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Audiences TV Turquie : 

“TV series criticized by Turkish PM has 150 million viewers, culture ministry says” – Hürriyet

“Turkey’s Culture and Tourism Ministry has responded to the prime minister’s recent suggestion that “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century) was misrepresenting Ottoman history, emphasizing the show’s number large viewership, as well as the general economic benefits of Turkish TV series.

“At the end of 2010 we had $65 mln in export revenue thanks to these T.V. series,” the head of the Intellectual Property Rights Property Rights department of the ministry, Abdullah Çelik, said in a speech at the Trakya University Balkans Congress Center.

“We exported 10,500 hours of T.V. series’ in 2011, however we had no export revenue in 2006,” he said, adding that such series reached 150 million people in 76 countries around the world.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan dished out heavy criticism on the hit Turkish TV series, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl,” (The Magnificent Century) for its portrayal of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman on Nov. 25. “[…]

Source : Hürriyet

“TV watchdog launches new rating inspections” – Hürriyet Daily News

Davut Dursun says the new rating measurement system should be trustworthy. AA photo. Source: Hürriyet

“A new draft of regulations for Turkey’s TV rating system, which said the Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) will introduce a strict inspection mechanism, has been presented by RTÜK head Davut Dursun.

Dursun said the new mechanism will be based on four steps. The committee that will measure the ratings will be a legal entity, Dursun said, adding that publishers and broadcasters will take a much more active role in the measurement committee than before.

The new rating system will introduce rating mechanisms into towns with populations of over 5,000, Dursun said. The previous minimum population number was 20,000.

There will be more than one mechanism to inspect rating measurements, Dursun said.

“First there will be an internal inspector firm which conforms to international standards. Second an independent institution will check the outcomes from that firm. Third RTÜK will inspect them all,” Dursun said.

Dursun said RTÜK would rather to stay out of the issue, but that Parliament had changed its instructions on the subject, which gave them regulation and supervision duties.

“Our good will should not be abused,” Dursun said.

“It is a milestone for RTÜK to take part in the rating measurement system. I cannot say that this development will solve the problems because consensus among the actors is a must here. The new model we are talking about needs to be trustworthy. RTÜK is a new actor and now this institution will have a right to inspect and fine whenever it wants,” Professor Ali Atıf Bir, head of the advertising department at Bahçeşehir University told the Hürriyet Daily News April 27.

In December 2011, the Istanbul Üsküdar Prosecutor’s office launched a case against television rating agencies, finding that production companies had paid respondents to vote in favor of the television programs of their choice. The police raided AGB and several other production companies at the time.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Another TV rating scandal hits sector” – Hürriyet Daily News

Confidence in TV ratings sector is faltering as an another TV ratings agency has failed to keep identities of its respondents a secret, an investigation reveals. Souce : Hürriyet

“Turkey’s TV ratings sector is facing a new scandal as a fresh inspection reveals that TNS, the latest rating agency, may have failed to keep the names of its respondents a secret.

In December 2011, the Istanbul Üsküdar Prosecutor’s office launched a case against television rating agencies, finding that production companies had paid respondents to vote in favor of the television programs of their choice. The police raided AGB and several other production companies at the time, and the Turkish Television Viewing Research Committee (TİAK) ended its contract with AGB, to sign a new contract with TNS.

TNS received a list of 100,000 respondents from the Turkish Statistical Institute and outsourced the actual survey distribution to five different intermediary companies. TİAK then chose Marmara University to oversee that the respondent pool was chosen in a healthy fashion.

However, in its March-April report, Marmara University found that the respondents were not chosen in the appropriate fashion and that some respondents either did not complete or inaccurately answered the survey questions, or that their addresses did not match their profiles. The university also found that the surveys could have been leaked after being completed, and were not destroyed as required to protect confidentiality.”

Sourc : Hürriyet Daily News

“TV series “Magnificent Century” becomes a phenomenon in Bulgaria” – Cumhuriyet

“Several Turkish tv series which have been on air have also become a phenomenon on the internet in Bulgaria.

A number of Turkish tv series such as “Unforgettable (Unutulmaz)”, “Autumn (Son Bahar)”, “Little Women (Kucuk Kadinlar)”, “Under the Linden Trees (Ihlamurlar Altinda)”, “An Istanbul Tale (Bir Istanbul Masali)” and “Little Secrets (Kucuk Sirlar) and notably “The 1001 Nights (Binbir Gece)” and “The Fall of Leaves (Yaprak Dokumu)” have made their private channels rating champions.

“The Magnificent Century (Muhtesem Yuzyil)” has also been the most viewed tv series on the internet in Bulgaria.

Turkish tv series Magnificent Century is being watched on Bulgarian internet pages with the subtitles translated by volunteer fans a few hours later it was broadcast in Turkey. Later, tv series’ Bulgarian fans share their opinions over events and the private life of the leading cast.

The Magnificent Suleyman, Hurrem Sultan, Ibrahim Pasha, Malkacoglu and Mother of Reigning Sultan are the main topics of the forums. Bulgarian tv channels have already taken action to buy this tv series’ copyrights.

Yet, the Magnificent Century is not the only Turkish tv series that attracts the highest audience viewership in Bulgaria. “I Named You Feriha (Adini Feriha Koydum)”, “Modesty (Iffet)”, “What Is the Fault of Fatmagul? (Fatmagul’un Sucu Ne?)”, “North-South (Kuzey-Guney)” and some other popular series are also still being watched excitedly by Bulgarian fans.”

Source : Cumhuriyet

Reports : RTÜK


“Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu özürlü vatandaşların televizyon izleme eğilimlerini belirlemeye yönelik olarak, örneklemi Türkiye genelini kapsayan bir kamuoyu araştırması yaptı.

11-27 Eylül 2007 tarihleri arasında, Türkiye genelini temsilen 20 ilde 15 ve daha yukarı yaştaki toplam 2488 özürlü/engelli kişinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen “Özürlü Vatandaşların Televizyon İzleme Eğilimleri Araştırması” ile araştırmaya katılan 78 kişiyle yapılan derinlemesine mülakat sonuçlarına göre, özürlüler hafta içi günlerde ortalama 4.3 saat televizyon izliyor/dinliyor. Özürlü vatandaşlarımız tarafından en çok izlenen/dinlenen kanallar, Kanal D (% 54), Show TV (% 50,3), ATV (%50), TRT Kanalları (%42,1), Star (%37,3) ve Samanyolu (% 21) olarak sıralanmakta. TRT’nin beğenilme nedenlerinin başında yayınlarının kaliteli olması ve haber programlarının iyi olması gelmekte. Kanal D, ATV ve Show TV’nin beğenilme ratingini yükselten ise kanallarında yayınlanan diziler.”

Hafta içi 3 saat olan televizyon izleme süresi %20.5’e, 2 saatlik TV izleme oranı ise %17.2’ye çıkmıştır.

– Hafta içi kadınlar 4,5 saat, erkekler ise 4,1 saat TV izlemektedirler.
– Hafta içi en çok TV izleyen yaş grubunun 41+ olduğu ve 4,5 saate ulaştığı görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi evliler 4,4 saat ile en çok TV izleyen grubu oluşturmaktadır.
– Eğitim düzeyi azaldıkça TV izleme oranının arttığı görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi emekli ve işsizlerin 5 saat TV izlediği görülmekte, bu grubu ev hanımı ve çiftçiler takip etmektedir.
– Hafta içi 5,2 saat ile Akdeniz Bölgesinin en çok TV izleyen bölge olduğu görülmektedir.
– Hafta içi TV izleme saatleri incelendiğinde %70,9 ile 18:01-21:00 saatlerinin en çok izlenen saatler, %15 oranı ile 12:01-15:00 saatlerinin ise en az izlenen saatler olduğu gözlenmektedir.
– Hafta sonu TV izleme sürelerine bakıldığında 6 saatlik TV izleme süresinin %15,8’i, 4 saatlik TV izleme süresinin %15,7’yi oluşturduğu görülmektedir.
– Hafta sonu erkekler 4,6 saat, kadınlar ise 4,5 saat TV izlemektedirler.
– Hafta sonu evlilerin 4,6 saat TV izlediği görülmektedir.
– Hafta sonu 5,5 saat ile Akdeniz Bölgesi en çok TV izleyen bölgeyi oluştururken, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi 4 saat ile en az TV izleyen bölgedir.
– Hafta sonu TV izleme saatleri incelendiğinde % 68,7 ile 18:01-21:00 saatlerinin en çok izlenen, % 14,8 oranı ile 09:01-12:00 saatlerinin ise en az izlenen saatler olduğu gözlenmiştir.
– Televizyon programlarının izlenme sıklığı verilerine bakıldığında %93,7 ile haberler, %86,2 ile yerli diziler ve %61,8 ile dini programlar sıralanmaktadır.
– Televizyonlarda yayınlanması istenmeyen program türleri sıralaması şu şekildedir: %63 ile kadın kuşak-izdivaç programları, %50,3 ile magazin programları ve %22,7 ile spor programlarıdır.
– Araştırmada deneklerin %60,3’nün reklamları gördüğünde kanal değiştirdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
– Araştırmaya katılan deneklerin iletişim araçlarına duydukları güven düzeyi incelendiğinde %47,1 ile en çok radyoya güvendikleri, %42,2 ile ise en az televizyona güvendikleri görülmektedir. İnternete olan güven düzeyinde artış olduğu da gözlenmektedir.



[…] Televizyon dizileri, günümüzde Türk televizyonlarında en çok rastlanılan ve televizyon ile en çok bağdaĢtırılan tür olarak görülmektedir. Mutlu‟ya göre, bu türün alt kategorileri, genellikle ana karakterlerin mesleklerine göre ayrıĢabilir. Bu duruma, polisiye ve dedektif dizileri, avukat veya doktorlar üzerine kurulu olan diziler örnek verilebilir. Bunlar içerisinde en popüler olanı da polisiye türünde olanlardır.

Mutlu‟nun da belirttiği gibi, televizyon dizileri ve seriyaller, televizyonun en ayırt edici türleridir. Dizi ve seriyaller birbirinden farklı türler olarak ortaya çıkmıĢlardır. Diziler, ortak karakterlerin ve genellikle ortak mekânların kullanıldığı, anlatılan hikâyenin genellikle aynı bölüm içerisinde çözüme kavuĢtuğu, televizyon oyunlarına benzeyen bir yapıya sahiptir. Oysa seriyaller, merak unsuruna dayalı, devamı izleyici merak ettirilerek sağlanan bir program türüdür. Seriyalleri oluĢturan bölümlerin her birinde, daha büyük bir hikâyenin parçaları verilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, ana bir olay dizisi sonucunda tamamlanan hikâyenin içinde aynı zamanda, yan olaylar da yer almakta, bu nedenle seriyaller çok uzun sürmektedir. Ġçinde drama barındıran bu tür izleyicide bağımlılık da yaratır. Seriyal ne kadar uzun sürerse, o kadar izleme alıĢkanlığı yaratır. Bu izleme alıĢkanlığı sürdüğü müddetçe dizinin baĢarı ölçüsü artmaktadı.

Günümüzde ise dizi ve seriyal arasındaki sözü geçen anlatı farklılıkları bulunmamaktadır. Her iki tür de anlatı yapısı olarak birbirlerinin özelliklerini göstermektedir. Ġzleyicinin sonraki bölümü izlemek için merakta bırakılması her iki tür için de ortak bir özellik olarak göze çarpar. Televizyon dramasında öykünün eksenindeki iliĢki ağı, karakterler ve formata bağlı olarak değiĢen alt türlerden söz edilebilir. Bu alt türler arasında dedektif dizileri, polisiyeler, hastane melodramları, bilim kurgu ve fantezi diziler, televizyon filmleri, soap operalar ya da pembe diziler ve durum komedileri sayılabilir. […]

See also : 

“Sultan conquers 40 countries’ television” – Hürriyet Daily News

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“The Turkish TV series “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century), which has become one of the most popular productions in Turkey and increased people’s interest in Ottoman history, is opening to the world, daily Radikal reported.

No other Turkish series, which will be broadcast in 40 countries this month, is carried in so many areas around the world.

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” was introduced to the world last year during the MIPTV Television Fair in Cannes. The series drew great interest from many international channels and will now be distributed in 40 countries, 22 out of which are in the Middle East.

The series was first broadcast overseas in Slovakia and Czech Republic and became very successful, reaching a 45 percent rating within a short time. Last week, the series began airing in Macedonia and was soon drawing 32 percent of viewers and bringing its carrier to the top of the country’s ratings competition. It has also gained a large number of viewers in the Middle East.

Goal is 60 countries

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” is also opening up to the world in new regions as a significant brand; the goal of the series is to reach 60 countries this year, according to officials.

The series will start broadcasting on Russian channel Domashniy on Jan. 14, Anatolia news agency reported.

Long popular on Russian social sharing websites, the series was introduced by the channel with the motto, “Palace decoration, magnificent dresses and unbelievable success on earth. The story of concubine Roksalana, who stole the heart of the sultan: Roksalana and Süleyman.”

Starring Halil Ergenç, Meryem Sarah Üzerli, Okan Yalabık and Nebahat Çehre, the series moved to Star TV this month and added actor Mehmet Günsur to its team.

Produced by TIM’s Productions and directed by the Taylan brothers, the series’ script is written by Meral Okay.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Gloomy Greeks forget woes with lavish Turk TV dramas” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“When an Athens taxi driver learned his passenger was the boss of an Istanbul-based company that brings Turkish TV dramas to Greece he reached for his phone, called his wife and put her through to the man sitting in the back seat.

“She had to know what happens next,” Global Agency chief executive Izzet Pinto said with a laugh. “I was expecting success but not like this.”

It all began when crisis-stricken Greek TV channels realized soft that buying the glitzy tales of forbidden love, adultery, clan loyalties and betrayal from long-standing regional rival Turkey, was cheaper than filming their own.

The action-packed dramas quickly came to dominate the ratings despite the fact that they are broadcast in Turkish with only subtitles in Greek and have gained a devoted following among a Greek populace disheartened by the country’s biggest financial crisis in decades.

Local commentators even talk of a Turkish invasion, pointing to the history of enmity between the two countries who have been on brink of war on several occasions in the past.

Relations have warmed and natural disasters in both countries have brought them closer. But Greeks know little about the daily lives of urban Turks.

Panoramic views of Istanbul neighborhoods which were once home to large and vibrant Greek communities have also awakened a sense of nostalgia in Greeks for a place they refer to as “The City” or Constantinople.

“They remind me of a different era, of Greece in the 1960s when people dominated in life, not material things,” said 65-year-old Eleni Katsika, a dentist. “I watch them so I don’t get depressed.”

So fascinated are Greeks with the shows, that groups have started organizing trips to the island of Büyükada off the coast of Istanbul just to gawk at the set of one of the hit dramas, “Kismet.”


Between stamping passports in a packed Athens police station, a young officer keeps an eye fixed on a tiny portable TV on the edge of her desk showing repeats of the latest prime-time hit, “Aşk ve Ceza” (Love and Punishment).

TV ratings for the shows in the small country of 11 million reached 40 percent in the summer, knocked off the top spot only by the occasional Champions League soccer match. Major channels ANT1 and Mega competed by showing a drama each at 9 p.m. and re-runs in the late afternoon.

“I realized hatred is manufactured by the guys at the top,” said Angeliki Papathanasiou, a 21-year-old law student. “You don’t see the bad enemy, you see the real Turk who falls in love, who gets hurt, who is like us,” she said of the shows.

As a result, dozens of Greek fan pages on Facebook are peppered with Turkish words like “harika” (wonderful) and “guzel” (beautiful). Some Greek magazines have started giving away CDs for intensive Turkish lessons.

Some Turks find the Greek success of the shows difficult to fathom despite the proximity of the two countries, which in some areas are separated by just a few miles.

“It comes as a shock to me,” said Asli Tunc, a media professor at Istanbul’s Bilgi University. “Greeks need a new kind of entertainment to forget about their problems and these serials seem to meet that demand for now.”

They are also a trip down memory lane to days when the economy was better, traditions were cherished, shoe polishers worked every corner and the local grocery store was a point of reference.

“‘Ezel’ and the other series portray a lost dimension of Greek society that has been buried in recent years,” novelist Nikos Heiladakis wrote in a local newspaper article about the success of one crime drama. “It awakens in today’s Greek a lost identity,” he wrote.


In a way, the dramas are exporting Turkish culture, Global Agency’s Pinto said, even to a doubtful market like Greece.

“Greeks feel closer to Turks than they did,” he told Reuters. “Sometimes soft power is more important than political power.”

For the moment their grip on the audience remains strong and Pinto, whose company distributes three of the dramas to Greek TV and more than 30 other countries, expects to export about five or six dramas to Greece a year.

Next year will see the TV release of the controversial hit-series “Muhteşem Yüzyil” (Magnificent Century), based on 16th century sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, which so far has only been released as a DVD. Magazines selling DVDs of the episodes sell out within hours.

“I’ve not missed a single copy,” said Yiannis Panagoulis, a 40-year-old handyman. “At this rate I’m going to be speaking Turkish very soon. Who would’ve thought?” “

Source : Sabah

“Let us question everything; future is bright ” by Günseli Ocakoğlu – Today’s zaman

Illustr. cem Kızıltuğ. Source : Today's Zaman

“In fact, objections to the TV ratings thing are not entirely new. The first objection raised against the ratings benchmarking came from the Uzan family, owner of Star TV, which was ranked behind its competitors no matter what it did.

The Uzans even resorted to violent methods, harassing benchmarking company AGB Nielsen. Hakan Uzan reportedly intimidated company executives. But why? The Television Monitoring Research Committee (TİAK) identifies the most frequently watched TV programs. Advertisers or, more precisely, media agencies distribute the budget they have based on the results of the rankings. The most viewed receives the largest amount and the least the smallest.

The TİAK ratings were reshaped after a process administered by the International Advertising Association (IAA) last summer with the joint participation of the Advertisers’ Association and the TV Broadcasters Association. They decided to seek out another ratings institution to replace AGB and they settled on Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS). A multinational enterprise, TNS has acquired the rights to rate the programs, effective summer 2012. Of course, this all happened in late September 2011 when the rumors — indicating that a list of households in which the AGB was carrying out ratings measurements was no longer confidential — became widespread.

First objection from TRT

Naturally, the first objection to AGB-led ratings measurement was raised by the state-run Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT). The total ratings of all 15 TRT stations did not even reach the level of the most-viewed program in AGB’s ratings list, and this was the primary reason behind the objection by TRT chair İbrahim Şahin. I think it was best that the TRT decided to question this mechanism. Otherwise, had other private stations done this, the objections would not have been taken seriously. But it is not right to restrict the problem to ratings monitoring. There is also the other side of the coin: the news media. The newly launched shows on the stations where the most-viewed shows are broadcast are seen in the news media as magnificent pieces. If you recall, in reference to the TV series “Muhteşem Yüzyıl,” which had been covered by print and visual media for 15 consecutive days, I said in my column in the Zaman daily in January that the value of this media promotion was worth $1.5 million in advertising dollars.

The TV series was also criticized; the comments of those who said they did not like it right after its broadcast influenced viewers. This inevitably negatively affected the TV channel’s ratings. Those who were able to speak loudly were also able to influence perceptions. In the meantime, it was said that the total worth of the advertising business in 2011 was TL 5 billion. Sixty percent of this amount comes from the TV business, which stresses the importance of the ratings monitoring.

Match-rigging, fraud; what’s next?

At a time when we were heavily occupied with match-rigging allegations, we failed to react to all these rumors and reports indicating that 1,100 out of 2,220 AGB household addresses were on the market and being purchased. This should have then been handed over to police. And this is exactly what happened. Even though the management of the ethical dimension is the duty of the ratings company for the sake of its honor, the issue should be broadly considered because of the size of the marketing communication sector. In other words, the vision of the media and advertiser, and the strength of their association, will suffice to manipulate and direct this process. In this case, why have police been involved in the process? I think this is one of the things that we need to take into account.

The investigation was initiated Dec. 14; TİAK and the Association of Television Broadcasters (TYD) came together to hold a meeting in order to assess the situation on Dec. 15. TİAK chair Hidayet Karaca made a brief but eloquent statement. He said, “We will be following the process, and we will share the information we receive with the public.” But there is one serious problem with respect to the whole issue. How would you ask these 2,220 families if their information and identity have been revealed? This is an investigation that proves to be costly for both the families and the police.

Contract with AGB annulled; what’s the next move?

TİAK has decided not to work with the ratings institution anymore, given that there was no confidence and faith in the ratings monitoring; subsequently, it stopped the monitoring as of Dec. 20, 2011. The committee also unanimously decided to carry out monitoring activities with TNS, with whom they have already signed a contract. Let us say this is a proper decision; but will we learn lessons from past mistakes? And what should be done to make sure that the same thing will not happen again? The brands, corporations and institutions which invest a lot of money in advertising would like to know whether their monies are being used properly; in other words, transparency and measurability are essential.

In light of the ratings fraud and abuse of power, should we ask whether the same fraud has occurred in the other types of media, including print, radio and Internet? Should the advertiser consider the total number of viewers or the quality of the target audience? How proper is it to disregard the consumer profile? Shouldn’t all this require a proper questioning of print media as well? Should we discuss the ranking methodology of the Press Monitoring Research Committee (BİAK)?

What is more important: numbers or perception?

The BİAK report ranks the daily newspapers by number of readers per one copy as follows: Cumhuriyet 9.2, Milliyet 7.9, Posta 6.5, Takvim 5.2, Vatan 4.9, Hürriyet 4.8, Akşam 4.7, Güneş 4.6, Sabah 4.2, Habertürk 3.8, Türkiye 2.9, Bugün 2.9, Yenişafak 2.5, Star 2, Zaman 1.8. In other words, this list says you should multiply the number of copies sold for a given paper with the number of readers per paper, and advertising dollars should be consistent with the results. If this view is adopted, the papers with the smaller circulation figures will receive a greater amount of advertising money as the top of the list includes smaller-circulating papers while the highest-circulating Zaman is at the bottom. However, it was just the opposite in the TV ratings.

There is other, similar research being done in other parts of the world, and because it was assumed that the research could be extensively discussed and manipulated, it was concluded that circulation figures instead are trustworthy. The surveys and research are mostly used to identify the readers’ profile. In consideration of the discrepancy between the findings and results of the BİAK report and Target Group Index (TGI) marketing and media survey, some media agencies in Turkey have now decided to rely on the number of copies sold for their media-planning activities. In the meantime, and perhaps this isn’t well-known, but only Zaman is subjected to professional monitoring and inspection.

Let’s be honest!

I believe that everything should be investigated and questioned for transparency. Let us investigate fully, and then figure out what is appropriate and right. But let’s also be honest. If media agencies or advertisers tell some papers and TV stations they will not buy ads, it would be more ethical. It is not ethical to avoid this and then rely on the controversial rankings. We, the agencies, the advertisers and media, all components of the marketing and marketing communication sectors, should be critical of ourselves so that we will be entitled to criticize others. Is this not the right time to question all ratings methodologies, including the one adopted by BİAK at a time when TİAK is being discussed?”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Previous ratings-fraud probes were covered up ” – Today’s Zaman

The police raided the offices of several production and ratings-measurement companies and detained five people in a ratings-fraud probe on Nov. 14. (Photo: AA, source : Today's Zaman)

“A recent probe into allegations that some TV producers bribed viewers to manipulate TV ratings — after a confidential list that included details about families given devices to measure ratings was leaked — has shown that previous allegations regarding ratings fraud were neglected by the Kadıköy Public Prosecutor’s office.

The investigation into ratings fraud that is being conducted by Akif Özgün, the Üsküdar public prosecutor, has revealed some details about former allegations of ratings fraud that have been neglected by the Kadıköy Public Prosecutor’s Office. According to this, an investigation was launched in 2009 by the office into allegations put forward by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) against Craig Johnson, the general manager of AGB Nielsen Media Research (Turkey), which measures TV ratings; AGB inspector Uğur Çağlı; and the Television Audience Research Committee (TİAK) Chairman Ömer Hıfzı Kayalıoğlu, accusing them of leaking lists that included the identities and addresses of people whose homes have People Meters, or special boxes hooked up to televisions for ratings measurements.

Kadıköy public prosecutor Ömer Faruk Alpaslan dismissed the investigation, after which TRT appealed this decision at the Kadıköy 4th Criminal Court of First Instance, which overturned the prosecution’s dismissal of the case, and a case was filed. The indictment of the case stated that “it was revealed that the suspects, by leaking the names and addresses of families whose homes have people meters to some individuals and organizations, have revealed commercial secrets,” but the three suspects were acquitted by the court on March 8, 2011.

Apart from the case in Kadıköy, there was another investigation into similar allegations by the İzmir Public Prosecutor’s Office that was launched in 2009. Producer Selçuk Çobanoğlu was accused of having a list of people who have people meters in their homes, and it was claimed that he took this list from AGB Production Director Hilmi Berköz. Çobanoğlu testified to the prosecution about these claims. It was also revealed that the İzmir public prosecutor also interrogated some families with People Meters, and the families said in the interrogations that Çobanoğlu called them and offered them money in order to watch certain TV programs. Completing all questioning, the İzmir public prosecution transferred the case file to the Kadıköy Public Prosecutor’s Office in 2010. The Kadıköy prosecutor at that time, Mufit Büyükçolpan, declared he would proceed no further with the investigation. Although the decision was appealed, no case has been filed on this investigation by the Kadıköy Public Prosecutor’s Office.

These two investigations into allegations of ratings fraud that were neglected by the same prosecutor’s office have aroused suspicions about whether the judicial process was manipulated by certain individuals.

The İstanbul Police Department’s Organized Crime Bureau on Dec. 14, 2011, raided the offices of several production and ratings-measurement companies and detained three people over claims that they were involved in ratings fraud.

Offices of the AGB Nielsen company, the www.uçankuş.com, Ay Yapım (Productions), Med Yapım and Tims Yapım and the houses of company owners were raided by police officers from the Organized Crime Bureau over claims alleging that lists with the names of families whose homes have People Meters leaked to several television stations.

Police seized dozens of hard disks, five mobile phones and many digital documents during the searches. Allegations of ratings fraud were frequently raised by TRT beginning in 2008.

Last year, the corporation announced that its channels would no longer be included in audience measurements provided by AGB Nielsen Media Research, which has been conducting TV audience research in Turkey since 1989.”

Source : Bürşa Erdal, Today’s Zaman

“TRT likely to fill eight-month gap for ratings measurements ” – Today’s Zaman

” President of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) İbrahim Şahin has said the TRT is likely to measure TV ratings for eight months until rating-measurement company Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) has established its own system.

The Television Audience Research Committee (TİAK) earlier announced that it is severing its agreement with the rating-measurement company AGB Nielsen in a move that has plunged the future of television ratings in Turkey into uncertainty. In a recent rating-fraud scandal, which has shaken the Turkish television world, TİAK terminated its contract with AGB, an international company that measures over 40 percent of the world’s TV viewing behavior, following a revelation that the company had leaked a confidential list that included details of families who had been bribed to manipulate TV ratings.

In an interview with Today’s Zaman, Şahin said the TRT authorities will convene with TİAK President Hidayet Karaca next week. It is likely that the TRT will be given the task of measuring ratings as a result of the meeting because there is no immediate solution as to who will measure the ratings at the moment. TİAK has an existing contract with TNS to begin working in September 2012 and the company is not expected to take over the task sooner.

Not measuring ratings during eight months portends financial damage for both companies that advertise and broadcasters as well, Şahin said. While stating that the TRT was offered the job, Şahin continued: “They [TİAK] can get through this eight-month period, which if it wasn’t for TRT they wouldn’t receive any data regarding TV ratings in this time. They are most likely to decide on such a solution. Otherwise how can companies that want to advertise make decisions?” Şahin said rating measurements might be conducted through rating measurement company SBT Analiz, which the TRT works in cooperation with.

Şahin said the TRT has been a member of TİAK since the committee was granted status of a legal entity, yet the TRT has put a special condition on their agreement to pave the way for getting their own ratings measured. “But we want this job to be maintained by one body. This can be done. Two companies [rating-measurement companies] can be managed with one hand. That also ensures a crosscheck. Then we can have a reliable measurement. This system is not common in the world but there are places who apply it,” he added.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“TV ratings may go blank as firm stops measuring ” – Hurrïyet Daily News

“The company that has been measuring televison ratings in Turkey says it will not countinue the job, leaving TV stations and advertisers without a rating system

The future of television ratings in Turkey has plunged into uncertainty, as AGB Nielsen Company that used to conduct the measurements announced their withdrawal yesterday, hours after the Television Watching Monitoring Committee (TİAK) terminated its contract with the company, following a major fraud scandal.

“The reliability of the measurement system that constituted the basis for the distribution of advertisements and conducted by [AGB Nielsen Company] has ceased to be,” said the statement issued by the TİAK’s chief executive Dr. Hidayet Karaca. In the latest twist regarding the television fraud scandal that erupted last week, the TİAK pulled out of its contract with AGB Nielsen, after it turned out that the addresses of over 1,000 rating measurement subjects had been compromised.

AGB Nielsen, in turn, in a statement today said they were no longer going to conduct rating measurements, according to reports. A large part of the 1,070 subjects whose adresses had been disclosed were newcomers into the system, as they had replaced 800 other subjects whose addresses had also been exposed, according to the state broadcasting station Turkish Radio and Television (TRT). […]

Last week’s raids were conducted on allegations that rating measurement subjects had been given gifts to keep the ratings of particular shows high. A number of leading broadcasting channels, such as NTV, Habertürk, CNBC–e and BloombergHT, have already stopped subscribing to the rating measurement system, while a number of suspects were taken into custody in connection with the allegations.

Ratings measurements in Turkey were conducted by AGB Nielsen Turkey and TİAK, a company that brings together TV stations and advertisers. Their competition in the TV market was very fierce as channels are constantly striving to gain a bigger share of Turkey’s $1.5-billion TV ad market. “

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“TV ratings suspended as TİAK seek alternative” – Today’s Zaman

Source : Today's Zaman

“The Television Audience Research Committee (TİAK) has announced that it is severing its agreement with the rating-measurement company AGB Nielsen in a move that has plunged the future of television ratings in Turkey into uncertainty.

In the latest twist in the rating-fraud scandal, which has shaken the Turkish television world, TİAK terminated its contract with AGB, an international company that measures over 40 percent of the world’s TV viewing behavior, following the revelation that the company had leaked a confidential list that included details of families who had been bribed to manipulate TV ratings.

With no immediate solution on the horizon, TİAK is looking to enter into negotiations with Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS), with whom it has an existing contract to begin working in September 2012, as to the possibility of putting the contract into effect sooner than planned.

Speaking about what the future holds for the calculation of TV ratings in Turkey, TİAK General Manager Dursun Güleryüz said the company requires a short period to make decisions regarding future partnerships: “We are currently trying to bring forward the date with which we begin working with TNS. At the moment it is a little ambiguous, but we will make a firm decision at a TİAK board of directors meeting next week,” adding that the company’s foremost aim was to ensure that the sector did not suffer damage and that the situation could be rectified in a reliable and trustworthy way.

Despite the uncertainty of the situation and the fact that ratings will not be carried out for the next few months, TİAK President Hidayet Karaca maintained that TV channels and all the parties involved would not suffer any drawbacks. “Ratings are very important because of course they directly affect the proportion of advertising that a channel gets. This has been a problem that has been lingering over the sector for several years now; but as of Dec. 20 we have decided to cut our ties with AGB, and next week we will get together with advertising agencies and production companies and together decide about the plan for the future,” he said.”

Source : Today’s Zaman 

“AGB founder sold TV ratings company in face of network pressure” – Today’s Zaman

Hilmi Köksal Alişanoğlu (Photo: AA). Source : Today's Zaman

“A businessman who was one of the founding partners of the AGB television ratings company, which is currently at the heart of a ratings scandal, has said he and his partners were forced to sell the company in the face of pressure from network owners and producers to present ratings for their stations and shows higher than they actually are.

Hilmi Köksal Alişanoğlu, who founded AGB with his partners in 1984, said he faced great pressure from broadcasters. “We resisted for a long time, but it wasn’t enough. When we couldn’t anymore, in 1994, we transferred the company ownership for a meager sum.”

Ratings takers have been in the spotlight since police launched a major investigation into ratings fraud. In the course of the probe, it became evident that some networks had obtained a list of households where ratings measuring devices had been installed and bribed residents to watch their shows in order to manipulate their ratings.

Alişanoğlu, author of “The Communist Businessman” — a humorous book which recounts the author’s memories as a businessman, told Today’s Zaman that networks have been pressuring ratings companies to manipulate viewer ratings for the past 20 years. “There are so many agencies, so many producers involved,” he said, reiterating that this was the only reason he and his partners sold their company.

He also indicated he was sure that AGB had not leaked the identities of families with ratings measuring boxes, noting that producers have been able to acquire lists of households in the ratings program through intimidation for years.

He recalled that a similar incident had taken place earlier. “In 1992, a television network tried to strong arm us because its overall ratings were low. They told us to ‘correct their ratings.’ After a short while, the [then-state-owned telephone and postal company] PTT raided our office and demanded the list. We gave the list to the PTT. However, after a while, the same company started complaining again that their ratings were falling. They said our viewer lists were being leaked and they showed a list that was exactly the same copy we had given the PTT — it had my handwriting on it. We had to suspend ratings measurement operations for that year.”

Alişanoğlu added that the AGB suffered major to its reputation after it was sold in the face of pressure from networks. The businessman detailed in his books the tricks carried out by broadcasters and producers to manipulate their ratings. Alişanoğlu has held managerial positions in various media companies, including Bileşim, Bileşim Media and AGB — three companies he helped establish.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Five released in ratings operation in Istanbul ” – Hürriyet Daily News

Police also collected piles of documents in raids on more than 20 businesses under the ratings operation in Istanbul. . Souce: Hürriyet

“Three people, who were taken into custody and sent to court as part of a media rating investigation in Istanbul, have been released. Another two suspects were also freed by the public prosecutor without having to appear in court.

The suspects included a former employee of the AGB rating measurement company O.K, and producer S.Ç.

The raids targeted the offices of numerous production firms as well as the AGB Nielsen Company, which measures ratings. They were all part of an investigation launched following a complaint from the state-owned broadcaster Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) for alleged tampering with television ratings.

The suspects are accused of giving gifts to television viewers with measurement devices to keep the ratings of particular shows high.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News