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” “Organized” Intolerance against “Magnificent Century” Series” – Bianet

After a statement of Deputy PM Arınç against the series “Magnificent Century”, members of the Felicity Party protested in front of the Show TV building. MHP members demanded to cancel the series. The history advisor and scriptwriter do not agree with the reactions.

The new TV series “Magnificent Century” set in the reign of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent in the 16th century created quite a stir in the Turkish media and public. The series was launched on Show TV in the beginning of January. It was criticized by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), the Anatolian Agency, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) and the responsible Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç. The series furthermore took flak from nationalist and Islamic parties.

Members of the Prosperity Party (SP) and the Anatolian Youth Association were accompanied by janissary musicians when they walked to the building of Show TV to express their protest against the series. Demonstrators destroyed advertisements of the series. Saying ‘Allah is great’, they also shouted slogans such as “Don’t sleep, government; take care of our history” and “Break the hands of the ones who touch the Ottomans”(…)

Source : Bianet

“Turkish TV series slammed for sultan portrayal” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“Some Turks are furious over a new television series that they believe depicts an Ottoman sultan in a negative light, and the government is promising to respond to the complaints.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc says the government will act “within the framework of the law” following an outcry over “The Magnificent Century,” a drama on Show TV that portrays the 16th-century rule of Suleyman the Magnificent.

Suleyman presided over the Ottoman empire’s glory years, but some commentators say the series hurts his reputation, showing him in his harem and apparently consuming alcohol, which is banned in Islam.

A script writer for the show says Suleyman only had a fruit drink in his goblet in the first episode, which aired Wednesday.”

Source : Sabah

“İlk defa sektörün bütün bileşenleri bir slogan altında birleşti” – Emek Dünyasi

Sinan Biçici. Source : Emek Dünyasi

“SENDER’in başlattığı, “Yerli dizi yersiz uzun” eyleminin yankıları sürüyor. RTÜK, Çalışma Bakanlığı ve Kültür Bakanlığı bu konuda çalışma başlatıyorlar. Süreci SENDER Genel Sekreteri Sinan Biçici’ye sorduk.

Senaryo Yazarları Derneği SENDER’in başlattığı, “Yerli dizi yersiz uzun” eyleminin yankıları sürüyor.Yönetmeninden senaristine, oyuncusuna set işçisine kadar dizi çalışanlarının 24 Aralık 2010 ‘da AKM önünde yaptığı eylem büyük etki yarattı. RTÜK, Çalışma Bakanlığı ve Kültür Bakanlığı bu konuda çalışma başlatıyorlar. Süreci SENDER Genel Sekreteri Sinan Biçici’ye sorduk.

RTÜK Başkanı, Çalışma Bakanı ve Kültür Bakanı’nın yaptığı açıklamayı nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz?

8 Kasım tarihinde bir basın açıklaması yaparak 30’dan fazla ilgili kuruma dilekçe göndermiştik. Aralarında cumhurbaşkanlığı, başbakanlık, çalışma bakanlığı, kültür bakanlığı, RTÜK, yayıncı kuruluşlar bulunuyordu. RTÜK başkanı, çalışma bakanı ve kültür bakanının açıklaması bizim bu başvurumuza cevap niteliği taşıyor. Gerçi bu ilgili kurumlar bize resmi bir yanıt vermediler ama bunu kamuoyuyla paylaşmaları da önemli. 


Source : Emek Dünyasi

“Double Standards at RTÜK?” – Bianet

“After the Radio and Television Supreme Council’s critical statement on the Israeli attack of aid ships for Gaza, Abakay from the Contemporary Journalists Association expects a statement from RTÜK on violations of press freedom in Turkey.

“Good morning! On which mountain did Kurds die?” – this is how the President of the Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD), Ahmet Abakay, addressed the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) in reference to the council’s statement on the Israeli attack on the aid ships for Gaza on 31 May. RTÜK had condemned the “interference against the freedom to obtain information and the media’s freedom to publish news and opinions”.

In their announcement, RTÜK had said, “Israel did not only unlawfully murder innocent people but also committed media terrorism”. Abakay condemned the Israeli attack and commented RTÜK’s statement, “This is unbelievable, how did that come to their mind?”(…)”

Source : Bianet

“Turkish industry bodies plan new TV ratings committee” – Research-Live

TURKEY— Three industry associations have joined forces to revamp TIAK, the joint industry committee for TV ratings in Turkey, after the country’s Competition Board ordered the body to restructure.

TIAK was initially given a 90-day deadline to restructure itself, hire professional staff and make its methodology publicly available, having been found by the Competition Board to be “lacking in structure and technical ability”.

That deadline expired yesterday, however TIAK has been given a 60-day extension after the chairman of the Advertising Association (RD), the Association of Advertisers (RVD) and the TV Broadcasters’ Association agreed to establish a new association to replace the existing TIAK set-up.(…)

Source : Research-Live

“Private TV Channels Take Flak from RTÜK ” – Bianet

“The Radio and Television Supreme Council admonished ATV Europe by reason of the news about the population ratio of one woman in six men in Mongolia. The Council furthermore required justifications from Show TV, ATV, Star TV, Flash TV and Cine 5.

The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) decided to issue a warning to the private Turkish television channel ATV Europe on the grounds of their news regarding the population ratio of one woman in six men in Mongolia, saying that “the Mongolian people asked for 20,000 men from Turkey”. The Supreme Council moreover decided to request justifications from the private television channels Show TV, ATV, Star TV, Flash TV and Cine 5.

The mentioned television channels made news in their main news bulletins on 20 and 21 January about the issue that “20,000 men from Turkey were in demand”. (…) “

Source : Bianet

“Ratings rift rocks Turkish television industry” – Research-live

TURKEY— The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) has thrown the Turkish TV industry into turmoil with plans to withdraw its channels from the ratings system run by AGB Nielsen, which is commissioned by joint industry committee TIAK.

News of the withdrawal came in a statement published in Turkish, a translation of which was carried by online news site Today’s Zaman.

In its statement, the broadcaster expressed dissatisfaction with the system, having seen its ratings drop consistently since April 2009.

TRT also reiterated claims it had made previously that TIAK had violated the country’s competition regulations. AGB Nielsen was similarly accused by TRT, however the Turkish Competition Board decided in November that there was no evidence or documents to support the allegations that AGB Nielsen was “exploiting its dominant position in ratings measurement by irregularities and false measurements”.(…)

Source :

“State-owned TRT channels withdraw from rating system” – Today’s Zaman

The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) announced yesterday that its channels will no longer be included in audience measurements provided by AGB Nielsen Media Research, which has been conducting TV audience research in Turkey since 1989.

TRT officials said in a written statement that the Television Audience Research Commission (TİAK), the joint industry committee responsible for awarding the contract for managing Turkey’s TV audience measurement system, has violated competition regulations.(…)

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Turkish Competition Board decides against AGB Nielsen probe” – Research-live

TURKEY— The Turkish Competition Board (RK) will not be investigating AGB Nielsen over allegations that the firm exploited its position as the country’s dominant TV ratings provider.

A preliminary investigation launched in September by RK found no evidence or documents to support allegations that “AGB Nielsen was exploiting its dominant position in ratings measurement by irregularities and false measurements”.(…)

Source : Research-live

“TNS trumps AGB Nielsen in race for Turkish TV ratings contract” – Resarch-live

“TURKEY— AGB Nielsen and Turkey’s TV audience measurement body, TÍAK, have launched a legal investigation after some members of Nielsen’s TV panel reported being offered money to change their viewing habits.

TNS will establish a 3,500 household panel, with each home fitted with the 5000 Series Modular PeopleMeter. The panel will begin reporting data from 2011 and TNS’s InfoSys software will be used for analysis.

In a statement, AGB Nielsen’s Turkey MD Craig Johnson said the firm was “naturally disappointed” to lose the contract, but vowed to “continue to work hard to deliver high quality data and service” until the hand-over date.(…)”

Source :

“AGB Nielsen to investigate Turkish TV tampering” – Research-live

“TURKEY— AGB Nielsen and Turkey’s TV audience measurement body, TÍAK, have launched a legal investigation after some members of Nielsen’s TV panel reported being offered money to change their viewing habits.

Craig Johnson, AGB Nielsen’s managing director in Turkey, told Researchthat some families said they were offered up to 300 Lira a month (approximately £130) to watch certain programmes and switch off during advert breaks.

He said: “We were alerted by one of our households on 10 April that they had been contacted by a third party. We don’t know who this third party is and we’re not going to speculate. We’re going through the due legal process to identify them.”(…)”

Source :

“Prosecutor Investigates A TV Show For Defamation Of Atatürk” – Bianet

“Nuray Bezirgan, a Muslim woman, admits she does not like Atatürk in a TV program and the prosecutor starts an investigation.

Beyoğlu Prosecutor has started an investigation concerning the remarks Nuray Bezirganmade about Atatürk in the television program titled “Teke Tek.” The other participant wasKevser Çakır. Prosecutor construed the remarks as insulting Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.” (…)

Source :

“39 TV Programmes Stopped in September ” – Bianet

“The Press Council has announced that the Radio and Televison Supreme Council stopped 39 programmes of 16 channels in September.

The General Secretary of the Press Council, Oktay Eksi, has evaluated the state of the freedom of communication of the previous month.

Based on information coming from national television stations, he announced that the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) stopped 39 programmes of 16 TV channels in September.(…) “

Source : Bianet