasers for the series, which caused many viewers to rush to the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) to file complaints. Some viewers took exception to the way the series depicts the private life of Suleiman the Magnificent and his harem, which they say is unacceptable. (…)”


Source : Today’s Zaman

“Historians criticize controversial TV show for serious inaccuracies” – Today’s Zaman

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” was filled with many serious mistakes according to historians. Source : Today's Zaman

“A new TV series about Süleyman the Magnificent, the famous Ottoman sultan, also known as Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Süleyman the Lawmaker), continued to draw criticism after the first episode was aired on Wednesday evening.

Titled “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century), the series was filled with many serious mistakes, historians told Today’s Zaman.

Historian Ahmet Yaşar Ocak said he did not like the show, while author Okay Tiryakioğlu noted that the show appealed to the imagination of the West. Author Mustafa Armağan said the series will only serve to destroy the ideals of society.(…)”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Turkey in move to allow 50% foreign TV ownership” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“Turkey’s parliament approved on Thursday legislation allowing foreigners to own 50 percent of Turkish broadcasters, doubling the limit and paving the way for more acquisitions from abroad.

Voting was continuing on other articles of the broadcasting law in parliament.

The law is expected to shift investors’ attention to buyouts in Turkey’s fast-growing media industry. Turkey’s media sector is dominated by Dogan Yayin (DYHOL.IS), which owns major television stations as well as mass circulation newspapers such as Hurriyet and Milliyet.

Dogan Yayin, embroiled in a legal battle against crippling tax fines, plans to sell its assets and has put bids from Time Warner and two U.S. private equity funds, KKR (KKR.N) and TPG [TPG.UL], on a shortlist of potential buyers for the media group’s assets, excluding the flagship Hurriyet daily, sources familiar with the deal told Reuters on Wednesday.

The move is “positive for Dogan Group,” said broker Seker Yatirim in a report to clients after the approval.

Dogan Yayin is also preparing to sell its flagship Hurriyet (HURGZ.IS) daily newspaper separately, another source close to the process told Reuters, adding investment bank Goldman Sachs will invite initial bids by Feb. 1.

Hurriyet shares rallied as much as 15 percent on Wednesday and closed 13.4 percent higher at 2.11 lira. The stock jumped another 4.3 percent on Thursday at 1530 GMT close of trading, and Dogan Yayin shares advanced 5.4 percent.

The ruling, pro-business AK Party, tried to reform foreign ownership rules in 2005 but the bill was vetoed by the former president.

The current president, Abdullah Gul, is a former AK Party member, and has a track record of approving legislation passed by the AKP-dominated parliament.

A young population, coupled with the fastest economic growth in Europe, makes the Turkish media market attractive to investors. “

Source : Sabah

“New TV series criticized for depiction of sultan’s life, empire” – Today’s Zaman

A scene from the controversial TV show “Muhteşem Yüzyıl”. Source : Today's Zaman

“A new TV series about famous Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, also known as Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Süleyman the Lawmaker), has sparked severe criticism for the way that the series depicts the empire and the life of the sultan.

Academic and historian Beyazıt Akman called the show “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century) a setback for a public that has only just begun to make peace with its history in recent years.

“An episode begins with the sword and continues with slaves who are treated like animals and ends with naked cariye women [concubines] and has all the clichés of the ‘Barbarian Turks’ concept,” he told the Cihan news agency. Akman also emphasized that the sultan depicted in the series is in no way reflective of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman.(…)”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Turkish TV series slammed for sultan portrayal” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“Some Turks are furious over a new television series that they believe depicts an Ottoman sultan in a negative light, and the government is promising to respond to the complaints.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc says the government will act “within the framework of the law” following an outcry over “The Magnificent Century,” a drama on Show TV that portrays the 16th-century rule of Suleyman the Magnificent.

Suleyman presided over the Ottoman empire’s glory years, but some commentators say the series hurts his reputation, showing him in his harem and apparently consuming alcohol, which is banned in Islam.

A script writer for the show says Suleyman only had a fruit drink in his goblet in the first episode, which aired Wednesday.”

Source : Sabah

« De Jack Bauer à Kant, les séries télé inspirent les intellectuels » – Les Echos

“Séminaires, journées d’études, colloques et même cours, les séries télévisées inspirent de plus en plus universitaires et intellectuels qui y trouvent matière à réflexion et les exploitent pour aborder des thèmes philosophiques.

Pour Marjolaine Boutet, historienne et maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à l’université de Picardie-Jules Verne, il s’agit d’un phénomène assez nouveau au sein de l’université française, “qui correspond un peu à ce qui s’est passé dans les années 70 et 80 autour du cinéma”. “Les séries inspirent car elles offrent un panorama assez exceptionnel de genres et de questions traités dans la durée”, relève cette universitaire. (…)”

La suite ici :

« Avec les séries, l’Amérique redécouvre son passé » – Télérama

” “Deadwood”, “The Pacific”, “Mad Men”… Outre-Atlantique, les séries télé revisitent d’un oeil neuf l’histoire du pays. Particulièrement réalistes, elles connaissent un succès inattendu. Dernière née, “Boardwalk Empire”, produite par Scorsese, qui s’attaque à l’Amérique de la prohibition.

Se seraient-ils découvert une passion pour l’histoire ? Le 19 septembre, les Américains étaient plus de cinq millions devant leur télé à attendre fébrilement les premières images de Boardwalk Empire, la nouvelle série de HBO. Une saga mafieuse, violente et crue, écrite par Terence Winter, un ancien scénariste des Soprano, et produite par Martin Scorsese. Mais aussi une plongée ultra documentée dans le passé des Etats-Unis, au tout début des années 1920, alors que le Volstead Act, qui instaure la prohibition sur tout le territoire, prend effet.(…)”

La suite ici :

“İlk defa sektörün bütün bileşenleri bir slogan altında birleşti” – Emek Dünyasi

Sinan Biçici. Source : Emek Dünyasi

“SENDER’in başlattığı, “Yerli dizi yersiz uzun” eyleminin yankıları sürüyor. RTÜK, Çalışma Bakanlığı ve Kültür Bakanlığı bu konuda çalışma başlatıyorlar. Süreci SENDER Genel Sekreteri Sinan Biçici’ye sorduk.

Senaryo Yazarları Derneği SENDER’in başlattığı, “Yerli dizi yersiz uzun” eyleminin yankıları sürüyor.Yönetmeninden senaristine, oyuncusuna set işçisine kadar dizi çalışanlarının 24 Aralık 2010 ‘da AKM önünde yaptığı eylem büyük etki yarattı. RTÜK, Çalışma Bakanlığı ve Kültür Bakanlığı bu konuda çalışma başlatıyorlar. Süreci SENDER Genel Sekreteri Sinan Biçici’ye sorduk.

RTÜK Başkanı, Çalışma Bakanı ve Kültür Bakanı’nın yaptığı açıklamayı nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz?

8 Kasım tarihinde bir basın açıklaması yaparak 30’dan fazla ilgili kuruma dilekçe göndermiştik. Aralarında cumhurbaşkanlığı, başbakanlık, çalışma bakanlığı, kültür bakanlığı, RTÜK, yayıncı kuruluşlar bulunuyordu. RTÜK başkanı, çalışma bakanı ve kültür bakanının açıklaması bizim bu başvurumuza cevap niteliği taşıyor. Gerçi bu ilgili kurumlar bize resmi bir yanıt vermediler ama bunu kamuoyuyla paylaşmaları da önemli. 


Source : Emek Dünyasi

“Turkish broadcasting board moves to change episode length” – Hürriyet

“Turkey’s Supreme Board of Radio and Television, or RTÜK, has launched a pilot study of the long duration of serial episodes in Turkey, addressing complaints from viewers.

“Our institution considers viewers’ concerns, rather than just those of broadcasters, bringing new regulations to address their demands as well,” said RTÜK Chairman Davut Dursun, according to an Anatolia news agency Sunday report.”

Source :