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“Turkish viewers complain about dramas” – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey’s internationally recognized TV series ‘Magnificent Century’ ranks second on the list of TV productions that Turkish viewers complain most, according to RTÜK. Source : Hürriyet

Complaints received by the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) in the first three months of the year show that Turkish viewers complain about TV dramas and commercials the most.

According to information gathered from the RTÜK’s report, its website and communication center received 27,363 complaints from citizens in January, February and March. Out of this figure, 9,530 complaints were about TV dramas and 4,818 were about commercials.

Most of the complaints were made according to the criteria that programs were against public morals and the protection of the family.

The TV drama that received the most complains was “Yer Gök Aşk” (Love is Everywhere), which received 742 complaints. The other two were “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century) and “Suskunlar” (The Silent).

Honey and toothpaste

Among commercials, viewers complained about honey commercials the most, as they mislead consumers. A toothpaste commercial ranked second as it was considered depressing, while a potato chip commercial ranked third as it portrayed women as sexual tools and was insulting to men.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Mavi on the rise in the Middle East due to popular Turkish TV. shows” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“With new stores opened in Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Mavi General Manager Cüneyt Yavuz explains that popular Turkish television shows have had a positive influence in increasing their regional sales.

Turkish television series are breaking rating records in the Middle East, which in turn is positively affecting the trade volume of Turkish firms operating in the region.

According to Cüneyt Yavuz the General Manager of the famous ready- to- wear brand, Mavi is extremely well-known and in demand in the Middle East and therefore they have now opened stores in new important markets such as Libya, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Yavuz explains that the Middle Eastern market has been an interesting experience for Mavi and states that due to the import of Turkish television series, interest is on the rise. Yavuz also states that with Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ acting in the brand’s commercials for the past three years, he has now become an important ambassador for Mavi in the region.

Yavuz says that in the short period of five years’ time since they were first established, Mavi quickly became the leader of Turkey’s jean market, however wanting to expand further; they first opened up stores in Germany and then entered the American market, the homeland of the blue jean, where they have successfully established a chain of Mavi stores. “

Source : Sabah

“Turkey’s advertising sector sees 20% growth” – Sabah

Source : Sabah

“Turkey’s Association of Advertising Agencies has announced advertising investment figures for 2011 compiled with data from member media agencies.

Advertising spending increased by 20% last year, compared to the year prior, reaching a total of four billion, 320 million liras. This means that the Association of Advertising Agencies’ announcement released to the press at the start of 2011, in which they stated they were expecting to see 20 percent growth in the year, has in effect been realized.

Parallel with the activity in the markets, the 2010 figure of three billion, 613 million TL in total advertisement saw a 20 percent increase in 2011 with totals reaching four billion, 320 million TL. The distribution of investments is as follows: 56.66% in television, 24.25% in the press, 7.97% on the internet, 7.09 % outdoors, 2.80 percent in radio and 1.23 percent consisted of movie theater ads. Economic developments in 2011, the high growth speed and the liveliness in the markets has positively affected the advertising sector. After already experiencing 31 percent growth in 2010, the advertisement sector continues to follow an upward trend with 20 percent growth seen in 2011. The driving forces in the sector’s growth were the areas of communication, food, cosmetics and personal care items as well as home cleaning products.

Turkey’s Association of Advertising Agencies has high hopes for 2012. According to the announcement, expectations of advertisement sales for 2012 are at the 15 percentile range.”

Source : Sabah

Reports : RATEM




– 2009 ylna göre toplam televizyon reklam yatrmlar içindeki dalmda 2010 ylnda bölgesel televizyon kanallar dnda tüm yayn lisans türleri alannda reklam girdisi art olmutur. Bir önceki yla göre televizyon lisans türlerinin tümünde ortalama % 43 bir art olmasna karn, bölgesel televizyon reklam yatrmlarnda % 66.92 gibi çok yüksek bir oranla düüyaanmtr.

– 24 ulusal televizyon 1 milyar 611 milyon TL’nin üzerinde bir reklam yatrmn paylarken, 15 bölgesel televizyon 2.36 milyon TL’lik bir pazar payn paylamakta ve yine 210 yerel televizyon kanal 8.73 milyon TL’lik bir reklam yatrmn almaktadr.

– Televizyon yayncl pazarnda ulusal kanallarn baskn bir etkinlii bulunmaktadr. 24 ulusal kanaln toplam televizyon reklam yatrmlar içindeki pay geçen yla göre yükselerek % 88.39’a ulamtr. Buna karlk 15 bölgesel ve 210 yerel yaynn toplam televizyon reklam pay 0.61’e gerilemitir. Bir önceki yl bu pay % 1.20 seviyesindeydi.

– Küresel televizyon reklam yatrmlar bakmndan ABD 50 milyar dolarn üzerinde ürettii gelirle dier ülkelerle kyaslanamayacak bir düzeye sahip bulunuyor. Almanya, Fransa, ngiltere ve talya gibi ülkeler 4 milyar ABD dolarnn üstünde reklam yatrmlaryla öne çkan Avrupa ülkeleri. Türkiye ise 932 milyon dolar televizyon reklam yatrmlarna sahip. Kii ba televizyon reklam yatrm bakmndan ABD, Japonya, Avustralya, talya gibi ülkeler öne çbarken, ngiltere, Fransa ve Almanya gibi ülkelerde 60 ABD dolarnn üstünde bir rakam olumakta, Türkiye’nin TV reklam yatrmlar kii bana 12.85 olarak gerçeklemektedir.