As I’d like to make a representation of the media groups in Turkey I looked for some works previously done on this kind of topic. Those two graphs found on the web illustrate the links between audiovisual and press production in one hand, and the media groups in another hand. Those representations are very helpful to give an idea of the complexity of media sector and of the interelations between finance, media groups, producers, technicians, and so on…

See also the Pierre Carles documentaries on media groups in France, particularly on TF1 channel : “Fin de concession” (2010), “Pas vu, pas pris” (1998), “Enfin pris?” (2003)
Bonus :

My translation to english of the quote in pink (from “Les dirigeants face au changement. Baromètre 2004”):
“[…] let’s be realistic : the basis of TF1 job, is to help Coca-Cola, for instance, to sell its product. But to make the advertisement message perceived, the brain of the spectator has to be available. The vocation of our broadcasts is to make it available, so to say entertain it, to relax it to prepare it between two messages. What we sell to Coca-Cola is available brain time. […]”