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“RTÜK to decide on length of lovemaking scenes in Turkish TV series” – Hürriyet Daily News

“The Turkish Cabinet has authorized the Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) to limit the length of lovemaking scenes in Turkish TV series, daily Hürriyet reported today.

The Cabinet made the decision after approving RTÜK’s decision to fine a Turkish channel for airing a lovemaking scene between the leading characters of the soap opera Aşk-ı Memnu (Forbidden Love) that lasted five minutes and 30 seconds.

RTÜK fined the channel for the “hot” lovemaking scenes, describing them as “too long and immoral” and accusing them of failing to comply with the structure of the Turkish family.

“Aşk-ı Memnu” was adapted from the book of the same name by Turkish novelist Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil and featured actors Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ (Behlül) and Beren Saat (Bihter) in the lead roles.

The show features the chain of events revolving around Adnan Bey (Selçuk Yöntem) and his family. Adnan Bey lives with his daughter and his deceased friend’s son Behlül (Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ), but their lives change when Firdevs Hanım and her daughters Peyker and Bither cross their path. Adnan Bey falls in love with Bihter and they get married, but their happiness is destroyed with the appearance of Behlül, who begins a forbidden affair with Bihter. The story ends with Bihter’s tragic suicide after her affair with Behlül is revealed.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“RTÜK’ten müzik klibine ‘porno’ cezası ” – Radikal

Source: Radikal

“Klipteki cinsellik dozajını fazla bulan Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK), klibin yayınlandığı kanala 11 bin TL ceza kesti

Cumhuriyet gazetesinden Fırat Kozok’un haberine göre, RTÜK , şarkıcı Kat Deluna’nın ‘Wanna See U Dance (la la la)’ klibinde yağmur altında dans eden çiftin görüntülerinin çocuk ve gençlerin gelişimlerini olumsuz etkilediği gerekçesiyle yabancı müzik kliplerini yayımlayan Hits NR 1’e 11 bin TL para cezası kesti.


RTÜK raporunda konuyla ilgili araştırmalara da değinildi:“Bu tür klipler aracılığıyla müstehcenlik içeren görüntüleri izleyen 7-12 yaş arasındaki çocuklarda, pornografik gösterimlere duyarsızlaşma, meşrulaştırma, müstehcenliğin kabul edilebilirlik sınırının genişlemesi gibi birtakım olumsuz etkilere neden olabilir.” Karara CHP ’li üyeler Hülya Alp veSüleyman Demirkan katılmadı.”

Source : Radikal

“Yerli TV dizileri homofobik mi? ” – Radikal

Source : Radikal

“Özgün yerli dizilerde komik olmayan, seks işçiliği yapmayan herhangi bir eşcinsel ya da trans karaktere rastlamak mucizeyle eşdeğer. Dahası uyarlamalardaki eşcinsel karakterleri de heteroseksüel bireyler haline getiriyoruz. Söz sektörün taraflarında…

Türk dizilerinde neden hiç sıradan, gerçek hayatın içinden LGBT (Lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans) karakter görmeyiz? Seks işçiliği yapmayan bir trans, gey bir gazeteci, lezbiyen bir iş kadını diyelim ya da biseksüel bir mühendis… Sorunun yanıtını biliyorum elbette. Ama bu da cevabını bildiğimiz soruların peşine düşmeye mani değil elbette… Memleketin ‘ahlakını’ nizama sokmakla görevli ‘gizli el’ üzerimizde olduğu sürece pek bir şeyin değişmeyeceğini bile bile sorayım istedim.

Öyle bir hal ki; uyarlama dizilerde bile eşcinsel karakterler itinayla yok ediliyor. Bu sezon bir trans karaktere layıkıyla yer veren ‘Kayıp Şehir’ dizisinin senaryo danışmanı Tuğrul Eryılmaz’ın deyişiyle, “Uyarladığımız dizilerdeki karakterleri bile balık kılçığı temizler gibi temizliyoruz!”

Akla ilk gelen örneklerden biri; ‘Umutsuz Ev Kadınları.’ Dizinin orijinali ‘Desperate Housewives’ta Bree’nin genç oğlunun eşcinsel olduğunu görürüz. Lakin dizi bize uyarlanırken Berrin’in (Bree) oğlu heteroseksüel oluverdi. Kanal D’de yayımlanmaya başlayan, ‘Revenge’ uyarlaması ‘İntikam’ın orijinalinde biseksüel olan –ki bu durum birkaç bölüm boyunca kilit öneme sahip- Hakan Eren (Nolan Ross) karakteri, bizde heteroseksüel bir erkek olarak karşımızda.

TV dizisi tarihimizden elimizdeki neredeyse tek düzgün örnek, ‘Bir İstanbul Masalı’nın Zekeriya’sı. Emre Karayel’in canlandırdığı karakter bir işadamıydı ve biz ilerleyen bölümlerde Zekeriya’nın gey olduğunu öğrenecektik. Daha yakın bir vakitte ‘Kılıç Günü’ adlı dizide aynı yatakta iki erkeği gördükten sonra kopartılan fırtına ise unutulmazlar arasında. En fenası da yapımcı Osman Sınav’ın ‘savunmasıydı’: “Kimsenin cesaret edemediği şeyleri göstermeye çalışıyoruz. Ahlaksızlık propagandası yapmıyor, aksine o tip insanların profilini sergiliyoruz. Bu kişiler ve ahlaksızlıklarını gösterebilmek için ahlak sınırları dışına çıkmadan bir şeyler yapmak zorundayız.”

ABD’de Hakarete Karşı Gey ve Lezbiyen Birliği’nin (GLAAD) televizyondaki cinsiyet ve etnik çeşitliliği inceleyen raporu, ülkedeki dizilerdeki LGBT karakter sayısının bu sezon 111 ile rekor kırdığını söylüyordu. GLAAD Başkanı Herndon Graddick, artan sayının toplumun gey ve lezbiyenleri algılayışındaki kültürel değişimi yansıttığı yorumunu yapıyordu.

Genel ahlakı gözeten ‘gizli el’i, başı RTÜK olmak üzere TV kanalları, yapmcılar, senaristler, oyuncular ve tabii basından oluşan bir gövdeye bağlasak, kimse itiraz etmez sanırım. Sektörün taraflarına, yazının başındaki soruyu sordum… “[…]

Source : Radikal

“Censoring Steinbeck in 2012 is not a human thing to do: Culture Minister” – Hürriyet Daily News

Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay while responding to questions from the Association of Diplomacy Correspondents in Ankara. AA photo. Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay has harshly criticized the demand from the İzmir Education Directorate to censor a number of “immoral” parts of John Steinbeck’s famous novel, “Of Mice and Men.”, daily Hürriyet has reported. […]

Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay also responded to questions regarding the soap opera “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century), which was recently harshly criticized by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

“The Magnificent Süleyman is doubtless was world emperor. But he was slave of his love at the same time, and this is a real story, not fiction. If this story had been filmed as an international project it could have shaken the world, but it disappointed me,” Günay said.

“Even before the prime minister’s criticism I also thought the scenario had been written a bit carelessly,” he added.

Erdoğan had criticized the series for its showing of sixteenth century Ottoman Emperor Süleyman the Magnificent in the palace with women in many scenes. He said this misrepresented Süleyman and invited prosecutors to sue it.

Source : Hürriyet

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl’a yasak geliyor” – Sol

“AKP İstanbul Milletvekili Oktay Saral, tarihi dizilerin yayınlanmasına ilişkin yeni kriterler getiren kanun teklifini parti grubuna sundu.

Erdoğan’ın hedef haline getirdiği Muhteşem Yüzyıl adlı diziye yasak geliyor. AKP İstanbul Milletvekili Oktay Saral, Radyo ve Televizyonların Kuruluş ve Yayın Hizmetleri Hakkında Kanunun ”Yayın Hizmetleri İlkeleri” başlığına yeni bir fıkra eklemeyi öngören kanun teklifi hazırlayarak, parti grubuna sundu.

AA’nın haberine göre, Saral’ın Kanun teklifinde, “yayın hizmetleri, toplumun milli değerleri içerisinde kabul edilen tarihi olayları ve şahsiyetleri; küçük düşüren, aşağılayan, çarpıtan veya olduğundan tamamen farklı gösteren nitelikte olamayacak” ifadesi yer alıyor.

Bu teklifin Erdoğan’ın açıklamalarının ardından gelmesi, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl’a yasak geliyor” şeklinde yorumlandı.

Konuya ilişkin açıklama yapan Saral şöyle konuştu:

“Örneğin ömrü at sırtında ülkesine ve milletine hizmet yapmakla geçmiş olan Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, tamamen yatak odasından müteşekkil ve çarpık ilişkilere dayalı bir hayat içerisinde gösterilmektedir. Çocuklarımız ve gençlerimiz bu yayınları izlemekte ve tarihi şahsiyetleri bu yayınlar çerçevesinde değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca bu diziler yurt dışına da seyredilmekte ve diğer milletler nezdinde tarihsel şahsiyetlerimiz hakkında yanlış olgular meydana gelmektedir.”

Source : Sol

“‘The Simpsons’ slapped with fine by Turkish TV authority for poking fun at God ” – Hürriyet Daily News

AP photo. Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) has fined Turkish private broadcaster CNBC-E a total of 52,951 Turkish Liras for airing an episode of the animated sitcom “The Simpsons” in which God is shown to be under the command of the Devil, daily Hürriyet has reported.

RTÜK said the fine had been levied due to CNBC-E “making fun of God, encouraging the young people to exercise violence by showing the murders as God’s orders and encouraging them to start drinking alcohol on New Year’s Eve night.”

“One of the characters is abusing another one’s religious belief to make him commit murders. The bible is publicly burned in one scene and God and the Devil are shown in human bodies,” the RTÜK report said.

In another scene, God serves coffee to the Devil, which can be considered an insult to religious beliefs, according to the report, which explained the motive behind the fine.

“The Simpsons” is the longest-running U.S. sitcom and longest-running U.S. animated program.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Turkey fines TV over Simpsons show for ‘mocking God’ ” – Cumhuriyet

Source : Cumhuriyet

“Turkey’s media watchdog has fined a private television channel for broadcasting episodes of the American cartoon series “The Simpsons” that poked fun at God, a local newspaper reported on Monday.

The Supreme Board of Radio and Televison (RTUK) fined CNBC-E around 53,000 lira (22,700 euros) over the show, saying it “mocked God” by depicting him serving Satan a cup of coffee and showing one character encouraging another to commit murder in the name of God, the Hurriyet newspaper said.

RTUK also accused “The Simpsons” of showing scenes in which copies of the bible are burnt and encouraging young people to consume alcohol.

The decision by RTUK, which has imposed a string of fines over other television series aired in Turkey that were deemed to be insulting to God or historical leaders or offending family values, was ridiculed by Hurriyet columnist Mehmet Yilmaz.[…]”

Source : Cumhuriyet

“TV serials bad for your kids” – Hürriyet Daily News

Source: Hürriyet Daily News

Article by Belgin Akaltan

“Children seem to believe whatever they see on TV. Children under the age of 8 are often especially unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. They think they are watching Sultan Süleyman when they watch the soap opera “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century).

They imagine whatever is put on TV is real. This inability to distinguish between fact and fiction seems to be a widespread problem in today’s Turkey. There are also some adults who refuse to grow up.

Some of these grownups have successful political careers. Their percentage is very low, but they have been recorded to gain as much as more than 40 percent of the vote. Political scientists are still working on this phenomenon.

There is also an additional peculiarity with the Turkish society. Old time Turkish films were made with such an unusual level of unreality that several idiosyncrasies in the Turkish society today are associated with having been exposed to too many of them.

In a popular Turkish film of the 1970s and 80s, the heroin may be raped but does not lose her virginity, forced to marry the villain but stays a “good girl” for decades, then goes blind, never ages except for a few white powder shades on her hair, then meets the love of her life, her eyes start to see again, the villain dies, she marries her love and becomes a famous singer and also rich at the end. I’m not kidding. Crowds believed in such far-fetched plots. Naturally, the same crowds were able to believe in anything else later on in real life and children raised by these parents live in a delusional world (said Belgin, the philosopher).

In an article for Hürriyet published on Tuesday Yılmaz Özdil cited examples that illustrate just how far Turkish society can get carried away when watching soap operas: “The drug-dealer in the TV series ‘Beyaz Gelincik’ was beaten by a group in a dark alley. The mother in the soap opera ‘Çocuklar Duymasın’ was elected mother of the year at a time when she had no children. The surgeon named Kutsi in the ‘Doktorlar” series was approached by more than 20 citizens who brought their fathers with Alzheimer’s or even sick babies to the film set. The jewelry robbery In ‘Akasya Durağı’ actually triggered a call to 155 and anti-terror teams were dispatched, almost shooting the masked actors.”

“An anti-American demonstration was being filmed in front of a mosque for a TV series. Congregation coming out of Friday prayers joined, chanting ‘Allah is great.’ There was a scuffle, a plain clothes policeman passing by interfered and tried to arrest an actor burning an American flag.”

So, if you have a child over the age of 8 and if he still persists there is little difference between fact and fiction, don’t worry if you live in Turkey. He might have a bright political future. I have avoided the word “she” intentionally. Somehow girls have a better cognition of fact and fiction starting from an earlier age in Turkey. No scientific research has been conducted on this; the researchers are too busy studying the guys.

If you ask me, (even if you don’t ask me you are bound to read my opinion now), a good solution would be to assign “mummies” for every child. For those grownups without mummies around to help them, maybe wives can act as moms and guide them in separating fact from fiction.

Wait; is that not a tried option in Turkey? It surely is! What else can be done?

Teach the opposition to base their strategies on things good enough for 8 year olds? Ban TV all together except for TRT? Form a sub-committee for Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) with a name such as, “Sultan Süleyman Fact Finding Committee?” Shoot a documentary about Sultan Süleyman’s life, where he spends 30 years on horseback? Wait that was also suggested, right?

Am I Turkish or what?”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Controversial Turkish soap opera faces criminal complaint” – Today’s Zaman

“A businessman in the tourism industry has filed a criminal complaint against a controversial historical soap opera aired on a Turkish network, accusing it of undermining people’s understanding of Turkish history.

Ömer Faruk Bildirici, who lives in the central province of Konya, filed the complaint on Friday in a Konya court against “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century), a soap opera centered on the intrigues of the Ottoman Palace that airs on Star TV.

Bildirici accused the TV show of distorting society’s perceptions of certain historical incidents and figures and demanded a ban on the TV show in a petition which will be forwarded to the İstanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office.

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” has become a top issue of debate in the country after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan severely criticized the show, saying it undermines the golden age of Turkish history, as it portrays Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, known as Kanuni in Turkish, who reigned from his coronation in 1520 to his death in 1566, in a way conservatives in Turkey say is skewed.

Erdoğan not only lashed out at the show but also at its producers, as well as the owner of the network that runs it. “We know no such Kanuni. He spent 30 years of his life on horseback [as opposed to the life of indulgence portrayed in the series]. I publicly condemn the directors of that show and the owners of the television station. We have warned the authorities about this. I expect the judiciary to make the right decision.”

The series has been on the air for two years. Erdoğan and other government representatives have occasionally expressed their annoyance with it, but this was the first time Erdoğan called on the judiciary to act against the show, sparking a major controversy about free speech in Turkey.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Her Lafın İçinde Bir Başbakan” – Sol

Kaynak : Sol

“Ülkenin temel meselelerinin ötesinde her mevzuya dair yorum yapmasına yönelik eleştirileri “Bu ülkenin Başbakanı olarak bu da benim görevim…” şeklinde göğüsleyen Tayyip Erdoğan’ın gündemini şu sıralar Muhteşem Yüzyıl meşgul ediyor.

Yayınlanmaya başlandığı günden bu yana pek çok kez gerici köşe yazarlarının ve RTÜK’ün, tarihi çarpıttığı gerekçesiyle hedef aldığı dizi şimdi de Başbakan’ın gündemine girdi. Kütahya’da katıldığı hava alanı açılışında konuşma yapan Tayyip Erdoğan 2 senedir yayında olan ve Kanuni Sultan Süleyman zamanının Osmanlı’sını anlatan Muhteşem Yüzyıl dizisine ateş püskürdü. Başbakan; “Bizim öyle bir ecdadımız yok. Biz öyle bir Kanuni tanımadık. Biz öyle bir Sultan Süleyman tanımadık. Onun ömrünün 30 yılı at sırtında geçti. Sarayda o gördüğünüz dizilerdeki gibi geçmedi” diyerek dizinin gerçeği yansıtmadığını iddia etti.

Tasvip etmediği durumlarda ‘yargıya talimat verdiğini’ söylemekte bir beis görmeyen Başbakan, “Bu konuda da ilgilileri uyarmamıza rağmen yargının da gerekli kararı vermesini bekliyoruz. Böyle bir anlayış olamaz. Bu milletin değerleriyle oynayanlara milletçe gereken dersin, cevabın hukuk içinde verilmesi gerekir” diyerek yargıyla olan ilişkisinin altını bir kez daha çizmiş oldu. Başbakanın uzlaşamadığı kaç gazetecinin işinden olduğu anımsandığında, “Ben o dizilerin yönetmenlerini de o televizyonların sahiplerini de milletimin huzurunda kınıyorum” dediği yönetmen ve televizyoncuların akıbeti merak konusu oldu.” […]

Source : Sol

“Amid Ottoman series row, Gül welcomes history in TV shows” – Today’s Zaman

“Turkish President Abdullah Gül has hailed depictions of history in TV shows and movies, adding his voice to recent debates over whether the depiction of history by artistic circles distorts society’s perceptions about certain historical incidents and figures.

“The fact that historical events or people are being dealt with in movies or TV series is a welcome development,” Gül said during the annual Presidential Grand Awards in Culture and Arts on Thursday.

The president stated that history, especially the Ottoman era, has in recent years become a subject of curiosity and interest for people and that’s why we see historical events and figures being more frequently portrayed in TV series, films and stories.

“It is important to take lessons from history. As the Turkish saying goes, ‘history repeats itself’,” Gül further stated.

The debate on TV shows based on history was sparked by remarks from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who severely criticized “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century), a historical soap opera on Turkish networks centered on the intrigues of the Ottoman Palace. Those who criticize the series say it portrays şehzades, or the children of the sultan, as indulged only in sensual pleasures.

Erdoğan feels that the series undermines the golden age of Turkish history, as it portrays Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, known as Kanuni in Turkish, who reigned from his coronation in 1520 to his death in 1566, in a way conservatives in Turkey say is skewed.

Erdoğan not only lashed out at the show but also at its producers, as well as the owner of the network that runs it. “We know no such Kanuni. He spent 30 years of his life on horseback [as opposed to the life of indulgence portrayed in the series]. I publicly condemn the directors of that show and the owners of the television station. We have warned the authorities about this. I expect the judiciary to make the right decision.”

The series has been running for two years. Erdoğan and other government representatives have occasionally expressed their annoyance with it, but this was the first time Erdoğan called on the judiciary to act against the show, sparking a major controversy about free speech in Turkey.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Turkish PM right to criticize TV series, minister says” – Hürriyet Daily News

Ertuğrul Günay is speaking at a ceremony, saying that Erdoğan was right to criticize the popular series. AA photos. Source : Hürriyet

“Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay has said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was right to criticize the popular TV series Muhteşem Yüzyıl (The Magnificent Century).

 “The prime minister has a very reasonable approach. He has suggested that everyone should be more careful when they write a scenario,” said Günay, adding that the historical era in question was an important one and was not imaginary.

Günay said the clothes, environment, setting and events portrayed in such TV series should more closely mirror reality, which would increase the value of the work. “If this happens then the discussions would stop. We cannot deny the labor of people who are working on these series, but I think everyone could be more careful in terms of scenarios and reflecting reality,” he said.

Erdoğan had earlier heavily criticized Muhteşem Yüzyıl on Nov. 25, for its portrayal of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman the Magnificent.

“We alerted the authorities regarding this and we wait for a judicial decision on it,” Erdoğan said. “Those who toy with these values should be taught a lesson within the premises of law.”

‘Intervention in the judiciary’

The show, which airs in Turkey and abroad, follows the lives of Sultan Süleyman and his lover, the Hürrem Sultan. The show focuses on Süleyman’s personal and palace life, portraying characters from the harem as well as from the royal family.

Erdoğan’s critique of Sultan Süleyman’s portrayal has led to rigorous criticism from members of opposition parties.

 Some described Erdoğan’s behavior as an intervention in the judiciary in light of his comments that regarding a judicial decision while others said the prime minister was trying to divert the country’s agenda.

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy chair Erdoğan Toprak described Erdoğan’s approach as “grave, authoritarian and unhealthy,” daily Radikal reported Nov. 26.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Turkish PM’s attacks to TV series raise eyebrows” – Hürriyet Daily News

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. AA photo. Source : Hürriyet

“Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s heavy criticism Nov. 25 of the hit Turkish TV soap opera “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century) for its portrayal of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman the Magnificent has led to rigorous criticism by members of opposition parties.

Some described Erdoğan’s behavior as an intervention in the judiciary because he had said, “We have alerted the authorities on this, and we wait for judicial decision on it.” Others said the prime minister was mainly trying to divert the country’s agenda.[…]

Tv series and historical facts

“Did it just occur to him now? This TV series has been on the air for more than a year,” Büyükataman told Radikal. “The series should be reviewed in line with historical facts, but I don’t believe in the sincerity of Mr. Prime Minister’s approach.”

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) deputy parliamentary group chair İdris Balüken said Erdoğan’s main problem was his aspiration to tyrannize over arts and artists, while also intervening in the judiciary as the judiciary itself has already been manipulated by his positions.

“Taking this aspect into consideration, we can estimate the greatness of the danger of an order given to the judiciary for censorship and to take the arts under its control,” Balüken said.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Turkish PM talks Ottoman Empire, slams Turkish TV show ” – Hürriyet Daily News

PM R.T. Erdogan. AA photo. Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Turkey should follow in its ancestors’ footsteps and go everywhere they have travelled to, the Turkish prime minister said during the opening ceremony of Kütahya Zafer Airport on Nov.25.

“We move with the minds of our Dumlupınar martyrs,” Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said. “We move with the spirit that founded the Ottoman Empire.”

Erdoğan then criticized the opposition for asking “what [Turkey] was doing in Gaza, Syria and Sudan.”

“We must go everywhere our ancestors have been,” Erdoğan said. “We can not take [Atatürk’s philosophy of] peace at home, peace in the world as passivity.”

“We have no eyes on any country’s land,” Erdoğan said. “We want stability in the region as much as we want stability in our homeland. We always side with dialogue to solve problems, but if there is a threat against our country then we will not refrain from taking the necessary precautions. We will not remain silent.”

PM slams Ottoman TV show

In the same speech Erdoğan also dished out heavy criticism on the hit Turkish TV series, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl,” (The Magnificent Century) for its portrayal of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman.

“We alerted the authorities on this and we wait for judicial decision on it,” Erdoğan said. “Those who toy with these values should be taught a lesson within the premises of law.”

Muhteşem Yüzyıl is a popular TV show airing in Turkey and abroad, which follows the lives of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman and his love Hürrem Sultan. The show focuses more on Süleyman’s personal life and palace life, portraying characters from the harem, as well as from the royal family. “

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Macedonia bans Turkish soap operas” – Hürriyet Daily News

“Macedonia is currently passing a bill to restrict broadcasts of Turkish TV series during the day and at prime time in order to reduce the Turkish impact on Macedonian society, daily Habertürk has reported.

“Our own programs have started being broadcast after midnight because of Turkish soap operas. On every channel I see a Turkish soap opera like ‘Muhteşem Yüzyıl’ [The Magnificent Century], ‘Ezel,’ or ‘Binbir Gece’ [A Thousand and One Nights]. They’re all fascinating, but to stay under Turkish servitude for 500 years is enough,” Information and Society Minister Ivo Ivanovski said.

Turkish series will gradually be removed and replaced by national programs, according to the new bill.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News