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“TPG, News Corp, Time Warner bid for Turkey’s Çalık media” – Today’s Zaman

Photo : Cihan. Source : Today's Zaman

“TPG Capital, News Corp and Time Warner have placed bids for the media assets of Turkey’s Çalık Holding, which also has interests in energy and finance, three sources close to the matter told Reuters on Monday.

“TPG, (News Corp’s Rupert) Murdoch and Time Warner placed bids. I know TPG is very aggressive,” said a source close to the deal, adding the submitted bids were around $1 billion, near the asking price.

He said the sale process could be completed in February.

Çalık bought ATV-Sabah for $1.1 billion in 2007 from the Savings, Deposits and Insurance Fund (TMSF). Çalık took on $750 million of bank debt in April 2008 to finance that acquisition.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

Reports : RTÜK


“Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu özürlü vatandaşların televizyon izleme eğilimlerini belirlemeye yönelik olarak, örneklemi Türkiye genelini kapsayan bir kamuoyu araştırması yaptı.

11-27 Eylül 2007 tarihleri arasında, Türkiye genelini temsilen 20 ilde 15 ve daha yukarı yaştaki toplam 2488 özürlü/engelli kişinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen “Özürlü Vatandaşların Televizyon İzleme Eğilimleri Araştırması” ile araştırmaya katılan 78 kişiyle yapılan derinlemesine mülakat sonuçlarına göre, özürlüler hafta içi günlerde ortalama 4.3 saat televizyon izliyor/dinliyor. Özürlü vatandaşlarımız tarafından en çok izlenen/dinlenen kanallar, Kanal D (% 54), Show TV (% 50,3), ATV (%50), TRT Kanalları (%42,1), Star (%37,3) ve Samanyolu (% 21) olarak sıralanmakta. TRT’nin beğenilme nedenlerinin başında yayınlarının kaliteli olması ve haber programlarının iyi olması gelmekte. Kanal D, ATV ve Show TV’nin beğenilme ratingini yükselten ise kanallarında yayınlanan diziler.”

Hafta içi 3 saat olan televizyon izleme süresi %20.5’e, 2 saatlik TV izleme oranı ise %17.2’ye çıkmıştır.

– Hafta içi kadınlar 4,5 saat, erkekler ise 4,1 saat TV izlemektedirler.
– Hafta içi en çok TV izleyen yaş grubunun 41+ olduğu ve 4,5 saate ulaştığı görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi evliler 4,4 saat ile en çok TV izleyen grubu oluşturmaktadır.
– Eğitim düzeyi azaldıkça TV izleme oranının arttığı görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi emekli ve işsizlerin 5 saat TV izlediği görülmekte, bu grubu ev hanımı ve çiftçiler takip etmektedir.
– Hafta içi 5,2 saat ile Akdeniz Bölgesinin en çok TV izleyen bölge olduğu görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi TV izleme saatleri incelendiğinde %70,9 ile 18:01-21:00 saatlerinin en çok izlenen saatler, %15 oranı ile 12:01-15:00 saatlerinin ise en az izlenen saatler olduğu gözlenmektedir.
– Hafta sonu TV izleme sürelerine bakıldığında 6 saatlik TV izleme süresinin %15,8’i, 4 saatlik TV izleme süresinin %15,7’yi oluşturduğu görülmektedir.
– Hafta sonu erkekler 4,6 saat, kadınlar ise 4,5 saat TV izlemektedirler.
– Hafta sonu evlilerin 4,6 saat TV izlediği görülmektedir.
– Hafta sonu 5,5 saat ile Akdeniz Bölgesi en çok TV izleyen bölgeyi oluştururken, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi 4 saat ile en az TV izleyen bölgedir.
– Hafta sonu TV izleme saatleri incelendiğinde % 68,7 ile 18:01-21:00 saatlerinin en çok izlenen, % 14,8 oranı ile 09:01-12:00 saatlerinin ise en az izlenen saatler olduğu gözlenmiştir.
– Televizyon programlarının izlenme sıklığı verilerine bakıldığında %93,7 ile haberler, %86,2 ile yerli diziler ve %61,8 ile dini programlar sıralanmaktadır.
– Televizyonlarda yayınlanması istenmeyen program türleri sıralaması şu şekildedir: %63 ile kadın kuşak-izdivaç programları, %50,3 ile magazin programları ve %22,7 ile spor programlarıdır.
– Araştırmada deneklerin %60,3’nün reklamları gördüğünde kanal değiştirdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
– Araştırmaya katılan deneklerin iletişim araçlarına duydukları güven düzeyi incelendiğinde %47,1 ile en çok radyoya güvendikleri, %42,2 ile ise en az televizyona güvendikleri görülmektedir. İnternete olan güven düzeyinde artış olduğu da gözlenmektedir.



[…] Televizyon dizileri, günümüzde Türk televizyonlarında en çok rastlanılan ve televizyon ile en çok bağdaĢtırılan tür olarak görülmektedir. Mutlu‟ya göre, bu türün alt kategorileri, genellikle ana karakterlerin mesleklerine göre ayrıĢabilir. Bu duruma, polisiye ve dedektif dizileri, avukat veya doktorlar üzerine kurulu olan diziler örnek verilebilir. Bunlar içerisinde en popüler olanı da polisiye türünde olanlardır.

Mutlu‟nun da belirttiği gibi, televizyon dizileri ve seriyaller, televizyonun en ayırt edici türleridir. Dizi ve seriyaller birbirinden farklı türler olarak ortaya çıkmıĢlardır. Diziler, ortak karakterlerin ve genellikle ortak mekânların kullanıldığı, anlatılan hikâyenin genellikle aynı bölüm içerisinde çözüme kavuĢtuğu, televizyon oyunlarına benzeyen bir yapıya sahiptir. Oysa seriyaller, merak unsuruna dayalı, devamı izleyici merak ettirilerek sağlanan bir program türüdür. Seriyalleri oluĢturan bölümlerin her birinde, daha büyük bir hikâyenin parçaları verilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, ana bir olay dizisi sonucunda tamamlanan hikâyenin içinde aynı zamanda, yan olaylar da yer almakta, bu nedenle seriyaller çok uzun sürmektedir. Ġçinde drama barındıran bu tür izleyicide bağımlılık da yaratır. Seriyal ne kadar uzun sürerse, o kadar izleme alıĢkanlığı yaratır. Bu izleme alıĢkanlığı sürdüğü müddetçe dizinin baĢarı ölçüsü artmaktadı.

Günümüzde ise dizi ve seriyal arasındaki sözü geçen anlatı farklılıkları bulunmamaktadır. Her iki tür de anlatı yapısı olarak birbirlerinin özelliklerini göstermektedir. Ġzleyicinin sonraki bölümü izlemek için merakta bırakılması her iki tür için de ortak bir özellik olarak göze çarpar. Televizyon dramasında öykünün eksenindeki iliĢki ağı, karakterler ve formata bağlı olarak değiĢen alt türlerden söz edilebilir. Bu alt türler arasında dedektif dizileri, polisiyeler, hastane melodramları, bilim kurgu ve fantezi diziler, televizyon filmleri, soap operalar ya da pembe diziler ve durum komedileri sayılabilir. […]

See also : 

Reports : ISMMMO


“Ekranlar canlı, ilgi büyük ama her üç diziden biri krize kurban gitti ve sektör yüzde 30 küçüldü. 2008 yılında 1 mil- yar TL’lik büyüklük konuşulurken 2010 Mayıs’ın da değer 700 milyon TL’ye geriledi ve 50 bin kişi işini kaybetti.

Son dönem görülen yüksek reytingler ve ilgiye rağmen, Türk dizi sektörünün global krizin etkilerini üzerinden tam ata- madığı ortaya çıktı. İstanbul Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirler Odası’nın yaptığı “Dizi Ekonomisi – Mayıs 2010” araştır- masına göre, sektörün tüm hareketliliğine rağmen yine İSMMMO’nun Eylül 2008 verilerine göre önemli oranda küçüldüğü ortaya çıktı.

İSMMMO’nun ‘Dizi Ekonomisi- Mayıs 2010’ araştırmasına göre; halen 7 ulusal kanalda, 42 yerli dizi yayınlanıyor. Oysa 2008 saptamalarına göre, 11 ulusal kanalda 63 yerli dizi yayınlanıyordu.

Araştırmada, yeni adı Bloomberg olan Kanal 1, Show Tv, Kanal 7 gibi birçok kanalın dizi yarışından koptuğu ortaya çıktı.

Küçülmenin maddi boyutlarını ise rakamlar net bir şekilde sergiliyor. Buna göre; 2005-2008 yıllarında adeta ‘patla- ma’ yaşayan dizi ekonomisi, İSMMMO’nun Eylül 2008’de yaptığı araştırmaya göre 1 milyar TL’lik bir ekonomik güce eriş- mişti. Ancak son yapılan araştırmaya göre, sektörün yüzde 30 oranında küçüldüğü ve dizi ekonomisinin 700 milyon TL’ye gerilediği ortaya çıktı. Kriz öncesinde sektörde çalışan sayısı 150 bin kişiyi bulurken, yaşanan küçülmeyle birlikte sektörde set işçisinden, senaristine, çaycısından, figüranına 50 bin kişinin de işini kaybettiği belirtiliyor. Dizi sektörünün 100 bin civa- rında istihdam sağladığı biliniyor.

Geçen yıl yaşanan krizle birlikte kanallar, yapımcı şirketlere ödedikleri ücretlerde yüzde 30 ila 50 oranında değişen indirimler yaptı. İşlerini kaybetmek istemeyen yapımcıların büyük çoğunluğu bunu kabul etti. Yapımcılar da aynı şeyi oyun- cular ve teknik ekipten talep edince sektördeki ücretler de ortalama yüzde 40 oranında düştü. Halen kriz öncesi seviyele- re gelinebilmiş değil.” […]


“Yerli diziler bu sezona da damgasını vuracak. 11 ulusal kanalda bu sezon 20’si yeni 63 yerli dizi yayınlanıyor. Reyting rekorları kıran dizilerin hem yapımcıları, hem de bu dizileri yayınlayan kanallar kazanıyor. İstanbul Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirler Odası’nın (İSMMMO) “Dizi Ekonomisi” araştırmasına göre, bölüm başına maliyetleri 100 ila 300 bin YTL arasında değişen diziler, reklam ve sponsorluk gelirleriyle birlikte yaklaşık 1 milyar YTL’lik bir ekonomi ortaya çıkarıyor.” […]


Cf. also : 


“Media and the city workshop” – ECREA

Organisers’ description:

The MEDIA & THE CITY Temporary Working Group is happy to announce the organization of its first Workshop. The Workshop will take place on FEBRUARY 10, 2012, at the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of MILAN, ITALY.


Workshop overview

The first TWG Workshop will feature parallel sessions and a final plenary. During the parallel sessions, members will be able to share and discuss their research. The final plenary session will discuss the organizational aspects of the Group and delineate future activities. Parallel sessions will be open to all interested scholars, while the plenary will be open only for TWG members.


Selected papers (see website for full details):

Giorgia Aiello – The urban built environment as global(ist) communication: Concepts, methods, critique

Clemens Apprich – Rise and fall of the city metaphor to describe digital networks in the 1990s

Girogio Bacchiega – Peripheral views on Milan

Giovanni Caruso, Riccardo Fassone, Gabriele Ferri and Mauro Salvador – Check-in everywhere: Places, people, narrations, games

Mariana Ciancia and Walter Mattana – Imagine Milan: An audiovisual design thinking approach to the image of the city

Andrea Cuman – Hardcopy vs digital mobile travel guidebooks: A preliminary comparison on mediated spatial interactino and a case study

Amedeo Damato – Cities of blood and longing. The protagonist’s architectural projection in Hollywood cinema

Miriam De Rosa – Cinematic architectures IN SITU. Notes on the participatory construction of a visual urban imagery

Manuela Farinosi – New media and the city in an “out of ordinary” context: Exploring the motivations behind the citizen journalism production after a natural disaster

Gabriele Ferri and Patrick Coppock – Serious urban games. From play in the city to play for the city

Katalin Feher – Digital urban identities

Cezary Hunkiewicz – City as a medium: The space and street art activities

Angelo Imperiale – Avoiding urban marginality: How to build social sustainability?

Sami Kolamo – Branding urban spaces through football media spectacles

Peter Maroldt – New media and the Asian city

Gonca Noyan – Old bridge as a symbol of multiculturalism: Global discourse and local narratives in Mostar

Christian Oggolder – Losing centrality – urban spaces and the network society

Seja Ridell – The cybercity as a medium. Public living and agency in the digitally shaped urban space

Gabriella Sandstig – There is a light that never goes out – cultivation effects on the freedom of movement in urban and suburban public places

Barbara Scifo – The sense of place from mobile communicatino to locative media

Katia Segers, Joost Vaesen and Rudi Janssens – Opportunities and dangers of Brussels media for its Dutch-speaking minority. Research on audience use, expectations and appreciation

Satomi Sugyiama – The muted mobile in Tokyo

Moira Sweeney – Space and the geographical imagination on the Dublin Docklands

Robert Szwed – Researching media representations of the city. Preliminary remarks on how to measure representations of Lublin, Poland

Matteo Tarantino and Simone Tosoni – Convergent media and social production of space: An approach through controversies

Federica Timeto – In the middle of urban space: The case of critical city

Ferenc Zsélyi – Concrete dreamworks

Ferenc Zsélyi, István András and Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár – Global staging in a postindustrial city: Dunaújváros, the media platform of intercultural networking

Weiming Ye – Phoenix man and woman: Discussions on urban and rural gap in Chinese BBS forums

“Yahya Üzdiyen becomes chief executive of Doğan” – Hürriyet Daily News

Yahya Üzdiyen’s post as Doğan chief executive starts today. Source : Hürriyet

“Turkey’s Doğan Holding has appointed Yahya Üzdiyen as its new chief executive, according to a company statement to the Istanbul Stock Exchange yesterday.

Üzdiyen was already serving as the deputy chairman of the company.

Born in 1957, Üzdiyen graduated from the Middle East Technical University’s business administration department in 1980. Until 1996, he worked as an executive in various private sector companies. In 1997, he was transferred to Doğan Holding as strategy group chief. He had been serving as the deputy chairman since Jan. 18, 2011, according to the company statement.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Murdoch a contender to buy Atv-Sabah” – Sabah

“According to Wall Street Journal, News Corp may be joining the likes of Time Warner Inc. and TPG Capital to offer bids for Sabah-ATV.

Çalık Group and its advisors at Goldman Sachs were seeking preliminary bids on Wednesday; however the deadline to bid for Turkey’s second largest media conglomerate has now been pushed back to next week, allowing for News Corp to also be a contender.

The sale process for the Sabah-ATV media conglomerate run by young prominent business leader Serhat Albayrak , which includes the highly competitive newspaper and television station as well as a series of popular magazines, has already received interest from U.S. media giant Time Warner Inc. and private-equity firm TPG Capital. According to The Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp will also be putting up a bid. Sources say Sabah-Atv is valued somewhere between $700 million and $1 billion. A bid from News Corp., which also owns The Wall Street Journal, could push the sales figure to the higher end of that range or above.

In 2008, Çalık Group, which also has interests in construction, energy, textiles, finance and telecommunications, acquired Sabah-Atv from the state for $1.25 billion.”

Source : Sabah

“Race for ATV-Sabah heats up as Murdoch joins in” – Sunday’s Zaman

“Friday’s report in The Wall Street Journal that Australian-American media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s giant News Corporation was mulling over acquiring Turkish Çalık Holding’s Sabah daily and ATV station will boost the competitors’ bids for the sale, observers argue.

Çalık recently announced he was putting Sabah and ATV on sale and that the US investment management firm Goldman Sachs was authorized for the sale. The WSJ quoted sources close to News Corp that the company last Wednesday demanded Goldman Sachs to extend the pre-proposal date for the sale, which gave Murdoch another week to come up with an offer. The WSJ also claimed the sale process has drawn interest from bidders including Time Warner Inc. and private equity firm TPG Capital. The offer could be between $700 million and $1 billion, and the presence of another bidder such as News Corp could increase the deal at the high end of that range or above, the WSJ report said.

This is not the first time Murdoch has voiced interest in the Turkish media market.

Murdoch and his partner Turkish-American music magnate Ahmet Ertegün’s Atlantic Records acquired Turkish Huzur Radyo TV AŞ. — the owner of TGRT TV — for $98 million in 2006. TGRT’s name was later changed to Fox TV and it continues operating under this name in Turkey. The mogul in 2007 shared plans with the Turkish government that he “seriously contemplated the acquisition of Sabah and ATV” when they were put on sale by the state’s Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF). Following confiscation by the TMSF from Turkish business tycoon Turgay Ciner’s Merkez Media Group in 2007, the Çalık Group acquired Sabah and ATV along with other smaller entities for $1.25 billion in 2008. In addition to top-rated entertainment station ATV and major daily Sabah, Çalık Group also currently owns smaller newspapers Takvim, Günaydın, Yeni Asır and Pas Fotomaç, radio station Radio City, 10 magazines and their properties, brand names and equipment. […]””

Source : Sunday’s Zaman

“Murdoch’s News Corp. plans bid to buy Turkish media group” – Today’s Zaman

News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch holds a copy of The Sun and The Times as he is driven away from his flat in central London on July 11, 2011. (Photo: Reuters / Source : Sunday's Zaman)

“Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is considering a bid to buy one of Turkey’s biggest media groups, which owns the Sabah daily and popular TV station ATV, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), one of the media outlets owned by News Corporation.

The Turkish group is currently owned by Çalık Holding, a business conglomerate run by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son-in-law.

Çalık and its advisors at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. sought preliminary bids Wednesday but have pushed back the deadline until next week, in part to accommodate News Corporation, WSJ reported Friday, quoting unnamed sources that it said were familiar with the issue.

The value of Sabah-ATV is estimated to be between $700 million and $1 billion, according to the WSJ report.

The WSJ said US media giant Time Warner Inc. and private-equity firm TPG Capital are also interested in Sabah-ATV.

News Corporation, which owns a number of media outlets — including the Daily Telegraph, New York Post and Fox Broadcasting Company — in many countries, also holds the majority share of popular television station Fox TV in Turkey.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Denizli becomes center for film costumes” – Hürriyet Daily News

Costumes for some historical film and TV series are produced in Denizl, which is famous for its textile productions. It is an important source of income in the city. Source : Hürriyet
“Historical films and TV series have recently become important sources of business for weaving sector. Denizli, best known for its textile products, is the center of production of costumes and accessories used in these types of productions. Costumes for some historical film and TV series are produced in Denizl, which is famous for its textile productions. It is an important source of income in the city.

The Aegean province of Denizli, which is known for its home textile products, has also become a center where costumes and accessories, especially needed for historical Turkish and foreign films and TV series, are being produced.

“We have shown it in the costumes that we have prepared for ‘Troy’ and ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean,’” Abdülkadir Uslu, the mayor of the town of Kızılcabölük in Denizli’s Tavas district, said.

Uslu said the town’s textile products were appreciated all over the world thanks to authentic weaving. The most important feature of Kızılcabölük was that it could mix its cultural and historical richness with world history, he said.

Turkey and world

The quality of dresses produced in weaving looms in their town was not only approved by the film industry, Uslu said. They have also weaved for statesmen and famous hotels. “We have so far created Turkish bath sets for the Bush family and British Royal family.”

Costumes for well-known Hollywood productions have been produced in the province so far. More recently Denizli has been weaving for the film “Fetih 1453,” which tells of the conquest of Istanbul and will be released next month. Popular Turkish TV series “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century), “Japon Gelin” (Japanese Bride) and “Çocukluğumun Bağ Bozumu” (Grape Harvest in my Childhood) have also made use of local textile crafts.

Hollywood taking note

Kadir Açar, who is working as a weaver in Denizli’s Buldan district, said people living in the palace in the Ottoman period had their underwear needs met with fabrics weaved in Buldan, and the same tradition of weaving was used today in historical films. Lingerie worn in “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” and items used in “Fetih 1453” were produced in Buldan’s weaving looms, he said.

“It makes us very pleased that our costumes reach them [film and television producers] thanks to intermediary firms. Also, we are very proud of seeing a trace of our products in every historical TV series,” Açar said.

Historical productions had become an important source of income for weavers, he said. “The interest in Denizli of costume buyers working for films is increasing. I hope we will work for these productions more.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Calik media sale to get airing in February” – Reuters

By Seda Sezer and Asli Kandemir

* Goldman Sachs hired for sale -sources
* Comes after Calik placed on watch list by Fitch
* No problems redeeming $200 mln bond -company official (Releads with media sale)

ISTANBUL, Jan 18 (Reuters) – Turkish group Calik Holding may complete the sale of media assets ATV and Sabah in February, sources told Reuters on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, a Calik official insisted the group would have no problem redeeming a maturing $200 million unsecured note after Fitch Ratings placed the company on a watch list due to refinancing concerns.

Calik hired Goldman Sachs this month to steer the sale of ATV and Sabah, according to sources close to the matter, who added the initial bidding round will close on January 18.

Private equity funds including TPG Capital and KKR & Co, along with Time Warner and RTL Group — Europe’s biggest commercial broadcaster — are among interested bidders, the sources said.

“Calik Group does not have a financing problem. It will make a strategic decision on whether to exit media. I do not think the process would take too long because Goldman Sachs studied the media sector very well and Calik is only talking to a very few investors,” a source close to the deal told Reuters.

“Bids will be collected until the beginning of February and the sale may finalise in February,” the same source said. Another source close to the matter also confirmed bids will be collected until February.

Goldman Sachs was last year mandated for the sale of assets of Turkey’s biggest media group, Dogan Yayin, and was hired for the separate process of selling its flagship Hurriyet newspaper.

The interested bidders for Calik assets were also on the shortlist for Dogan Yayin assets, but that sale did not happen.

Credit rating agency Fitch said on Tuesday it had placed the $200 million, five-year bond issued by Globus Capital Finance and guaranteed by Calik, on rating watch negative.

“There is no problem with the redemption. We will make the redemption,” a Calik Holding official told Reuters on Wednesday.

The redemption by Calik, which also has interests in energy and finance, is due on March 5.

The 8.5 percent bond has been falling in recent weeks, and was trading at a yield of almost 25 percent on Wednesday.

“Fitch assumes that Calik will need to get additional bank lines or external funding to meet the maturity which, to Fitch’s knowledge, have yet to be put in place,” the agency said.

It added the Sabah and ATV media assets were thinly capitalised, considering the competitive market they were in and the current and projected working capital needs.

Calik took on $750 million of bank debt in April 2008 to finance that acquisition. (Editing by David Hulmes)

Source : Reuters

“Doğan wins governance award” – Hürriyet Daily News

Doğan Chairwoman Yalçındağ (C) speaks during an Istanbul meeting yesterday. DHA photo. Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Doğan Holding, a major Turkish media company, received “The Company with Third Highest Corporate Governance Rating Score” award yesterday at the Fifth International Corporate Governance Summit” organized by the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey.

The Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) scored the highest score, while TAV Airports Holding came in second place.

The awards were based on the rating scores of Istanbul Stock Exchange’s Corporate Governance Index companies, as of Dec. 31, 2011.

The awards are based on the methodology of the Capital Market Board (SPK) and aims to create awareness and promote the best practices of corporate governance in Turkey, according to the web site of the association.

“Adopting corporate governance principles makes the firms more stable against risks,” Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ, said Doğan chairwoman, at the summit, adding that Doğan was one of the first business groups to go public in 1993.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ümit Boyner, head of Turkish Industry & Business Association, said the SPK should become more transparent with more independent board members.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

Reports : TUIK


There are 12 parts in the publication: cultural heritages, archives, libraries, newspapers, periodicals and books, art galleries, theaters, operas and ballets, orchestra, choir, group, cinemas, cultural and scientific activities, participation in and time spent on cultural activities and religion. Published in the cultural heritage in museums, the current work, the museum and the ruins of public information such as number of visitors and receipts are included. Archives section, research related to open archives to statistics are available. Libraries section; National Library, university libraries, public libraries, formal and non-formal education institutions belonging to the library information is available. In the print media, newspapers and magazines, according to the number of broadcast area, circulation, such as the frequency of publication statistics are also included. Publications also, art galleries, theater, opera and ballet and cinema with the information to the cultural and scientific activities, and participation in cultural activities and religious issues of time allocated to the various statistics are included.
Data on the number of enterprises, employment and payments, number of hours worked by employees, total purchases of good services, turnover, production value, value-added at factor costs, change in stocks, fixed-capital investments and sales given by Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. (NACE Rev.1.1) and Classification of Statistical Reginal Units (SRE).
This publication, broadcasting institutions data, economic activities, number of persons engaged, size of broadcasting, current expenditures, revenues of institution, type of programmes, broadcasting times of programme etc. related to institutions and values for variables such as production value and value added data are presented to use.
In this publication, there is information about participation level, participation frequency in cultural activities by sex and socio-economic characteristics, average time spent for cultural activities are given by main cultural activities. In addition, internet use, and entertainment activities which are closely related to cultural activities are given as separate parts in the publication.

“Sultan conquers 40 countries’ television” – Hürriyet Daily News

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“The Turkish TV series “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century), which has become one of the most popular productions in Turkey and increased people’s interest in Ottoman history, is opening to the world, daily Radikal reported.

No other Turkish series, which will be broadcast in 40 countries this month, is carried in so many areas around the world.

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” was introduced to the world last year during the MIPTV Television Fair in Cannes. The series drew great interest from many international channels and will now be distributed in 40 countries, 22 out of which are in the Middle East.

The series was first broadcast overseas in Slovakia and Czech Republic and became very successful, reaching a 45 percent rating within a short time. Last week, the series began airing in Macedonia and was soon drawing 32 percent of viewers and bringing its carrier to the top of the country’s ratings competition. It has also gained a large number of viewers in the Middle East.

Goal is 60 countries

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” is also opening up to the world in new regions as a significant brand; the goal of the series is to reach 60 countries this year, according to officials.

The series will start broadcasting on Russian channel Domashniy on Jan. 14, Anatolia news agency reported.

Long popular on Russian social sharing websites, the series was introduced by the channel with the motto, “Palace decoration, magnificent dresses and unbelievable success on earth. The story of concubine Roksalana, who stole the heart of the sultan: Roksalana and Süleyman.”

Starring Halil Ergenç, Meryem Sarah Üzerli, Okan Yalabık and Nebahat Çehre, the series moved to Star TV this month and added actor Mehmet Günsur to its team.

Produced by TIM’s Productions and directed by the Taylan brothers, the series’ script is written by Meral Okay.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News