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“Dizi rotasyonunda söz Kanal D’de” – Radikal

Source : Radikal

“Kanal D Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Pelin Diştaş: ‘Eğitim seviyesi düştükçe seyirci daha siyah-beyaz bakıyor ekrana. Ortalama seyirci sadece ‘merak’ı satın alıyor.’

Dünkü yazıda Kanal D’de gün-saat bazındaki ‘dizi rotasyonu’ üzerine bir değerlendirme yaptık. Bu amaçla konuştuğum kanalın kurumsal iletişim biriminden Ömer Koçak görüşmemizi uygulamadan sorumlu isimlere aktarmış. Yazıyı baskı için gazeteye gönderirken Kurumsal İletişim Direktörü Özlem Asmaz arayarak ne olup bittiğine dair daha doyurucu açıklamalar sundu. Sonra da kanalın Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Pelin Diştaş’la konuştuk.

Söylenenler özde şu önemli noktada merkezileşiyor: Kanalın uygulaması, Türkiye’de reyting ölçüm sistemindeki ‘radikal’ değişiklikle bağlantılı olarak seyircinin niceliksel ve niteliksel dönüşümü bağlamında kaçınılmazlaşan bir arayışın sonucu. Söz konusu gün-saat oynamaları için Asmaz, “Bizim de hiç alışık olmadığımız bir durum” dedikten sonra bunun seyirci ‘evren’inde ortaya çıkan ciddi değişiklikle ilgili olduğunu vurguluyor. “Yeni ‘evren’e adapte olmaya çalışıyoruz” diyor.

Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Diştaş da dizi gün-saatleriyle ilgili yeni düzenlemenin gerekçesini açıklarken AB grubunun toplam izlerkitleye oranının yüzde 21’den yüzde 11’e gerilediğine dikkat çekti. Dahası, bu niceliksel küçülmenin yanısıra niteliksel değişmeye değindi. Bilindiği üzere eski reyting ölçüm sisteminde AB grubunda eğitim kıstası esas belirleyici iken yeni sistem ‘gelir’ kıstasını öne çıkardı. Söz gelimi eskiden aile reisi ve eşinin hem kendileri hem de anne-babaları üniversite mezunuysa AB sayılırken, artık yanında 20 kişi çalıştıran biri lise mezunu da olsa AB’de sayılıyor. Bence de bunu pratikte ve ‘kültürel’ anlamda AB-Total ayrımının büyük ölçüde ortadan kalktığı, hem de eski (yüksek eğitimli) AB grubunun iyice minimalleştiği şeklinde yorumlamak mümkün. Diştaş tabloyu daha da ‘perçinli’ hale getirecek şu notları ekliyor: “Yeni ölçüm sisteminde evrenin yüzde 80’ini lise ve altı eğitim seviyesinde bir seyirci kitlesi oluşturuyor. Böyle bir tabloda ‘Kayıp Şehir’ gibi dizilerin zorlanacağı açık değil mi? Çünkü eğitim seviyesi düştükçe seyirci daha ‘siyaz-beyaz’ bakıyor ekrana. Alt metinlerle, yan temalarla, toplumsal eleştirilerle ilgilenmiyor. Sadece olay kurgusuna bakıp merak duygusu ile izliyor. Ortalama seyirci, ‘merak’ı satın alıyor.”[…]

Yazar : Tayfun Atay
Source : Radikal

“Günü-saati şaşmış diziler ” – Radikal

“Dizilerin kemik seyircilerini şaşkına çeviren ve sinirlendiren yayın saati değişiikliği uygulamasının bazı spekülasyonlara zemin hazırladığı düşünülemez mi?

Kanal D üç dizisinin (‘Yalan Dünya’, ‘Kayıp Şehir’ ve ‘Umutsuz Ev Kadınları’) yayın günüyle ilgili basın açıklaması yaptı önceki gün. Kanalın kurumsal iletişim departmanından Ömer Koçak, ağırlıklı olarak sosyal medyada bu dizilerin sadece günüyle değil akıbetiyle de ilgili spekülasyonlar ve bilgi kirliliğinin bu açıklamaya neden olduğunu söyledi.

Özellikle ‘Yalan Dünya’nın önce eski yayın gününe çekileceğine, sonra da yayından kaldırılacağına yönelik söylenti trafiği, bu ihtiyacı doğurmuş.

Fakat tüm bu söylentilere ve bilgi kirliliğine ortam oluşturan bir ‘altyapı’ da yok denemez. Kanal D, sezon başından beri oturmuş-yerleşikleşmiş çoğu dizisinin gün ve saatiyle oynadı. Bunun bir (ticari) rasyonalitesi vardır mutlaka. Ama bu dizilerin kemik seyircilerini şaşkına çeviren ve sinirlendiren bu uygulamanın o spekülasyonlara zemin hazırladığı da düşünülemez mi?

Ben en çok ‘Yalan Dünya’nın rahatsız edildiğini düşünüyorum. Kanımca günümüz Türkiye’sinin nabzını tuttuğu söylenebilecek çok başarılı bir komedi bu. Sunduğu ‘kültürel temsil’lerle tezlere konu olacak kapasitede. Üstelik her kesimden insana ulaşabilecek kıvraklık ve esneklikte olduğu için geçen sezon çok iyi reyting yakaladı. Cumaları PT1’de AB’de birinci, totalde üçüncü sıradaydı hep. Bu sene de yayına geç girdiği halde, üstelik ‘Huzur Sokağı’ gibi sansasyonel başlangıç yapan, dolayısıyla bir süre ortalama seyirci için çekici olacağı belli yeni rakip karşısında aynı mevkiyi korudu.

Fakat Kanal D, yerleşikleşmiş pazartesi dizisi ‘Arka Sokaklar’ı ‘Yalan Dünya’ ile takas etti. Hafta sonuna keyifli giriş imkanı sunan bir ‘sitkom’u hafta başına almak ne kadar uygun, o tartışılır. Ama açık olan, yeni gününde ‘Yalan Dünya’nın hem total hem de AB’de an itibarıyla önceki gününde olduğundan daha gerilere düştüğü. İş daha çok pazartesileri ‘O Ses Türkiye’ ve ‘Karadayı’ karşısında formsuz görünen ‘Arka Sokaklar’a yaradı sanki.” […]

Yazar : Tayfun Atay
Source : Radikal

“MBC finds drama in Turkey” – C21 Media

Ezel. Source : C21 Media

“Middle Eastern broadcaster MBC Group has boosted its drama slate with the acquisition of two Turkish dramas, including one based on The Count of Monte Cristo.

Crime drama Ezel, based on Alexander Dumas’ novel, follows the story of a man who seeks revenge when he is betrayed by his best friend and his girlfriend after a casino robbery goes wrong.

The series, produced by Ay Yapim, first aired in Turkey on Show TV in 2009 before transferring to ATV.

The second pick-up is Zaman Ki, a drama set in the 1960s that focuses on the fictional Akarsu family, which is torn apart when the father, a seaman, has an affair while abroad on a fishing trip.

It was an original Kanal D series produced by D Productions.

Both series, dubbed into Arabic, will launch on female-skewing MBC4 next month.

The channel also airs primetime US shows including Pretty Little Liars, Grey’s Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, The Good Wife and medical talk series The Dr Oz Show, alongside other Turkish dramas and soaps. It is also preparing the launch the third season of Arabs Got Talent.”

Source : C21 Media

“Balkan, MENA sales for Kanal D” – C21 Media

“Broadcasters in the Middle East and the Balkans have acquired Turkish drama Kuzey Guney from broadcaster Kanal D.

The soap, created and written by Ece Yörenç and Melek Gençoglu and produced by prodco Ay Yapim, has been acquired by UAE-based regional satcaster Dubai TV and RTV Pink in Serbia. An Iranian distributor has also bagged the show.

The 40×90′ series, which debuted in Turkey last September, follows two brothers who love the same woman. Dogan Media-owned Kanal D’s sales division describes the show as Turkey’s “most popular TV series of this year.”

Another Serbian channel, Prva TV, has also acquired drama Leaf Cast (174×90′), while a French distributor picked up Turkan for French-speaking markets. A distributor in Kazakhstan also bought drama series A Night in June.

The deals continue the recent upswing in demand for Turkish drama around Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. In the US, NBC recently acquired the format to Forbidden Love for its Hispanic channel Telemundo.

Kanal D has also unveiled its next big drama for the international market, Kotu Yol, which tells the story of a girl who runs away to be a movie star and find herself in the middle of a love triangle. It debut in Turkey last week.”

Source : C21 Media

Author : Ed Waller

“Turkish drama makes for MENA” – C21 Media

NATPE: Buyers from the Middle East have been shopping for historical drama programming from Turkey’s national public broadcaster TRT.

UAE-based Dubai Media Corporation (DMC) has picked up rights to Once Upon a Time: Ottoman Empire Mutiny for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), following a deal with TRT Sales.

The 13×90′ series, produced by Hersey Film, aired to high ratings this year and TRT1 has already ordered a second season. DMC operates Dubai TV, which airs across MENA via satellite and other platforms.

Another UAE-based regional broadcaster, MBC, has also taken a TRT drama, 2011′s Ahmet the Cook’s Aide (20×35′). This show is also set in the Ottoman era and was produced for TRT by Okur Film.

Speaking to C21 at Natpe Budapest, Meltem Tumturk Akyol, head of international sales at TRT, said the two shows would start airing across MENA from next month. The deals mark the first international sales for both series.

TRT is riding a wave of interest in Turkish drama in MENA and Central and Eastern Europe. That trend started after Kanal D drama Ezel became a major hit on another Middle Eastern channel, Abu Dhabi TV, in 2010.

Source : C21 Media

” Comedy ‘Yalan Dünya’ sweeps third Antalya Television Awards ” – Sunday’s Zaman

The cast of the Kanal D comedy “Yalan Dünya” pose for photos at the 3rd Antalya Television Awards. (Photo: AA, source : Sunday's Zaman)

“The Turkish comedy TV show “Yalan Dünya” (Fake World) became the big winner at this year’s Antalya Television Awards on Saturday, taking home five trophies in the comedy category, including best comedy series and best director for a comedy series.

“Yalan Dünya,” which airs every Friday on Kanal D and follows a group of smalltime actors and hipsters living in İstanbul’s upscale Cihangir quarter, also won best actor in a comedy series, best supporting actor and best supporting actress in a comedy series at Saturday’s awards ceremony, aired live on the private television station TV8.

Saturday’s ceremony marked the third edition of the annual awards, a joint venture between the Greater Antalya Municipality and the Antalya Foundation for Culture and Art (AKSAV), who are also the organizers of the southern province’s long-running Altın Portakal (Golden Orange) International Film Festival.

The ceremony also served as an occasion to pay tribute to recently deceased TV scriptwriter and actress Meral Okay, whose immensely popular screenwriting effort “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century) won four prizes, including the best script for a drama series, for the late Okay. The announcement brought tears to the eyes of those in attendance at the packed gala, who commemorated her with a standing ovation, the Anatolia news agency reported. “Muhteşem Yüzyıl,” an account of the intrigue-ridden 16th-century Ottoman court during the reign of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent aired every Wednesday on Show TV, also won the best director of photography in a series, best art direction in a series and best period drama awards.

Other winners included Kanal D’s “Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki” (As Time Goes By), which won best actress in a drama series, best supporting actor and best supporting actress in a drama series and best score for a series; and atv’s “Hayat Devam Ediyor” (Life Goes On), which won the best drama series award.

Veteran radio and TV show host Orhan Boran was honored with the Radio Honor Award but was unable to attend the ceremony to accept his award due to health reasons. Eighty-three-year-old Boran told the gala in a live telephone call that he was honored to be recognized and especially glad he was considered for the award despite having been away from the limelight for more than 10 years. “I am going through a tough battle for my health. Receiving this award has given me an immeasurable morale boost,” he added.”

Source : Sunday’s Zaman

“Fatmagül’s popularity rises in Arab world” – Hürriyet Daily News

Beren Saat stars in ‘Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne?’. Source : Hürriyet

“Turkey’s popular “Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne?” (What is Fatmagül’s Fault?) is the latest Turkish TV series to gain popularity in Middle Eastern and Arab countries.

In the series, Beren Saat, who previously gained fame in the same region with her previous role “Bihter” in TV series “Aşk-ı Memnu” (Forbidden Love), stars with actor Egin Akyürek. She is known as Fatima.

The series is aired in primetime on satellite channel MBC4 five days a week in the United Arab Emirates. A great deal of news about the series has appeared in the Arab world; developments with the characters are shared with the public.

The series has gained lots of fans in the country and each episode is uploaded to video-sharing websites after being aired on television.

“Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne?” is aired on Turkish Kanal D channel every Thursday and features the story of a rape victim, Fatmagül.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Discop Istanbul 2012” – Turkish News

Source : Turkish News

“More attendees than in its first edition, a great demand for documentaries, co-production deals, animation, and a strong investment on local promotion, are some of the event’s highlights. With a significant increase in the number of attendees, the Ceylan Intercontinental in Turkey has closed its doors, thus ending a new edition of Discop Istanbul (February 28 – March 1).

After witnessing a significant increase in the number of guests present at the event, the Ceylan Intercontinental hotel in Turkey closed its doors, thus ending a new edition of Discop Istanbul, which took place on February 28 – March 1. Some of the main highlights -according to several attendees- were the search for co-production and adaptation deals for formats, animation and documentaries.

“One of the market’s strong suits is documentary sales,” said Jennifer from A&E Networks. “Nowadays, here you can see excellent TV movies, series and general dramas. But outside their primetimes, these networks program documentaries and educational programs, and that’s where our production quality surpasses what they do in these markets,” she added.

According to Xavier Aristimuño, SVP of new business sales and development at Telemundo Internacional, producing high quality fiction series entails “analyzing co-production deals that are convenient for both parties. This is why our presence in markets like this one has to do with our interest on both selling our products and identifying good projects.”

Meanwhile, Guido Baumhauer, head of distribution at Deutsche Welle, believes “the development of new platforms and the constant growth in content offers forces us to search for distribution deals that are just right for us. Given our structure, it’s not so much about producing locally with big budgets; it’s about finding windows that allow us to add value to the content we already have.”

According to Mathieu Béjot, representative of TV France International, as far as French companies focused on exporting content go, “this market has been fruitful for those which distribute documentaries and animation, since for the rest, competition with local products was quite tough.”

Yet, according to Katia Sol, head of international sales at AB International Distribution in France, “the potential within these markets has a lot to do with the type of content. For instance, our series Mafiosa -possibly the most internationally distributed French series- has been very accepted, which proves the potential these types of series have in these markets.”


Another one of the event’s highlights were definitely the amazing parties, especially the one organized by Global Agency at an antique Palace by the Bosphorus, where approximately 300 people enjoyed a lavish affair with great production and technical resources.

With not quite as much production yet still successful were the parties organized by ATV at the Arabesque restaurant and Kanal D at 360 in Istanbul.”

Source : Turkish News

“Turkish TV series gather at Istanbul fair” – Hürriyet Daily News

“The Turkish and regional television industry has gathered at the DISCOP Istanbul Television Broadcasting Fair, which kicked off Feb. 28.

The fair, taking place at Istanbul’s Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, includes participants from 32 countries in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa that together boast more than 500 million viewers.

The first conference of the fair, which took place Feb. 28, was moderated by Nick Holdsworth, Variety Magazine’s East Europe and Middle Asia chief. The conference focused on the Silk Road and Middle Asia. The second conference will focus on a “Renaissance in Arab content,” discussing how Arab content can be successful abroad.

KanalD, the Samanyolu Broadcasting Group, Show TV, Turkish Radio & TV Corporation (TRT), WWE Turkey, ATV Broadcasting, Digiturk, Calinos Entertainment and ITV – Inter Medya are all presenting their series at the fair. The fair provides a platform for Global Agency, which has distributed series such as “İffet,” “Behzat Ç.,” “Kalbim 4 Mevsim” and “Firar” from Turkey’s private Star TV channel.

Global Agency, whose goal is to distribute the most watched series around the world, has sold “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century) to 40 countries and is among the five fastest growing distribution companies in the world.

The fair is gathering 120 international content providers in Istanbul for presentations and discussions on TV formats, program packages, movie portfolios and more. Global Agency has been attending television broadcasting fairs around the world for the past eight years. The company will also present movie projects such as “Love in a different language” and “1,001 Nights” to international companies in addition to various competition formats.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“ATV sale hangs in the balance” – C21 media

“Low bids could scupper the sale of Turkish broadcaster ATV, media insiders in the country have warned, as Time Warner, News Corp and investment group Texas Pacific Group emerge as front-runners

An ATV source told C21 the station’s owner, Calik Holding, is thought to be seeking 12 to 15 times EBITDA for its ATV-Saba holdings, which includes the ATV channel, as well as newspaper and magazine assets.

With EBITDA at US$85m, this would result in an asking price of up to US$1.28bn. However, News Corp, Time Warner and TPG have so far tabled bids of up to around US$1bn for the Turkish asset, Reuters reported earlier this week.

“In my opinion, the bids that they submitted are below the expectations of the sellers. So I think there’s a chance that they might decide not to sell after all. They might just want to raise the value of their company for different reasons and see who’s interested,” said Endemol Turkey MD Ansi Elagoz.

Calik bought the ATV-Sabah holdings for US$1.1bn in 2007, though the firm is now understood to have hired Goldman Sachs to handle a sale.

An ATV source told C21 that the asset was definitely up for sale with initial bids entered last week. Negotiations could now run into the summer, the source said, though separate reports suggest the process may conclude by the end of the month.

RTL, which was also rumoured to be interested in buying the asset, is not thought to have tabled an offer.

News Corp already owns Turkish terrestrial channel Fox TV and in 2010 sold its Bulgarian TV business bTV to Central European Media Enterprises for US$400m. Time Warner and TPG were reported to have bid for Turkish conglomerate Dogan Holding’s Kanal D and Star TV assets last year, though neither reached an agreement.

IHS’s head of advertising research Daniel Knapp said that Turkey is attracting foreign interest as it, along with Russia, is a key growth market: “Recent years have shown that the Turkish TV market is an opportunity too good to miss. In 2010 the ad market grew by 40%. In 2011 we project it to grow by 22% in net terms, which is phenomenal. We don’t see this growth anywhere else.”

Yadigar Belbuken, deputy general manager and head programming at Fox International Channels Turkey, would not comment on News Corp’s apparent interest in ATV, but said: “There seems to be room to grow and I suspect there will be more international groups launching new channels or investing in the market, such as in ATV.””

Source : C21 media

“Doğan says no longer considering media sale” – Sabah

“Doğan Group is no longer considering sales within its media group, the group’s founder and honorary chairman Aydin Doğan stated.

The Doğan Group, whose Doğan Yayin media group has had to cope with multi-billion lira tax fine cases, sold two dailies Vatan and Milliyet and the Star television channel under a recent restructuring process. Doğan’s statement clarified that the group has no intentions to sell Kanal D, Hürriyet, Posta or CNN Turk.”

Source : Sabah

“Talking Turkey” – C21 Media

“Costume drama Magnificent Century is racking up international sales for distributor Global Agency as Turkish series make their mark in Central and Eastern Europe, reports Michael Pickard.

When Russian broadcast group CTC Media announced its third-quarter financial results this month, hidden among the figures was some positive news for Kazakhstan’s Channel 31.

In the past three months, the channel recorded an all-time high average quarterly audience of 17.7%, strengthening its position as the second most-watched channel in the country. Viewing figures rose from 11.4% in Q3 2010 – a 55% year-on-year increase.

Anton Kudryashov, CTC Media’s CEO, said: “Growth in CTC Media’s other markets continue to exceed expectations, mainly due to a substantial increase in the average target audience shares of Channel 31 in Kazakhstan and the dynamic growth in scale and reach of CTC International and our new media activities.” Channel 31′s performance was put down to three factors: local productions, a strong movie line-up and the success of Turkish primetime series in its schedule.

RTL Televizija in Croatia has also made a mark with Turkish drama. The popularity of TMC Film’s Binbir Gece (1,001 Nights), first shown on Kanal D, and crime drama Ezel, produced by Ay Yapim for diginet Show TV, helped spur the network to commission its first original weekly drama. The Windrose, produced by FremantleMedia’s Croatian unit, is currently on air.

One reason for the success of Turkish scripted series in Croatia and Kazakhstan has been the audiences’ ability to relate to the culture and traditions they portray – which they are less likely to do with shows from the US, for example. This trend has sent another Turkish drama series, Ottoman Empire-set Magnificent Century, into almost a dozen countries worldwide since Istanbul-based distributor Global Agency began shopping it earlier this year.

The series follows the reign of Sultan Suleiman, who ruled for 46 years during the 16th century, and his attempt to make the Ottomans invincible. The drama was given massive promotion at Discop Budapest in June, while characters from the show could also be spotted walking around the Palais de Festivals in Cannes during Mipcom.

The show, from TIMS Productions, is in its second season on Turkey’s Show TV. However, in January it will transfer mid-season to another free-to-air channel, Star TV, following the latter’s takeover by Dogus Group, owner of the Turkish version of CNBC.

Internationally, the first season has been picked up by Prva for transmission in Serbia and Montenegro, and by Kanal 5 in Macedonia. Viewers can also watch the series in Russia (Domashny), Azerbaijan (Lider TV), Slovakia (Markiza), the Czech Republic (Barrandov), Romania (Kanal D), Kazakhstan (Khabar) and Albania (Albanian Screen), while Dubai TV will air it in 22 Arab-speaking countries.

Magnificent Century had a pre-production budget of €3.5m (US$4.7m), while €2m was spent on sets and costumes alone.

, CEO of Global Agency, says: “Magnificent Century represents the first time a series made in Turkey has been given an international release.

“When we launched it at MipTV earlier this year, we felt it would sell to a number of territories because not only is the story interesting but it’s a very expensive production from Turkey and has international quality. It’s been so popular because it’s based on a true story. It’s mostly about intrigue in the palace. They are all true events in history. It has even been sold to Romania, which is a very difficult market to enter and has never acquired a Turkish show before.” The success of Magnificent Century demonstrates the high production values now instilled in Turkish scripted series, Pinto says.

However, while more dramas will be coming out of the country, they will not be limited to historical costume series, Pinto adds. “Turkey has really good-quality shows nowadays,” says Pinto. “They’re a great alternative to Latin American series and are being shown in primetime. Our goal is to sell Magnificent Century to 40 territories by the end of 2012.”

The show was originally commissioned for a two-season run, though a third is believed to be in the planning stages. “It might have a third season but I don’t think more than that,” adds Pinto. “The series is based on true events, so after three years we will have the finale.

“Turkish drama is getting very popular, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Binbir Gece was also very popular. It’s expensive (for such countries) to produce their own shows and this is better to buy and dub. It’s perfect for primetime. This is the first big-budget series that’s been bought by so many countries. In Turkey, people feel proud about this because, finally, Turkey is part of the international entertainment business.”

There’s no doubt that Turkish drama is making its international mark, as the sales of Magnificent Century show. However, it remains to be seen whether this series will break out of Eastern Europe and on to Western screens, though that is certainly Pinto’s ambition. And if US networks can buy scripted formats from Israel and Colombia to adapt locally, why not Turkey?”

Source : C21 Media

“Sultans series swings more sales” – C21 media

“Turkish distributor Global Agency has racked up more sales of Ottoman Empire drama Magnificent Century, as details emerge of a similar series in development in the US.

The TIMS Productions show is about Suleiman the Magnificent, ruler of the Ottoman Empire at the height of its glory in the 16th century.

The first season of the show, which is now in its second season in Turkey, has been picked up by Prva for transmission in Serbia and Montenegro, and by Kanal 5 in Macedonia.

Viewers will also be able to watch the series in Russia (Domashny), Azerbaijan (Lider TV), Slovakia (Markiza), Czech Republic (Barrandov), Romania (Kanal D), Kazakhstan (Khabar) and Albania (Albanian Screen), while Dubai TV will air it in 22 Arab-speaking countries.

Many territories are due to launch the show simultaneously on December 21, said Global Agency CEO Izzet Pinto.

Magnificent Century airs on free-to-air Show TV in Turkey, though it will transfer mid-season to rival Star TV in January, following the latter’s takeover by Dogus, the owner of the Turkish version of CNBC.

The latest Magnificent Century sales come as it emerged that US cablenet Starz and BBC Worldwide Productions (BBCWW) are developing Harem, a six-hour series about Suleiman the Magnificent and the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Ann Peacock, who wrote The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, is said to be penning the series, about a slave girl who marries the Sultan.

Harem would become the second coproduction between Starz and BBCWW Productions since a deal was signed following their collaboration on Torchwood: Miracle Day. They are also working together on historical fantasy Da Vinci’s Demons, an eight-parter due to begin production in early 2012.

Speaking about Harem, Pinto told C21: “I would be very happy if such a thing would be made because it would create more knowledge and interest in the subject. It would be an advantage, not a disadvantage.”

A BBCWW representative said: “We have various titles in stages of development, none of which are at a stage we’re prepared to discuss. Not every project between Starz and BBC Worldwide Productions falls under the overall deal recently announced.””

Source : C21 media

“Dogan offloads Star TV” – C21 media

“Turkish conglom Dogan Media Group has sold entertainment network Star TV to a rival for US$327m.

Dogus Yayin Holdings will take on 99.9% of the channel, which broadcasts entertainment formats, dramas and sport and was Turkey’s first private TV network, subject to local competition clearance.

It will pay Dogan subsidiary Isil Television Broadcasting an initial US$151m, with the outstanding US$176m paid off in instalments over the next two years, according to a filing to the Istanbul Stock Exchange this week.

Dogan originally bought Star for US$306.5m six years ago at a keenly contested auction after previous owner Uzan Media folded in 2003 under the weight of its US$6bn debts.

But it has recently been struggling to cover a multibillion-dollar bill relating to fines, taxes and interest imposed by government, which some commentators have claimed could be politically motivated.

It was forced to sell off Star after failing to comply with new laws prohibiting any one media firm from controlling more than 30% of the advertising market.

Others Dogan assets, including daily newspapers, have already been shed. Kanal D was also on the block but reports today suggest the Star deal may end the sales process.

Meanwhile, Dogus rivals Dogan in terms of scale but its 123 companies are spread across the media, finance, automotive, tourism, real estate, construction and energy industries.

Media arm Dogus Media Group owns news net NTV and has struck partnerships with National Geographic, CNBC and Condé Nast and has more than 1,100 employees.”

Source : C21 media


“Behzat Ç. gericileri kızdırdı” – Sol

Kaynak : Sol

“Başta Zaman gazetesi olmak üzere gerici basın “Behzat Ç.”nin içkisine takmış durumda. Dizinin senaristi ve başrol oyuncusu ise eleştirenlerin tek dertlerinin bu olmadığını savunuyor.

Gerici basının televizyon dizilerine yakın markajı sürüyor. Senaryosunu beğenmedikleri diziler için karşı kampanya başlatmaktan çekinmeyen gerici basın, RTÜK’ü de harekete geçirmek için elinden geleni yapıyor. “Polisleri kötü gösteriyor” eleştirisinin ardından şimdi de dizide karakterlerin rakı içmesine takılmış durumda.

Kanal D’de yayınlanan Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman Ki isimli dizi hakkında “Nedir bu ülkücülerin dizilerden çektikleri” başlıklı haber yaparak, söz konusu dizide sağcı-ülkücü gençlerin karalandığını iddia eden Zaman gazetesi şimdi de Behzat Ç. isimli diziyi yakın takibe aldı. Son günlerde dizi hakkında Yeşilay yöneticilerinin yaptığı “içkiyi özendiriyor” açıklamalarına da gazetede sık sık yer veriliyor.” […]

Source : Sol