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Reports : Istanbul Ticaret Odası



P.97 :

“[…] the sector of TV dramas and series is the driving force for some televisions broadcasting in domestic market. However, the importance of this sector is not limited to the television broadcasting. TV series production produce very important consequences for Turkey’s economic, social and cultural life in terms of value chain and labour force. One of these consequences is related to its interaction with the movie industry. These two sectors based on the same creative forces and the same labour and capital market develop side by side : involvement of experienced people of the movie sector in TV series enhances the quality of TV series ; moreover as stated by the people in the movie sector young people gain experience in TV series and then enter the movie sector with better qualification.”

“Interest in Turkish series boosts enthusiasm for Turkish novels” – Hürriyet Daily News

“Turkey might be a society that watches far more than it reads, but the popularity of certain TV shows has nonetheless increased interest in books, Federation of Professional Publishers Associations (YAYFED) Chairman Bayram Murat has said.

“When some of the Turkish series break ratings records, the novels that inspired the scenarios of the series also break sales records,” he said during a press conference organized by the Antalya Journalists Association to discuss the TÜYAP Antalya Book Fair, which will be organized from Feb. 13 to 17.” […]

Speaking previously about the links between Turkish soap operas and the country’s literature, Nilüfer Narlı, a sociologist at Bahçeşehir University, said Turkey had increased its “soft power” in the Middle East and Balkan countries through such shows, the Hürriyet Daily News reported.

“As the circulation of soap operas in the international arena has increased, learning Turkish language and culture have become very important in the Arab and Balkan countries. This is what we call ‘soft power’ within the context of the culture industry,” she said.

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Crisis and Turkish serials hit Greek stage ” – Hürriyet

“For the wider Greek public he was Achilleas Lambrou, the insolent, intelligent, leftist corporal in the 1984 film “Lufa ke Parallagi” (Escape Duty and Camouflage), one of the best anti-militarist comedies in Greek cinema. The film satirizes the difficult years of the Greek junta (1967-74) through the hilarious experiences of a group of soldiers doing their military duty in the newly founded TV channel of the Greek Armed Forces. For others, he was once the husband of a leftist heroine of student resistance during the same period, who is presently serving in the European Parliament. But for theater lovers, Yorgos Kimoulis – now in his late fifties – has been one of the most talented actors of his generation, outspoken to the degree of arrogance and admirably capable of defending his leftist views against anyone who would call him an anti-capitalist “utopist.” […]

The news about Kimoulis broke out almost the same time as a similar story hit headlines: another charismatic actor of the same generation with a similar background in theater and TV, Costas Arzoglou, confessed that he may lose his home – the bank had already sent him the date of the confiscation order – as he cannot afford to pay the installments of his mortgage. Like many theater actors, he was financing his theater work by working on TV serials. These are now being rolled over by cheaper Turkish productions and on top of that, he has not been paid for three years of work at one of the biggest channels. “They can take all except my talent,” he says. Only two weeks ago, another actor in his forties, who had made his name mainly from TV serials, committed suicide as he could not cope with financial difficulties.[…]

The statistics tell a dramatic story. Out of the 4,000 registered actors in Greece, almost 80 percent (some claim more than 90 percent) are now unemployed or partially employed with minimal or no salary. About 250 actors work in state theaters and about 1,000 in the 200 or so theater troupes. And of course, this is work per season.

The drastic cuts provided by the austerity packages on Greece imposed by the “troika” of Greece’s creditors hit the state central and regional theaters, which saw a dramatic reduction of their subsidies. The ones that did not close have to choose plays with smaller casts in order to cope with the costs.

Cheaper Turkish serials and low advertising revenue in the TV sector closed the door on Greek actors who thus lost their main source of income. A new type of actor has been born, the one who is willing to participate in any performance without payment, just to remain in touch with the sector.

Nobody knows how long the austerity period will last in Greece. People are just trying to cope with their immediate needs and commitments. So do the actors, as they try to keep themselves linked with the stage. But still, there is a good side to this. The blow that hit the Greek theater as we knew it up to now has left the door open to new, young talents who have entered the stage determined to show their skills.”

Source : Hürriyet

“Televizyon dizileri boşanmada etken” – Radikal

Source : Radikal

“‘Çiftler boşanmayı dizilerdeki gibi kolay ve basit olarak görüp evliliklerini bitirebiliyorlar’

Çorum’da 2012 yılında bin 656 çiftin evlenirken, 640 çift ise boşandı. Çorum Barosu avukatlarından Derya Öztekin, televizyon dizilerinde çiftlerin çok kolay boşanmaya karar verip evliliklerini sonlandırdıklarını belirterek, “Bu durum dizileri seyreden çiftleri etkileyebiliyor. Çiftler boşanmayı dizilerdeki gibi kolay ve basit olarak görüp evliliklerini bitirebiliyorlar” dedi.

Çorum Barosu avukatları Aile Mahkemesi’nde görülen boşanma davalarıyla ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulundu. Kentte 2012 yılında bin 656 çiftin evlenirken 640 çiftin de boşandığı belirtildi. Avukat Derya Öztekin, çiftlerin boşanmalarında bir çok neden bulunduğu dile getirerek “Boşanmalara bakıldığında genellikle ekonomik sorunların ön plana çıktığını görüyoruz. Ancak sosyolojik olarak bakıldığında, ahlaki zafiyetlerin de bu sona neden olduğu sonucu ortaya çıkıyor. Çiftler birbirlerini anlamak yerine, aileyi bir bütün olarak görmek yerine, parçalanmayı tercih ediyor. Boşanmaların altında yatan nedenler arasında televizyon dizileri de geliyor. Bazı dizilerde yaşananlar insanları özentiye sürüklüyor. Yani ailelerin temel taşlarının oynamasına öncülük ediyor diyebilirim. Dizilerde çiftler çok kolay boşanma kararı alıp uyguluyor. Bu durum dizileri seyreden çiftleri etkileyebiliyor. Çiftler boşanmayı dizilerdeki gibi kolay ve basit olarak görüp evliliklerini bitirebiliyorlar” diye konuştu.

Avukat Rıdvan Çam da kendisinin de boşanma davalarına baktığını belirterek çiftlerin birbirlerine karşı tahammül, sabır ve anlayışlarının olmayışının evliliklerin sonlanmasına etki ettiğini belirtti. (DHA)”

Source : Radikal

“Turkish dramas receive tourism awards” – Hürriyet Daily News

Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay pose with the producers and actors of some popular Turkish TV dramas at the ceremony. AA photo. Source : Hürriyet

“Producers and actors of Turkey’s popular TV dramas were presented with plaques at a ceremony due to their great contributions to Turish tourism

The producers and actors of Turkish TV dramas, which receive international acclaim and are important in encouraging tourism in the country, were presented plaques recognizing their contributions to Turkey’s promotion at a ceremony held by the Tourist Hotel and Investors Association (TUROB).

In a speech during the ceremony, Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay, praised those in the sectors of tourism and culture for objectively highlighting the beauty, richness and even the problems of the country to the world. He noted that in 2011 Turkey hosted the sixth-highest number of tourists holding foreign passports, surpassing Britain.

“In 2012, despite problems at our southern borders, we hosted some 32 million foreign tourists. Turkey gets nearly $25 billion in income from tourism. All people in the sector try to promote the country to the world but the most effective promotion is that of culture and arts. As a result of these efforts, the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry was chosen as the best tourism organization in Europe last year in Portugal. This is the result of our synergy.”

Günay said the ministry has aimed to support Turkish cinema in recent years, adding that they are preparing to develop a new cinema law. “TV dramas promote Turkey around the world on their own accord. I learned the names of many dramas and their actors while abroad over the years. I heard their names abroad for the first time and wondered about them. Many of my friends abroad joke that they organize their meetings and travels according to our TV dramas. They ask me ‘Is Turkey really so beautiful?’,” he said.

While the state had spent about 5 million Turkish Liras on cinema between 1990 and 2005, he said they have stepped up support to cinema since 2006 as in light of its prominence and influence.

“We have given some 110 million liras of support since 2006. We are working on a new cinema law. I will present it to the Council of Ministers in the coming meetings. We are trying to secure the rights of TV series actors. Once this law is made, we will have a more civilized cinema law.” […]

Popularity of Turkish dramas abroad

TUROB Chairman Timur Bayındır said that Turkish TV dramas are world-class quality and they are proud to see Turkish dramas aired on prime time abroad. “These dramas promote Turkey to millions of foreigners.”

Turkish actor Halit Ergenç, an actor in one of the most popular Turkish TV drama abroad, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century) as the Ottoman sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, spoke of the criticisms the drama has received. “If a project is good, it can face such attacks.”

He said the popularity of Turkish TV dramas, particularly in the Middle East, was a source of pride. “We did not estimate that our international success would reach this point. Neighboring countries are closely following us. It is very pleasant that Arabs watch us, too.”

Following the speeches, the actors and producers of TV dramas including “Muhteşem Yüzyıl,” “Kurtlar Vadisi” (Valley of the Wolves), “Ezel,” “Suskunlar” (The Silent), “Binbir Gece” (A Thousand and One Nights), “Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki” (Time Goes By) and “Yalan Dünya” (World of Lies), received their plaques.

Source : Hürriyet

“Günü-saati şaşmış diziler ” – Radikal

“Dizilerin kemik seyircilerini şaşkına çeviren ve sinirlendiren yayın saati değişiikliği uygulamasının bazı spekülasyonlara zemin hazırladığı düşünülemez mi?

Kanal D üç dizisinin (‘Yalan Dünya’, ‘Kayıp Şehir’ ve ‘Umutsuz Ev Kadınları’) yayın günüyle ilgili basın açıklaması yaptı önceki gün. Kanalın kurumsal iletişim departmanından Ömer Koçak, ağırlıklı olarak sosyal medyada bu dizilerin sadece günüyle değil akıbetiyle de ilgili spekülasyonlar ve bilgi kirliliğinin bu açıklamaya neden olduğunu söyledi.

Özellikle ‘Yalan Dünya’nın önce eski yayın gününe çekileceğine, sonra da yayından kaldırılacağına yönelik söylenti trafiği, bu ihtiyacı doğurmuş.

Fakat tüm bu söylentilere ve bilgi kirliliğine ortam oluşturan bir ‘altyapı’ da yok denemez. Kanal D, sezon başından beri oturmuş-yerleşikleşmiş çoğu dizisinin gün ve saatiyle oynadı. Bunun bir (ticari) rasyonalitesi vardır mutlaka. Ama bu dizilerin kemik seyircilerini şaşkına çeviren ve sinirlendiren bu uygulamanın o spekülasyonlara zemin hazırladığı da düşünülemez mi?

Ben en çok ‘Yalan Dünya’nın rahatsız edildiğini düşünüyorum. Kanımca günümüz Türkiye’sinin nabzını tuttuğu söylenebilecek çok başarılı bir komedi bu. Sunduğu ‘kültürel temsil’lerle tezlere konu olacak kapasitede. Üstelik her kesimden insana ulaşabilecek kıvraklık ve esneklikte olduğu için geçen sezon çok iyi reyting yakaladı. Cumaları PT1’de AB’de birinci, totalde üçüncü sıradaydı hep. Bu sene de yayına geç girdiği halde, üstelik ‘Huzur Sokağı’ gibi sansasyonel başlangıç yapan, dolayısıyla bir süre ortalama seyirci için çekici olacağı belli yeni rakip karşısında aynı mevkiyi korudu.

Fakat Kanal D, yerleşikleşmiş pazartesi dizisi ‘Arka Sokaklar’ı ‘Yalan Dünya’ ile takas etti. Hafta sonuna keyifli giriş imkanı sunan bir ‘sitkom’u hafta başına almak ne kadar uygun, o tartışılır. Ama açık olan, yeni gününde ‘Yalan Dünya’nın hem total hem de AB’de an itibarıyla önceki gününde olduğundan daha gerilere düştüğü. İş daha çok pazartesileri ‘O Ses Türkiye’ ve ‘Karadayı’ karşısında formsuz görünen ‘Arka Sokaklar’a yaradı sanki.” […]

Yazar : Tayfun Atay
Source : Radikal

“Yerli TV dizileri homofobik mi? ” – Radikal

Source : Radikal

“Özgün yerli dizilerde komik olmayan, seks işçiliği yapmayan herhangi bir eşcinsel ya da trans karaktere rastlamak mucizeyle eşdeğer. Dahası uyarlamalardaki eşcinsel karakterleri de heteroseksüel bireyler haline getiriyoruz. Söz sektörün taraflarında…

Türk dizilerinde neden hiç sıradan, gerçek hayatın içinden LGBT (Lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans) karakter görmeyiz? Seks işçiliği yapmayan bir trans, gey bir gazeteci, lezbiyen bir iş kadını diyelim ya da biseksüel bir mühendis… Sorunun yanıtını biliyorum elbette. Ama bu da cevabını bildiğimiz soruların peşine düşmeye mani değil elbette… Memleketin ‘ahlakını’ nizama sokmakla görevli ‘gizli el’ üzerimizde olduğu sürece pek bir şeyin değişmeyeceğini bile bile sorayım istedim.

Öyle bir hal ki; uyarlama dizilerde bile eşcinsel karakterler itinayla yok ediliyor. Bu sezon bir trans karaktere layıkıyla yer veren ‘Kayıp Şehir’ dizisinin senaryo danışmanı Tuğrul Eryılmaz’ın deyişiyle, “Uyarladığımız dizilerdeki karakterleri bile balık kılçığı temizler gibi temizliyoruz!”

Akla ilk gelen örneklerden biri; ‘Umutsuz Ev Kadınları.’ Dizinin orijinali ‘Desperate Housewives’ta Bree’nin genç oğlunun eşcinsel olduğunu görürüz. Lakin dizi bize uyarlanırken Berrin’in (Bree) oğlu heteroseksüel oluverdi. Kanal D’de yayımlanmaya başlayan, ‘Revenge’ uyarlaması ‘İntikam’ın orijinalinde biseksüel olan –ki bu durum birkaç bölüm boyunca kilit öneme sahip- Hakan Eren (Nolan Ross) karakteri, bizde heteroseksüel bir erkek olarak karşımızda.

TV dizisi tarihimizden elimizdeki neredeyse tek düzgün örnek, ‘Bir İstanbul Masalı’nın Zekeriya’sı. Emre Karayel’in canlandırdığı karakter bir işadamıydı ve biz ilerleyen bölümlerde Zekeriya’nın gey olduğunu öğrenecektik. Daha yakın bir vakitte ‘Kılıç Günü’ adlı dizide aynı yatakta iki erkeği gördükten sonra kopartılan fırtına ise unutulmazlar arasında. En fenası da yapımcı Osman Sınav’ın ‘savunmasıydı’: “Kimsenin cesaret edemediği şeyleri göstermeye çalışıyoruz. Ahlaksızlık propagandası yapmıyor, aksine o tip insanların profilini sergiliyoruz. Bu kişiler ve ahlaksızlıklarını gösterebilmek için ahlak sınırları dışına çıkmadan bir şeyler yapmak zorundayız.”

ABD’de Hakarete Karşı Gey ve Lezbiyen Birliği’nin (GLAAD) televizyondaki cinsiyet ve etnik çeşitliliği inceleyen raporu, ülkedeki dizilerdeki LGBT karakter sayısının bu sezon 111 ile rekor kırdığını söylüyordu. GLAAD Başkanı Herndon Graddick, artan sayının toplumun gey ve lezbiyenleri algılayışındaki kültürel değişimi yansıttığı yorumunu yapıyordu.

Genel ahlakı gözeten ‘gizli el’i, başı RTÜK olmak üzere TV kanalları, yapmcılar, senaristler, oyuncular ve tabii basından oluşan bir gövdeye bağlasak, kimse itiraz etmez sanırım. Sektörün taraflarına, yazının başındaki soruyu sordum… “[…]

Source : Radikal

“”Muhteşem Süleyman” Hırvatistan’da Gotovina’yı geçti ” – Radikal

Source : Radikal

“Türk dizilerinin en çok izlendiği ülkelerden biri olan Hırvatistan’da yeni yıl dolayısıyla düzenlenen hediyelik eşya fuarında, Muhteşem Yüzyıl dizisi hediyelikleri yerel yıldızlarınkinden çok sattı.

ZAGREB – Fuarda Türk sanatçıların fotoğraflarının bulunduğu eşyaların satılması medyada eleştirilirken, dizide Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’ı canlandıran sanatçının resminin yer aldığı bardağın, Hollanda ‘nın Lahey kentinde eski Yugoslavya için kurulan Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi tarafından serbest bırakılan ve son günlerde ülkedeki en popüler kişi olan eski general Ante Gotovina’nınkinden daha çok satılması dikkati çekti.

Hırvatistan’ın başkenti Zagreb’de, 6-19 Aralık tarihleri arasında kutlanan “Aziz Nikola” da denilen “Noel Bayramı” ve yaklaşan yeni yıl dolayısıyla hediyelik eşya fuarı düzenlendi.

Her yıl organize edilen fuara, çocuklara hediyelerin verildiği Aziz Nikola Günü’nde bu yıl da ilgi yoğundu. Zagreb’de yaşayanlar çocuklarına hediye almak için fuara büyük ilgi gösterirken, Türk dizilerinin çok izlendiği ülkelerden biri olan Hırvatistan’daki hediyelik eşya fuarına bu yıl, Türkiye ‘de yayımlanan ve bölgede de takip edilen Muhteşem Yüzyıl dizisi hediyelikleri damgasını vurdu.

Hırvat medyasında, fuarda Türk sanatçıların fotoğraflarının bulunduğu eşyaların satılmasına ilişkin bazı eleştiriler yer alırken, “geleneksel fuarın artık bit pazarına döndüğü” şeklinde değerlendirmeler de yapıldı.


AA muhabirinin konuya ilişkin düşüncelerini sorduğu “Advent Fuarı”nda stant açan bazı satıcılar, medyadaki eleştirilere tepki gösterdi.

Fuarda hediyelik eşya standı açan ve ismini vermek istemeyen bir satıcı, gazetecilere tepki göstererek, “Bizi rahat bırakın, ekmeğimizi kazanalım. Çocuklarımızın karnını doyurmamız lazım. Sultan Süleyman ve Muhteşem Yüzyıl hediyelik eşyalarını satmamızda bir sorun yok. Bu fuar kilisenin organize ettiği bir fuar değil. Hollywood yıldızlarının resimleriyle hediyelikler sattığımız zaman sorun yok, Sultan Süleyman olunca sıkıntı. Hollywood yıldızlarına göre ‘Sulyo’ (Süleyman) çok daha iyi bir karakter” diye konuştu.

Hırvatistan menşeli olmayan ürün satmakla suçlandıklarını da belirten satıcılar ise kısa süre önce Lahey’deki mahkeme tarafından serbest bırakılan eski general Ante Gotovina ve “Sultan Süleyman” resimli bardaklarının Hırvatistan malı olduğunu söyledi.” […]

Source : Radikal

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl’a yasak geliyor” – Sol

“AKP İstanbul Milletvekili Oktay Saral, tarihi dizilerin yayınlanmasına ilişkin yeni kriterler getiren kanun teklifini parti grubuna sundu.

Erdoğan’ın hedef haline getirdiği Muhteşem Yüzyıl adlı diziye yasak geliyor. AKP İstanbul Milletvekili Oktay Saral, Radyo ve Televizyonların Kuruluş ve Yayın Hizmetleri Hakkında Kanunun ”Yayın Hizmetleri İlkeleri” başlığına yeni bir fıkra eklemeyi öngören kanun teklifi hazırlayarak, parti grubuna sundu.

AA’nın haberine göre, Saral’ın Kanun teklifinde, “yayın hizmetleri, toplumun milli değerleri içerisinde kabul edilen tarihi olayları ve şahsiyetleri; küçük düşüren, aşağılayan, çarpıtan veya olduğundan tamamen farklı gösteren nitelikte olamayacak” ifadesi yer alıyor.

Bu teklifin Erdoğan’ın açıklamalarının ardından gelmesi, “Muhteşem Yüzyıl’a yasak geliyor” şeklinde yorumlandı.

Konuya ilişkin açıklama yapan Saral şöyle konuştu:

“Örneğin ömrü at sırtında ülkesine ve milletine hizmet yapmakla geçmiş olan Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, tamamen yatak odasından müteşekkil ve çarpık ilişkilere dayalı bir hayat içerisinde gösterilmektedir. Çocuklarımız ve gençlerimiz bu yayınları izlemekte ve tarihi şahsiyetleri bu yayınlar çerçevesinde değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca bu diziler yurt dışına da seyredilmekte ve diğer milletler nezdinde tarihsel şahsiyetlerimiz hakkında yanlış olgular meydana gelmektedir.”

Source : Sol

“The file on ‘The Magnificent Century’ shelved” – Hürriyet Daily News

“While we continue discussing that unfortunate statement by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan about the TV series “Muhteşm Yüzyıl?” (The Magnificent Century), I don’t know if you have noticed, but nothing has been heard from the judiciary or the Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK). The expectation had been that right after the prime minister’s speech, these two institutions would make a move.

Usually, the prime minister would say something; next, the government would prepare a motion and have it approved at the speed of lightning. For example, the mosque on Çamlıca was processed in this way.

It was not that the prime minister simply declared he did not like the TV series, what was really unfortunate was the fact that he called on the judiciary to take action. With this, concern about the independence of the judiciary became more widespread. This kind of an opportunity was being sought anyway.

I was also waiting with huge interest: “Let’s see which prosecutor will concern themselves?” What’s more, I had estimated that RTÜK might want to look cute to the prime minister.

Both expectations proved vain. Both the judiciary and RTÜK have proved us wrong.

They have done what was correct. Of course, not every correct deed receives applause here. But I wanted to draw attention to these two institutions and say, “You have done what was correct.”

There was nothing the prosecutors could have done anyway. The TV serial is not conducting a crime.

I called RTÜK. I’ve learned that there was no initiative or a preparation of one there, either. They continue with their normal monitors. No new file has been opened after the prime minister’s speech.

I think the prime minister does not want to focus on this too much either. Apparently he has seen how uncomfortable the society has been with this intervention. A sign of this could be when he asked reporters at an airport not to ask questions on the subject while he was on his way to Spain.

All of this is good news for the soap opera producers, both for the owner of the station Ferit Şahenk and the station Star TV itself. However, let’s not forget that when the prime minister criticizes something, he does not let go of it easily.

How will the ombudsman function in this case?

The ombudsman institute is an exclusively correct step. In the European Union, it has a key function where it solves several problems. The person you call the ombudsman should be a personality respected by every segment of the society, impartial, and somebody who is able to protect the people’s rights against the state.

Turkey has elected its Ombudsperson after long discussions. Mehmet Nihat Ömerğlu has received votes from almost every party. He was known as a respected name and personality.

However, he is receiving excessive criticism from a segment of the society.

During his membership on the Supreme Court of Appeals, his voting in favor of the (slain Armenian Turkish journalist) Hrant Dink’s conviction from Article 301 (insulting “Turkishness”) has created disappointment. The former votes of the person elected as ombudsman are important because they illustrate both his personality and mentality. I think Ömeroğlu’s Dink vote was an extremely unfortunate choice.

Now the question is this:

How will Ömeroğlu function after all these criticisms? How credible will he be? In the eyes of the public, will the decisions he make satisfy consciences?

Or will he remain as the ombudsman of those who have elected him?

Surely the person who should make this decision is not the prime minister or those who voted for him, but again Ömeroğlu himself.”

 Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“‘The Simpsons’ slapped with fine by Turkish TV authority for poking fun at God ” – Hürriyet Daily News

AP photo. Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) has fined Turkish private broadcaster CNBC-E a total of 52,951 Turkish Liras for airing an episode of the animated sitcom “The Simpsons” in which God is shown to be under the command of the Devil, daily Hürriyet has reported.

RTÜK said the fine had been levied due to CNBC-E “making fun of God, encouraging the young people to exercise violence by showing the murders as God’s orders and encouraging them to start drinking alcohol on New Year’s Eve night.”

“One of the characters is abusing another one’s religious belief to make him commit murders. The bible is publicly burned in one scene and God and the Devil are shown in human bodies,” the RTÜK report said.

In another scene, God serves coffee to the Devil, which can be considered an insult to religious beliefs, according to the report, which explained the motive behind the fine.

“The Simpsons” is the longest-running U.S. sitcom and longest-running U.S. animated program.”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“TV serials bad for your kids” – Hürriyet Daily News

Source: Hürriyet Daily News

Article by Belgin Akaltan

“Children seem to believe whatever they see on TV. Children under the age of 8 are often especially unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. They think they are watching Sultan Süleyman when they watch the soap opera “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (The Magnificent Century).

They imagine whatever is put on TV is real. This inability to distinguish between fact and fiction seems to be a widespread problem in today’s Turkey. There are also some adults who refuse to grow up.

Some of these grownups have successful political careers. Their percentage is very low, but they have been recorded to gain as much as more than 40 percent of the vote. Political scientists are still working on this phenomenon.

There is also an additional peculiarity with the Turkish society. Old time Turkish films were made with such an unusual level of unreality that several idiosyncrasies in the Turkish society today are associated with having been exposed to too many of them.

In a popular Turkish film of the 1970s and 80s, the heroin may be raped but does not lose her virginity, forced to marry the villain but stays a “good girl” for decades, then goes blind, never ages except for a few white powder shades on her hair, then meets the love of her life, her eyes start to see again, the villain dies, she marries her love and becomes a famous singer and also rich at the end. I’m not kidding. Crowds believed in such far-fetched plots. Naturally, the same crowds were able to believe in anything else later on in real life and children raised by these parents live in a delusional world (said Belgin, the philosopher).

In an article for Hürriyet published on Tuesday Yılmaz Özdil cited examples that illustrate just how far Turkish society can get carried away when watching soap operas: “The drug-dealer in the TV series ‘Beyaz Gelincik’ was beaten by a group in a dark alley. The mother in the soap opera ‘Çocuklar Duymasın’ was elected mother of the year at a time when she had no children. The surgeon named Kutsi in the ‘Doktorlar” series was approached by more than 20 citizens who brought their fathers with Alzheimer’s or even sick babies to the film set. The jewelry robbery In ‘Akasya Durağı’ actually triggered a call to 155 and anti-terror teams were dispatched, almost shooting the masked actors.”

“An anti-American demonstration was being filmed in front of a mosque for a TV series. Congregation coming out of Friday prayers joined, chanting ‘Allah is great.’ There was a scuffle, a plain clothes policeman passing by interfered and tried to arrest an actor burning an American flag.”

So, if you have a child over the age of 8 and if he still persists there is little difference between fact and fiction, don’t worry if you live in Turkey. He might have a bright political future. I have avoided the word “she” intentionally. Somehow girls have a better cognition of fact and fiction starting from an earlier age in Turkey. No scientific research has been conducted on this; the researchers are too busy studying the guys.

If you ask me, (even if you don’t ask me you are bound to read my opinion now), a good solution would be to assign “mummies” for every child. For those grownups without mummies around to help them, maybe wives can act as moms and guide them in separating fact from fiction.

Wait; is that not a tried option in Turkey? It surely is! What else can be done?

Teach the opposition to base their strategies on things good enough for 8 year olds? Ban TV all together except for TRT? Form a sub-committee for Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) with a name such as, “Sultan Süleyman Fact Finding Committee?” Shoot a documentary about Sultan Süleyman’s life, where he spends 30 years on horseback? Wait that was also suggested, right?

Am I Turkish or what?”

Source : Hürriyet Daily News

“Controversial Turkish soap opera faces criminal complaint” – Today’s Zaman

“A businessman in the tourism industry has filed a criminal complaint against a controversial historical soap opera aired on a Turkish network, accusing it of undermining people’s understanding of Turkish history.

Ömer Faruk Bildirici, who lives in the central province of Konya, filed the complaint on Friday in a Konya court against “Muhteşem Yüzyıl” (Magnificent Century), a soap opera centered on the intrigues of the Ottoman Palace that airs on Star TV.

Bildirici accused the TV show of distorting society’s perceptions of certain historical incidents and figures and demanded a ban on the TV show in a petition which will be forwarded to the İstanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office.

“Muhteşem Yüzyıl” has become a top issue of debate in the country after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan severely criticized the show, saying it undermines the golden age of Turkish history, as it portrays Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, known as Kanuni in Turkish, who reigned from his coronation in 1520 to his death in 1566, in a way conservatives in Turkey say is skewed.

Erdoğan not only lashed out at the show but also at its producers, as well as the owner of the network that runs it. “We know no such Kanuni. He spent 30 years of his life on horseback [as opposed to the life of indulgence portrayed in the series]. I publicly condemn the directors of that show and the owners of the television station. We have warned the authorities about this. I expect the judiciary to make the right decision.”

The series has been on the air for two years. Erdoğan and other government representatives have occasionally expressed their annoyance with it, but this was the first time Erdoğan called on the judiciary to act against the show, sparking a major controversy about free speech in Turkey.”

Source : Today’s Zaman

“Turkey ranks 20th in Monocle’s Soft Power Survey ” – Today’s Zaman

“Continuing its steady rise, Turkey for the first time has broken into the top 20 of Monocle magazine’s annual Soft Power Survey rankings.

According to Monocle, Turkey made the top 20 thanks to the popularity of its soap operas across Europe and the Middle East and the bold new routes added by Turkish Airlines.

Coined by a Harvard academic in 1990, the term “soft power” describes how states use attraction and persuasion, rather than coercion or payment, to change behavior.

Monocle magazine’s annual “Global Soft Power” survey ranks nations according to their politics, diplomatic infrastructure, cultural output, capacity for education and appeal to business rather than their financial and military power.” […]

Source : Today’s Zaman